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I am new to the game and I've got a few questions. I am sorry if these have been asked before.

1. In Quick Battles there is never an enemy force to battle against and at times there is no friendly force to control either. Does the patch fix this issue?

2. When targeting the enemy, how do I get them to shoot exactly where I want them to shoot. For example, when I give the order to fire at a spotted enemy unit thats on a rooftop, they seem to just shoot at the building rather than the target. Is this a common thing or what?

3. What patches and mods should I download and in what order should I download them?

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First off, welcome :)

Others will be here to answer in more detail, but the VERY first thing you should do is download the latest patch(es). Depending on what version of the game you got, you may have to first upgrade to 1.10 (and if you have QB problems, then it seems like you'll have to) and then to 1.21.


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Before you do anything, you should definitely patch up. BIG difference!

As for your second issue: If they are firing on a spotted enemy then I know of no reason why they'd be targeting the building. They probably aren't.But keep in mind, these aren't Rambo types. Especially troops with lower skill levels are going to seem like they are spraying that building with gunfire. This might be what you are seeing. They are gunning for the right guy, they just suck at it. :)

Searching onthe forum for "must have mods" should probably get you the results you need. But best thing is to browse the two foremost mod sites and pick what you like yourself.



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First off, welcome :)

Others will be here to answer in more detail, but the VERY first thing you should do is download the latest patch(es). Depending on what version of the game you got, you may have to first upgrade to 1.10 (and if you have QB problems, then it seems like you'll have to) and then to 1.21.


Thanks for the welcome.

I have the boxed retail version of the game. Well, if thats what you call it? I bought the game off Amazon and I suppose thats the retail version of the game.


I understand they won't always hit their target but it just seems like I can't get them to fire directly at an enemy unit. If I actually click on the enemy icon it seems like they would fire at that enemy but instead they just target the building. I guess I need to experiment with it and see what works?

But I am familiar with games like this, I used to play Close Combat a lot and they would fire exactly where you tell them to fire in that game. Of course they didn't always hit their target but it seemed to work a little better than what they do in Shock Force.

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First of all, welcome! :)

Second of all, DEFINITELY patch the game to 1.21. It is a whole different experience.

Now, about your specific issue: Firstly, patching the game makes a vastly better experience with small arms fire. There was a MAJOR fix in patch 1.06 and it's only gotten better since then. Secondly, make sure that when you pick your target, it says "Enemy Target" rather than "Area Target" next to the cursor. Sometimes it can change very rapidly, and you might not notice it.

Have fun! :)

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First of all, welcome! :)

Second of all, DEFINITELY patch the game to 1.21. It is a whole different experience.

Now, about your specific issue: Firstly, patching the game makes a vastly better experience with small arms fire. There was a MAJOR fix in patch 1.06 and it's only gotten better since then. Secondly, make sure that when you pick your target, it says "Enemy Target" rather than "Area Target" next to the cursor. Sometimes it can change very rapidly, and you might not notice it.

Have fun! :)

i'm having an issue with dead/live enemies popping in/out (disappearing/appearing)!! i have the latest patch 1.21a

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ok, i will record a movie with xfire. It's probably due to view distance and LOD.

Enemies disappear/reappear all the time as they are only shown on the map if your men can see them. So if they are firing, you can see them. If they then take cover they will disappear. If your men take cover they will also disappear because there’s no-one to see them.

Is that what you mean?

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All enemy units, including dead units, are subject to "fog of war". They are only visible to you when your soldiers can see them. It does not matter where you camera is positioned. The fact that they pop in and out has nothing to do with the rotation of your camera most likely, but with the movement of your soldiers.

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The game is heavily dependent on line-of-sight. Depending on what experience level you're playing at, you could be seeing much more of the battlefield than the individual soldiers on the ground can.

You click on your unit, hit the Target menu button and snap a line between your unit and the target. You should have a light blue line stretching to the enemy and either get "Target enemy" or "Area Target" text. You could also get a grey line meaning only some of your weapons have line of fire and a "reverse slope" text, or you could get a dark blue line meaning your "no lone of sight". Half the fun is geting your men into a good position to fire on the enemy without dying in the process! :D

Oh oh! something else I thought of. You need to 'deploy' heavy infantry weapons before they fire. Get them on their tripods. And some missiles take a bit of time to deploy so you've got to wait-out the setup process.

The learning curve is not very steep but there is a learning curve.

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This is really wierd, but I just can't get them to fire where I want them to. I will DL the patch tomorrow and see if this will change the problem but if I tell them to fire into a certain window all they do is fire at the center of the building.

Downloading the patch wil not help you with this. The game is functioning as designed. It is annoying but there you are.

You may know the enemy are at one of the building, but unless your peixeltruppen can actually see them your area fire will be aimed at the centre of the visible portion. In the abscence of HE weapons the chances are that your area fire will have very limited affect, especially against small teams.

In an earlier thread on this issue Steve did say he hoped that they might be able to sort this out at some stage in the future. Don't hold your breath.

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As far as targeting goes, sometimes I find it easier to just target the floating icon above the enemy troops / unit rather than attempt to target the individual soldiers that you see. You aren't targeting individual soldiers with your troops but rather entire squads, sections, tanks, etc, so by drawing your target line to an individual soldier behind a window you are probably just area targeting on the building rather than firing at the enemy squad.

Also, if your troops have spotted an enemy unit they are pretty good with firing on the enemy unit by themselves. I seldom find it necessary to use the target command. You will know if your troops can target an enemy unit if the target line between your squad and the enemy squad / icon is light blue. If the line is light grey or something like that then I think you can see them but your fire won't be very effective. If the target line is red then you don't have a line of sight. The target line will also change color at the point where your line of sight is blocked so if you are firing through woods or over a hill or something then you can figure out exactly where your LOS is being blocked by looking at where your target line changes color.

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For spotting, depending upon your difficulty level, what you can see is dependent upon what unit you have selected. It can be a bit confusing at first. You can see the sum total of what all your troops can see when you don't have any of your troops selected, but if you have one of your troops selected you will only see what that particular unit can see. So if you can see infantry on a rooftop when you don't have any unit selected, but then you select a particular unit and the enemy on the rooftop disappears then that just means that the unit you have selected can't see those guys on the rooftop and that enemy unit was spotted by someone else. If you want to know who has spotted a particular enemy unit and you aren't sure who sees them, then you can select the enemy unit by clicking on it's icon and all the friendly units who can see that enemy unit will either blink or be a lighter color than your other troops (I can't remember which). This doesn't work with question mark enemy troops, but only with fully spotted enemy troops.

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