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Beta testing 1.2? Please make sure these 1.11 issues are fixed!

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1 - Not saying that it's unimportant, but not something I've noticed - maybe some of the other guys have

2 - This is an Iron thing? Again some of the other testers have seen this*

3 - Like I say, As I Understand It. I'm not mad keen on it myself but I don't write the code or even understand exactly how it works. I always thought that the levels on ID and mis-identification made CMX1 really good and somehow the two are linked. Unless Charles comments or Steve asks Charles we can't really know for sure.

* look at me being all sneaky trying to keep this thread at the top of the page and add to the discussion so that someone who has looked at it will come in and join the debate.

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Damn Adam, you're talking as if you are the sole recipient and benefactor of all this hard work. Dude, you need to just get over it, accept things for what they are sometimes :)

No offence meant of course, but the way you go about airing your dissatisfaction forces me to come out of lurker mode to ask you to show some respect here :)

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Well... your personal peeve list wasn't our top priority. Take a number and wait in line :D I have said a bazillion times before... if we had to put in every single tweak, suggestion, wish item, "bug fix", etc. that people asked for it would take 10 years to put all that stuff in. And that's if we stop taking new requests at some point :D

Look at the release notes. Notice that there are plenty of things that are in the game now that weren't. Notice quite a few of them are extremely important.

I don't know why you insist on always seeing the glass half full. I also don't see why we should put your personal requests ahead of everybody else's. It's an unreasonable expectation and you'll keep being "let down" if you keep such a limited perspective.


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Adam, you say you want to be banned... you're just about there. Your response was 100% unwarranted. Your posts in this thread do, absolutely, state that you feel the world should revolve around your own pet peeves and observations and that nothing else has value. That was pointed out very politely and you responded aggressively and quite immaturely.

I don't know what your perpetual problem is with being constructive and not flying off the handle, but my God man... how many times do we have to go around on this non-merry-go-round?


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People respond to you based on how you present yourself. Your expectations are also, obviously never to be even remotely met. And this has been said the last dozen times we've been through this with you. You can go away from this thinking it's everybody else's fault, as you have each of the previous times. Maybe someday you will grow up. Maybe someday you will get professional help for what I can only imagine to be an anger management problem.

You are banned.


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For the record this is the first time I have banned Adam, though he has left this forum in a big huff several times before in much the same manner for much the same reason. He deserved banishment pretty much each time, but I still didn't flip the switch. His most recent return he actually stated he was "waiting to be banned", or some other such nonsense because of a different flare up that was also completely out of proportion to the situation. Clearly things have not improved.

Enough is enough. I banned Adam this time and I he will not be welcome back here since it is obvious that his behavior pattern is will not change.


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Oh, and to address the points raised even though the person raising them is gone:

1. Not a big priority to fix. The couple dozen things which are listed in the v1.20 ReadMe were, for one reason or another, higher priority.

2. Not aware of any problems, therefore a fix isn't really an option.

3. Might as well call the current QB system a "bug" and be disappointed it wasn't "fixed" ;) This is a huge request in terms of time and energy and it doesn't even address all of the things we ourselves want to see happen to FoW.

We never said any of these things would be addressed for v1.20, therefore there should be no disappointment.


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Which is why I've resisted banning Adam until now. I keep hoping that his attitude and online social skills could take a backseat to his obvious very good qualities, of which he has MANY. But in the end, a messenger who shouts and cusses out the people he's giving a message to, or even for, just isn't a good messenger. And it's a real pity. I mean that most sincerely.


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Not to be a smartass, but since I am, it usually comes out that way. Is it just me or does anybody else get great amusement reading/watching somebody blow up on a public forum and get banned? :D

Nah - more like a fight in a family. sad, not happy.

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Nah mate, Adam's been around for ever, previously as AdamL, and some of his posts on tactics, especially Sov tactics, in CMx1 were awesome (as were some on CMSF). It is a real shame, and somewhat of a loss to the forum. Don't know why his posting changed over those years, oh well...

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It's a pity as he's a pretty knowledgeable guy and he's been contributing a lot.

But as a fanatic he had some problems with perspective. Bugs were reported by him in a thourough fashion (good thing) but he could be kinda dickish about it and the most minor fault (and of late, perceived faults) were suddenly OMGWTFBBQ fundamental flaws. It was getting tiresome as he seemed to be getting worse.

If he'd just chilled out a little till Normandy came around he'd have been much better to get along with, I think.

Oh well. I guess these things happen.

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Didn't see that coming.

Might have been better for Adam to wait for the Eastern Front WW2 title.

Me neither. From what I have seen he has been running the game through its paces and even when his assumption that something was a bug was explained as not being a bug I was giving the guy props for having done the legwork.

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