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Hi a doubt has been around my head since i purchased this game i play in real time mode tried the turn based sometimes but i dont see what advantages (if any) does it have over the Real time mode i mean in the rts i just pause the game and give commands etc same as when a turn ends... i also noticed that many people who make the guides on this forum use the turn based system so thats why i was wondering if its better or it is just for nostalgy from past CM games:confused:

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It plays out more like a board game. It encourages you to stop and plan every 60 seconds and makes it easier to control large forces, but hard to manage individual units (only can giver orders every 60 seconds, a long time). Real time with pausing is probably the best compromise if you pause regularly.

I think most people are used to the turn based mode and I'd hazard a guess that many are more traditional "wargamers".

It's really down to personal preference. I tend to play games where I'm commanding in real time at ground level, so I tend to play in real time and down in the action.

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For me if the battle is very large I find it much easier keeping track of what is going on with my units using WeGo. For samller battles I usually play real time.

The other big advantage of WeGo is the ability to watch a replay. Sometimes do see what happened and other times just because something looked cool.

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Now realtime with limited replay would be heaven.

I'd have to agree with you there.

I personally enjoy the limited ability to correct my actions during a replay phase. Battlefield commanders usually don't breathe down their subordinates necks in a combat zone (at least the good ones). WeGo rewards careful planning as opposed to instant feedback. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy realtime, but only at the platoon level or below.

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I personally enjoy the limited ability to correct my actions during a replay phase. Battlefield commanders usually don't breathe down their subordinates necks in a combat zone (at least the good ones). WeGo rewards careful planning as opposed to instant feedback. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy realtime, but only at the platoon level or below.

While true, in CMSF you have to play as everyone down to the fireteam leaders. The AI just has to be micromanaged, there are no "subordinates" to delegate to.

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WEGo is THE way to play the game if you want to play missions where you control 2 or more Companies. In fact, you can play WEGo with Battalion sized forces if that is your thing. It also offers you the pleasure of watching replays of the turn's action to your heart's content so that you miss nothing. I'd liken it to a board wargame where you get to watch a movie of the turn as it plays out. It's very addictive and seems to be the only way some will play it. And more power to them.

BIG DOWNSIDE to WEGo is that you are handing control of your forces over to the TacAI for one minute. Once you press START, you have no control whatsover over what happens in the game until that turn ends.

REAL TIME doesn't allow you to co-ordinate large forces though. Let's be honest, it works best when you're managing single company sized forces or smaller but is a nightmare when playing with 2+ companies. RT allows you to manage your troops without handing the responsibility to the TacAI. That, for me, is the most important reason why I don't play WEGo anymore.. I enjoy managing small unit actions without pausing the game.

I try to avoid the trap of pausing the game while playing RT. I only pause when:

a) I am plotting artilery or air strikes. Or,

B) I have completed my immediate objectives and am considering step B or C. Or,

c) suddenly everything goes pear shaped...

Pausing more frequently interrupts the game's flow far too much for my taste. I prefer to play the game out like a live action game.

BIG DOWNSIDES to RT is that:


) there is no replay option but I suspect that it WILL come one day because Steve wants to have this too. Not for CMSF though.

B) anything more than a company becomes a nightmare to manage.

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I most often play WEGO for a couple of reasons, firstly, playing RT you are kind of forced to zoom out and watch for spotting icons to appear so you have some idea of what the hell is going on. This makes it a rather boring icon based game.

WEGO allows you to watch the battle from any angle- down in the dirt or hovering closely- and not miss anything. Of course that brings up the other advantage of RT, the real-world time spent playing is much less, and a quick game is a fun game.

Secondly I love replaying that sweet missile flight or spotting cool moments like a sniper making a nice headshot.

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Real-time allows for perfect (even better) control than WEGO (aside from the lack of replays), but only in singleplayer or very limited size multiplayer, since one can pause at one's own leasure to get updated or assign orders.

If you intend to play multiplayer however I strictly suggest WEGO to really learn the tricks of how to get that to work smoothly, especially the timing needed for fire and maneuver, exactly how long time certain kinds of movements takes and so on, so that move, pause and fire orders can be assigned with as good syncronization as possible.

Personally I prefer to play it real-time, but I exclusively play it in singleplayer.

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Ideally, I would love an option to toggle the duration of the WEGO turns to 30 seconds instead of a minute. This wouldn't suit PBEM, but would help in 1 player mode, especially with infantry who tend to go badly astray when unsupervised in complex terrain.... A squad can be gone in 60 seconds.

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Good point. Unlike CM1 where one minute seems about right, the smaller scale of CM2 means that your guys can get in a whole lot more trouble and be massacred in one minute's bad orders. It makes CM2 much more "sensitive" and less forgiving of errors. Ironically, I find that CM2 is good training for, and improved my CM1 play!

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