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New file at the Repository: (SC2G) Brute Force 1939-1945 v1.0 (2010-03-14)

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There should be 8.

I dont remember if I made this clear or not. There is a Burma Road in the game. The USA has options to give units at an increased cost to China. If the Japs hold the road the USA does not get this decision event for that year.

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Hi Al, really like the scale of your mod, playing the Allies on intermediate and Axis bonus +1.

Mm, it's a bit weird, the Germans look scared or something, or they take all the wrong decissions, or both... They took till November to clear in Poland and while doing that attacked Denmark and kept sending tanks back and forth. Finally in a clear weather run they took Warsaw and because I had not build up enough or by some way all my French units were really undersupplied (I did build de Gaulle up to 10), one tank attack smack into the Maginot destroyed my unit there, but, again, no advantage taken by the germans, if only they had used their 3 tanks and paras, but they took Sedan and that was it. In Feb 1940 in the middle of the worst weather, they attacked the west, now, in June 1940, all cities are still in Allied hands, they dropped paras behind the line which had 0 supply and were dead after 3 turns. I even managed to kill a korps. They seem overwhelmed and maybe have too few units? But if I see the USSR, they have a hell of a lot to build up and nothing in queue.

A few real errors (I think); the arrows giving access to other parts of the map don't work well, the Far East USSR ones i.e. do NOT move units on them to Siberia. The top one of 3 to Europe from east of Canada doesn't work either.

Subs are almost impossible to kill, they keep diving, but UK doesn't have ASW yet, so this might be balanced. Japan is doing absolutely stupid attacks, wearing itself down, China took Nanking, Japan destroyed the China army as I was out of supply and it was only a try out, but, NEVER took the city, 2-3 turns further now and they just don't seem interested...

Anyway, I think it's a great mod, would love to try the Axis, but read you didn't finish that AI yet?

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Odd bug. A Chinese unit snuck across a river and behind Japanese lines (late '39). After training my units on his carcass for a few turns, I finally killed him. The space he occupied (80,83) remained Chinese, and I can't move diddly into it, despite clear weather, no adjacent enemy units, no river lines being crossed by the relevant units. Even more oddly one of my units can leapfrog the space into one on the other side, but cannot enter the space itself. When I hover the mouse pointer over it, in the upper left corner it says "Japan: Occupied->USA." The other hexes in China which are Chinese controlled all say "China: Allied 100%."

In addition, I got the free Dutch SS unit after I took Brussels-only to see it blasted out of existence by the Allies because it popped up on the front lines with only 3 strength points. It's okay since the motorized upgrade was 1/2 price because of the buyback discount.

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Ill redo the SS recruits for when all of Benelux is conquered. As for the city thing I will check who owns them, weird.

Originally when I made the game due to the low German production they simply didnt have enough units for Barbarossa. So I added the depleted units and SS units recruits. It was hard to balance low German production with an increase in the army by mobiilization, same with UK. So I developed the depleted unit system to simulate this.

Thanks for all the feedback from all of you. I am striving to make this the best possible AI game out there within the limits of what the AI can do.

I was thinking of releasing a Human vs Human version? The difference is some of the units. I have scripted in the game Garrison units 0/1 at/df but the AI doesnt use them well. They are great for Human vs Human game.

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Los Angeles is the oil/scrap iron sent to Japan. Thats why you see it as Axis 22%. Once the oil embargo goes into effect they become 100% USA. I actually have to change that because the USA stopped shipping scrap metal before the oil embargo.

Weird I have scripts for the Japanese to hold the chinese cities. I might have an offensive at steal=3 (steal defensive) so I will have to look. Yea probably popping up garrisons for them to protect cities will help. I will do that.

As for Pacific # of units. Heres the strange thing. If I remember only at most 13 divisions fought holding the pacific islands. Only very late in the war did I think it hit 20 for the Japanese. 13 divs = ~3-4 corp which is not good. But if you look at the OOB for Japan they had over 200 divisions. I believe most were home garrison divisions and untrained men. So in this case I have to create a balance for the AI so they can have enough offensive and garrison units.

Please let me know if the ratio of corp to army is working out fine. The basic Idea is this..... and we will use the Russian Campaign as an example.

Corps are meant for minor offensives and garrisons, armies are meant for serious offenses. The ratio of corp/army is 2:1 so the idea is, for example, that is Germany is in Russia and they are deciding where they want to go in 1942 they have to allocate their stronger units there. So lets follow history and the German player want to take Baku. Well then he focuses MOST of his armies down south and uses corps to garrison up north with perhaps 1 army or tank as backup just in case. In war you cant do everything everywhere all at once. In WW2 it simply was not the case.

But I do want to be sure the ratio and # of units is sufficient for the game. So keep an eye out for this. I think it is from my play testing. There is a difference between realistic, ideal, historical, and game playability. I want this game to be fun 1st historical accuracy 2nd. I started with historical accuracy and will adjust from there.

I am keeping a document of all your feedback so I can adjust the game when I get back quickly and upload a new version. Once we iron out the kinks of basic strategy starts the fun of multiple strategy scripting :)

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Los Angeles is the oil/scrap iron sent to Japan. Thats why you see it as Axis 22%. Once the oil embargo goes into effect they become 100% USA. I actually have to change that because the USA stopped shipping scrap metal before the oil embargo.

Weird I have scripts for the Japanese to hold the chinese cities. I might have an offensive at steal=3 (steal defensive) so I will have to look. Yea probably popping up garrisons for them to protect cities will help. I will do that.

As for Pacific # of units. Heres the strange thing. If I remember only at most 13 divisions fought holding the pacific islands. Only very late in the war did I think it hit 20 for the Japanese. 13 divs = ~3-4 corp which is not good. But if you look at the OOB for Japan they had over 200 divisions. I believe most were home garrison divisions and untrained men. So in this case I have to create a balance for the AI so they can have enough offensive and garrison units.

Please let me know if the ratio of corp to army is working out fine. The basic Idea is this..... and we will use the Russian Campaign as an example.

Corps are meant for minor offensives and garrisons, armies are meant for serious offenses. The ratio of corp/army is 2:1 so the idea is, for example, that is Germany is in Russia and they are deciding where they want to go in 1942 they have to allocate their stronger units there. So lets follow history and the German player want to take Baku. Well then he focuses MOST of his armies down south and uses corps to garrison up north with perhaps 1 army or tank as backup just in case. In war you cant do everything everywhere all at once. In WW2 it simply was not the case.

But I do want to be sure the ratio and # of units is sufficient for the game. So keep an eye out for this. I think it is from my play testing. There is a difference between realistic, ideal, historical, and game playability. I want this game to be fun 1st historical accuracy 2nd. I started with historical accuracy and will adjust from there.

I am keeping a document of all your feedback so I can adjust the game when I get back quickly and upload a new version. Once we iron out the kinks of basic strategy starts the fun of multiple strategy scripting :)

Hi Al, any ground taken by the Chineese in China from Japan turns American, and since Japan - USA are that time not at war, it can't be taken back. If I hover over the Chineese gains I made against Japan, they say USA.

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Hi Al, any ground taken by the Chineese in China from Japan turns American, and since Japan - USA are that time not at war, it can't be taken back. If I hover over the Chineese gains I made against Japan, they say USA.

Oooo thats a problem then. Hmmmm. Perhaps I will make it british instead.

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Oooo thats a problem then. Hmmmm. Perhaps I will make it british instead.

Hey Big Al what are you working on now and when can we expect some advancements you are doing for your mod and what do you have in mind for the future in this mod, also did you see the comment by Hubert about the length of your naval moves with the AI? It seems to me it really slows the AI time down quite a bit.


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I am back from Arizona and I am still on jet lag. I am falling asleep at my PC almost. But I already started fixing things. Somehow all of occupied China was Japan owned & controlled instead of China owned and Japan controlled. So thats fixed. Im working on reducing the loops since Hubert told me the shortcut which also fixed the USA AI.

The movement rates of ships Im not sure what to do about. It took 2 weeks for the Pearl harbor strike fleet to hit the ships and come back. if I reduce the movenent it will take months. Silly. I thouht 20 was a good compismise.

My plan is get the basic strategy for the Axis and Allies in place. Work out the bugs, AI exploitation, and kinks of the mod. Then work on alternative strategies. I will also release a Human vs Human version with the extra units and the better ship speeds. In this list of things I will also add better documentation and take suggestions for events. I have very few decisions in there. Most of my engine is based on positioning not decision events.

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