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Bug list?

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Can we produce some sort of list with 'potential' bugs, and perhaps keep it updated for Sneaksie.

# SPA firing at air targets

# infantry in trenches in continuous fighting loop (hand to hand)

# CTDs in campaign missions

# German light-wheeled vehicles bogging too easily in fields

# Infantry not facing the desired direction even when forced

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my mortar vehicle dont stop fireing!

it is placed behind a hill. on the other side is the enemy and my scout team. suddenly the mortar-vehicle start fireing on the enemy. i pressed several times the stopp button but it starts again and again...

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my mortar vehicle dont stop fireing!

it is placed behind a hill. on the other side is the enemy and my scout team. suddenly the mortar-vehicle start fireing on the enemy. i pressed several times the stopp button but it starts again and again...

haha.. That's quite funny :)

You need to do more than press stop - you need to click the icon with the target, so that it stops targetting.

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Mortars will keep firing at units they can't see as long as someone as line of sight on a suitable target. To avoid wasting ammo, simple put the mortar in "don't fire mode" this way, he won't fire unless you tell him so). Have him "attack ground" whenever you want him to shoot, and he will keep firing until you give him the order to stop. It's much better this way, as you can order him a fire mission of let's say 10 shots, then observe the results, and eventually resume firing some more.

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As for the bug list:

#I've believe I've seen a command panzer III firing at Sturmoviks with it main gun too (although it will need to be verified, as I had a Wespe in my battlegroup at that time, and it might have been him firing).

#Infantry not looking in the direction prescribed with the "defend" button: I believe it might be caused by the soldiers keeping an eye on unmanned ennemy tanks, vehicles or HMG, as if they might still be a threat)

#Infantry has a lot of problems spotting anything when positionned in trenches; they have difficulty spotting something outside of the trenches, but also inside the trenches or gun pits - including an ennemy they're in hand combat with, and very often can't even see a mortar, HMG or gun right in front of them without any visual obstruction.

#Infantry hand-to-hand fighting loop (I can't remember having seen that in the demo, so it must be related to the latest patch)

#crew will abandon a damaged vehicle when it as very few ammo left, even if there is no immediate threat (I had a Pz-IIIJ with only one AT shell, no MG ammo left and only a damaged track) Very annoying because it means the vehicle can't be reused later in the campaign if it is not crewed when the game ends. It would be logical that the crew "abandon ship" if an ennemy tank is in the vicinity, but at least they should crew their vehicle again when there is no threat.

#Bug ? with the framerate going slower and slower as the game progress untill it becomes impossible to play.

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When I click on the game icon the updater starts, then I click "Play" and the updater is closed then re-opened.

I have to click again on "Play" for the game itself to start.

When infantry is ordered to move to a spot, it reaches its destination, then turns backwards and moves back for a short distance.

This resulting in infantry looking in the oposite direction I want them to.

I also had a freeze after a few minutes on the tutorial mission, this happened just after I ordered the tank crew to man the empty tank.

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I can't edit my original post which is somewhat annoying. Knokke, I think I pulled some of your complaints originally and put them in the list - I haven't run into the crew abandoning their vehicles yet but that doesn't sound too good. I've definitely seen PzIII and PzIV firing the main gun at aircraft which is really funny. In fact, my PzIII shot down a IL2 which was awesome :D

I've also experienced the go-slow bug which is really annoying. I think that could be a memory leak - I've seen the same thing in Empire Total War.

# Artillery support mission re-planning needs some work.

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Not a bug, but a suggestion (sorry for the disgression, but I don't know where to put that):

For now, the feedback messages given by the soldiers voices is better than I first thought (nice touch, the Lale Andersen "Lilli Marleen" song :) ), but there is several things that defeats the purpose of having the soldiers giving feedback:

-They speak in their native language. Good for realism, but useless untill you speak the language. Not everyone is able to understand german or russian. I'm lucky as I can speak both english and german (so that was perfect for ToW2 africa), but unless I start learning some basis in russian, the feedback of the russian soldiers will be useless to me. I believe that the soldiers speaking in their native tongue should be an option, as it was in Close Combat - sorry to mention this game again, but it still has to be surpassed in many respects.

-The feedback messages can be heard only if the camera is located close to the soldiers - hence the impression that we lack feedback of what is happening. Very good for realism too, and I really like that - except that most of the time we have no feedback.

What about trying to better simulate radio-communications to reduce this lack of feedback, and at the same time enhancing realism? The radio truck had no use before except a cosmetic one. What about allowing the player to have more feedback from its units if he has a radio equiped unit? individual soldiers have no portable radio set, so that's normal that we can't hear their comments unless the camera is close to them. But some units (platoon commander, company commander, scouts) should have a radio-operator with them that would be able to transmit some mesure of feedbackabout him or units close to him to the commander (that is the player) without the camera been close to them: discovery of new threat not previously reported (for example, an ambushed gun not previously spotted would trigger a message "ennemy artillery spotted" and it's icon will stay visible on the map, although greyed out, even when no longer in line of sight, because the radioman would have reported it's position with precises coordinates). Tanks and vehicles with radio communication devices should be able to do the same thing (adding a new interest to light recon vehicles)

It means we could have artillery spotters (targets can be acquired more precisely with indirect fire weapons or can't be targeted at all unless they've been spotted and reported through radio communication. Right now, a mortar will target anything on the map that is seen by at least one soldier, even if this soldier is one kilometer away and has no means of communication.

An unit with a radio operator should be able to transmit basic feedback about himself and the units surrounding him (let's say, units in visual contact, or in hearing range). Feedback to attract player attention would be limited to things like: "we're running low on ammo", "new threat spotted", "morale is getting low", "unit X has reached intended position". No need to overdo it by having every soldier reporting every single new threat (a single message "ennemy infantry spotted" at first contact should be enough). Some units - tanks, SPG, snipers, whole squads if most of it's members have LOS but not LOF - should be able to report if target is in range, or can be fired at from the current position (if ordered to hold position)

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As for the bug list:

#Infantry hand-to-hand fighting loop (I can't remember having seen that in the demo, so it must be related to the latest patch)

This is definitely present in the demo; I experienced it multiple times in the German scenario, to the point that I stopped sending infantry into trenches until all the Soviets were cleared out by armor. Anywhere between one and six German soldiers would be engaged with one Soviet, swinging guns in the air, and fifteen minutes later either they would still be at it, or all the Germans were dead.

Trying to get infantry to fight effectively in the trenches is a most frustrating task, in the demo anyway. They only want to use their weapons if set to free-fire mode (sometimes), even if you manage to get some separation between them and their target. I've seen that at least the self-grenade problem has been addressed in the patch. :D

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The game usually runs well for me (frame rate etc), but can occasionally crash randomly during a mission (which can suck if I haven't saved it recently). It appears to crash after I've click or pressed a button (ie moving the map and trying to rotate map and select a unit) at the same time. Not a complaint as such, more of a heads up. (I am running tow2 in XP on a macbook pro under bootcamp)

p.s It would be great if the game autosaved after a mission objective had been cleared.

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German campaign mission 2. Repeated behaviour with different Orders of Battle

# units sent toward the left flank of town will turn and face rearwards after completing a move forward command. (As per Stimo's post - including double start.)

# Tanks will attack close infantry in a trench while under fire from distant AT fire. (Two tigers and a charging panther after one solitary soldier in the very first trench in town, while under attack from the AT guns. Three main battle tanks grinding over a single soldier, all the while under AT fire and getting taken out.)

Saved games have been deleted and the mission started again. I think the sliding Tiger tank was just an anomaly. (Caught on fraps though!)

Infantry fighting bug seen as well.

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# units sent toward the left flank of town will turn and face rearwards after completing a move forward command. (As per Stimo's post - including double start.)

Seen in german mission one also. I was attributing this behavior to soldiers being still considering empty ennemy units located in their rear as a threat, but this is not the case, as they also do that when nothing threatening is there.

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#Infantry hand-to-hand fighting loop (I can't remember having seen that in the demo, so it must be related to the latest patch)

hilarious bug - icing on the cake when I have 4 or 5 of my troops wrestling in a trench, and a friendly wespe spots the single enemy trooper. 10.5cm shot ends it all in a bang.

so add a bug to the list - friendly HE tossers disregarding friendly fire.

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hilarious bug - icing on the cake when I have 4 or 5 of my troops wrestling in a trench, and a friendly wespe spots the single enemy trooper. 10.5cm shot ends it all in a bang.

so add a bug to the list - friendly HE tossers disregarding friendly fire.

did some more tests with these, seems like it's a universal bug. all friendly troops happily shoot through their friends to get to the enemy infantry.

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The game has been locking up sometimes when I load a saved game. The usual error is "Out of Memory" but I have been also getting a system error. It nerer happens when I first get into the game a do a "Load". It happens when I am playing a mission and I decide to go back to an earlier saved point. From the mission I am playing I go to the mission menu and select "Load" and the saved file I want. The saved file starts loading then stops about 1/4 of the way through. This happens about 80% of the time.

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Most of the bugs above relate to the latest patch. The patched fixed alot of things with the inf. AI and these are a few left or recently discovered. The developers seem to be on the case regarding bugs that this forum find.

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