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Holy %$@# Moments in CM:SF

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I played in CMSF at first time ever.

not remember the mission name. very simple - real time - I'm on american side.

very simple, very well))

I have enough mans and Strykers, I controlled whole city, almost all rooftops and crossroads, already having destroyed a lot of enemy technics and fighters.

before me there was only a mosque.

I already knew, that there remained pair of technics with SPG and some fanatics.

has thought - F15 will solve all quickly and simply (I played on american army side – they have such tradition)))

but, I will remind, I played first time ever - the F15 call - was emergency.

in result:

all losses in this mission - from friendly-!@#%ng-fire!! : the civilian house! - all infantry on rooftop and on a last floor!!!- and Stryker near that house!!! - became one huge fire.

traditions are firm even in game! all American losses from friendly fire.

you do not imagine all those !@@#$ words, which I have told about it!! !@@#$% air force!


and then there was an ambush in Al Fubar or How that the hole there was called??

With damaged Strykers, on narrow small dusty streets, near the mosque


it's possible very long - to tell about such !@_)) moments)

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I forgot another one I had recently.

Rahadnak Valley Search against my brother, I'd moved a rifle platoon, FO, anti-armor team, XO and snipers mounted in AAVs along the dried up creekbed and dismounted them en masse into some trenches. Not 15-30 seconds later, all hell broke lose as mortars began pounding the hell out of my AAVs, damaging two lightly. This was one of the most intense incidences of incoming I've had in-game.

Had that fire mission been a minute or thirty seconds sooner, he'd have taken out around seventy Marines in one go.

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Three fun moments while playing the first scenario of the Semper Fi Syria campaign this past weekend...

I was playing Scenario 1 and mistimed an assault during a WEGO turn. I thought my 155mm artillery barrage was almost finished when I ordered one squad to cross a street to be in position to rush whatever remained of the defenders.

A final 155mm round landed about 50-60m (?) away - not exactly sure on distance... but far enough that I thought the squad wouldn't be in danger (but certainly they would've been shaken up).

Nope... apparently a fragment took out of of my team. I replayed it a number of times and they were not under small arms fire and the casualty was taken at the same instant as the explosion.

Earlier in the same scenario, a single scout/sniper team was advancing on the north side of the map in "hunt" mode when they encountered a Syrian reserve squad and their HQ inside the lower storey of a building. I thought they were toast for sure. A flurry of hand grenades and small arms fire later, the entire enemy squad AND the HQ was taken out, and the scout/snipers hadn't taken a single casualty.

Perhaps foolishly, I hunted the team into the lower floor of the adjacent building through an adjoining door and they ran into a second reserve squad, which they also completely took out without a casualty. I noted that they were firing through the windows of one building into the next.

Shortly before the mistimed artillery incident which took out one of the team, one of my scout snipers teams hunting up to the second storey of a building caught two reserve squads huddled in a gaggle against the corner of a building immediately below the second storey window that the team was looking out of.

Both enemy squads were wiped out to a man within about 30 seconds. The marksman in the team was even using the M-40 to take out the enemy at what had to be less than 4m distance. I saw a couple of grenades lobbed, and I think I even heard the M203 go off.

Serious badasses, those scout/snipers.

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While playing "3:10 to Yuma", the men of the CCT were rendered WIA/KIA by an out-of-the-blue RPG round from the upper story of an adjacent building just before one of the on-station A-10s began its attack run. Several seconds later I heard the distinctive low roar of the A-10's cannon . . . and saw the flurry of 30mm shells strafe the Mk.19-armed Humvee I had covering the back of the police complex. :(

Serious badasses, those scout/snipers.

Yeah, those Scout Sniper teams are supposed to represent Navy SEALs -- they don't mess around.

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While playing "3:10 to Yuma", the men of the CCT were rendered WIA/KIA by an out-of-the-blue RPG round from the upper story of an adjacent building just before one of the on-station A-10s began its attack run. Several seconds later I heard the distinctive low roar of the A-10's cannon . . . and saw the flurry of 30mm shells strafe the Mk.19-armed Humvee I had covering the back of the police complex. :(

Yeah, those Scout Sniper teams are supposed to represent Navy SEALs -- they don't mess around.

Plus they've got NV equipment.

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Pretty much anytime an RPG is fired I start to get a sinking feeling in my gut....especially with AAVs!

Another moment, which this one was more of a "Holy %$@# did that just happen?" moment, my Marines are in position in a house as a squad of Syrians charges them. The two groups are very close and the one of the Syrian troops throws a grenade. Except just as he throws the grenade he is hit and the grenade goes flying off in a completely different direction than it should have! I was like Holy %$@#!!! that was the coolest thing ever!!!


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Well I usually have these moments when playing any scenario by &^%$ing Mikey "I put %^&%ing Rockets in every scenario to piss off and decimate only my troops in an ungodly manner" ^%$%ing D. One day I am going to live through one of these barrages and come stick one of these ^%$%ing rockets right up his pie hole so he will stop doing this to me. Thank god I was way better at this in the real world and that the bad guys didnt have this designer planning strikes.


I like Mikey, but that doesnt mean I dont want to insert rocket to said pie hole if he keeps doing this to me!

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I remember one of George's huge maps where you're supposed to fight your way through a screen of regular stuff and then put a JTAC up on a large hill. The JTAC in turn finds something like two companies of tanks coming towards your little recon force. Of course I didn't know that when my initial scout saw red diamonds everywhere, so I rushed the JTAC up there. I called in a bunch of AH-64s and IIRC a fixed wing or two. Watching from the vantage point of the JTAC as off in the distance things were strafed and went boom. The thing I remember most about that was the delayed, muffled sounds of the airstrikes coming up to me on the hill. That was amazing.

What wasn't so great was a portion of that enemy force made it around the hill and blasted a couple of my Strykers before I had a chance to move them. Good news was the crunchies were already out and had Javelins. I managed to get most of the stragglers before I had to stop the last incoming T-72 with AT-4s. Now that was a fight :D


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Playing Debouche to Disaster (I think) I was staging a heavily reinforced platoon of Marines in the wadi leading to town, letting them rest up for the next push, when two T-72 boldly charged towards my position.

One was taken out by an overwatch jav team while the other one charged blindly towards the apparent cover of the wadi, as soon as it crested the edge of said wadi it was met by a fusillade of AT4, LAW, 40mm and SMAW fire as the whole platoon, and supporting HQs, SMAW teams and scouts unleashed at almost at the same time!

Unfortunately the T72s momentum carried it down the side of the steep incline, picking up speed as my guys continued to put a stream of AT weaponry into the ERA tiles as the tank rolled over and thru the 3 squads, 40mm was still being pumped into the ERA as it stopped in the midst of my HQ and support elements, where it finally let off the mother of all secondary explosions...

Out of the 60+ men only ~15 made it thru the maelstrom. Needless to say my attack faltered after that..

Moral of the story dont bunch your teams up no matter how safe your position appears!

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The Scout/Sniper teams are supposed to be SEALS? I'm not sure that's correct...

You're right. They're listed as being from "1st Recon Plt, Co B, 2nd Recon Bn, BLT 2/6"

Pardon my mis-remembering -- my recollection of the USMC campaign's 1st scenario briefing was that the on-map scout units were SEALs. Perhaps the correction in the briefing from "SEALs" to "Scout Snipers from 1st Recon Plt, Co B, 2nd Recon Bn, BLT 2/6" was one of the changes to the campaign with v1.11(?)

I am almost completely ignorant on anything concerning Marines; but is a "Recon Battalion" synonymous with "Force Recon"? Or is it just a divisional-scout asset?

Reconnaissance Battalions provide division-level recon for the Ground Combat Element of a Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF). (A Marine Expeditionary Force, the largest type of MAGTF, comprises an entire Marine division along with a Marine Air Wing and a Marine Logistics Group.) Force Reconnaissance Companies provide deep recon for the Fleet Marine Force (FMF) and can be detached to and report to Marine division commanders, Command Elements of MAGTFs, etc.

As far as I can tell, at least some of the confusion regarding "Force Recon" might stem from Call of Duty 4, in which one of the two main playable characters is stated to be a soldier in "1st Force Recon". But the game makes the USMC player's unit look much more like a full-blown MEU, what with the phalanxes of Abrams and ever-swarming Whiskey Cobras, and the missions performed by the player are much more like what would be assigned to an MEU (SOC) rather than a Force Recon Company.

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Here is one of my Holy %$@# situation i had ingame.

It was the first time i played the campaign. I was in mission two, where i need to take the airfield in a short time limit, a hard job!

Everything worked very well, with less casualties. I cleared the main building and was ready to move ahead the next objective.

Orders were done. And i watched my troops by pushing forward.




"Holy %$@#!"

Bloody hell, i gettin` so hardly surprised, that my heart closely stopped to beat.

A few huuuge IED`s exploded near my ATGM-strikers.

Most of my important units were gone and i had to restart.

I was so much impressed by these big blasts, i made a short videoclip for Youtube.com:

First i wanted to make it funny, but by editing i thought it would come better by doing it seriously.


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Pardon my mis-remembering -- my recollection of the USMC campaign's 1st scenario briefing was that the on-map scout units were SEALs. Perhaps the correction in the briefing from "SEALs" to "Scout Snipers from 1st Recon Plt, Co B, 2nd Recon Bn, BLT 2/6" was one of the changes to the campaign with v1.11(?)

Reconnaissance Battalions provide division-level recon for the Ground Combat Element of a Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF). (A Marine Expeditionary Force, the largest type of MAGTF, comprises an entire Marine division along with a Marine Air Wing and a Marine Logistics Group.) Force Reconnaissance Companies provide deep recon for the Fleet Marine Force (FMF) and can be detached to and report to Marine division commanders, Command Elements of MAGTFs, etc.

As far as I can tell, at least some of the confusion regarding "Force Recon" might stem from Call of Duty 4, in which one of the two main playable characters is stated to be a soldier in "1st Force Recon". But the game makes the USMC player's unit look much more like a full-blown MEU, what with the phalanxes of Abrams and ever-swarming Whiskey Cobras, and the missions performed by the player are much more like what would be assigned to an MEU (SOC) rather than a Force Recon Company.

okay, that's what I figured they were. As I understand it, the Marines are trying to get rid of Force Recon and just use MARSOC with the idea that "Marines are Marines; it is the unit that gets the mission done." or something like that.

I wasn't confused by Call of Duty, I just have no idea what the Marines do besides irritate us Army guys.

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As far as I can tell, at least some of the confusion regarding "Force Recon" might stem from Call of Duty 4, in which one of the two main playable characters is stated to be a soldier in "1st Force Recon". But the game makes the USMC player's unit look much more like a full-blown MEU, what with the phalanxes of Abrams and ever-swarming Whiskey Cobras, and the missions performed by the player are much more like what would be assigned to an MEU (SOC) rather than a Force Recon Company.

AIUI, he is part of the Force Recon det assigned to the MEU(SOC).

Speaking of MEU's, I had a LAV-AT in the campaign, the mission where it's like a handful of AT assets versus the zerg rush of Syrian armor. That thing was bagging tanks like they were on sale. The holy ****! moment was realizing just how many tanks it had destroyed. It looked like a murder scene.

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