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Does this Peng Challenge Thread make me look fat?

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He's just another Aussie who was too dim to read the Rules and Challenge an Individual Poster to a Game.

Of course, Elvis was too dim to post any Rules, so here we are.

And, yet again, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread is proven right. And yet again again, Seanachai has upheld my long standing rule against modifying another's post.

Stuka's still an idiot, Elvis is still ... well, Elvis.

There are certain constants in this world after all.


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He's just another Aussie who was too dim to read the Rules and Challenge an Individual Poster to a Game.

Of course, Elvis was too dim to post any Rules, so here we are.

Righto Lars, I've had enough of this. This low-watt bulb challenges you to a contest of skills - name your theatre. The other prunes, confident of their laxative effect and barely coherent in their ramblings, can sit and mumble in their gruel, indulge in the witless shaping of words they call communication. They'll keep.

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Righto Lars, I've had enough of this. This low-watt bulb challenges you to a contest of skills - name your theatre. The other prunes, confident of their laxative effect and barely coherent in their ramblings, can sit and mumble in their gruel, indulge in the witless shaping of words they call communication. They'll keep.

Not only can't custard read the rules ... okay, granted they weren't posted but that's no excuse ... but he can't even keep up with what HAS been posted ... to wit that Lars has a computer that is pining for the fjords if you get my drift.


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Hear me say it. Stuka is an idiot.

There you have it, folks. In black and white...or beige and black. Or whatever.

I would never mock him, of course. On the other hand, I think someone told me he has a sister.

Are you sure he isn't the sister? I mean, consider his behavior. If you know what I mean (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).


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...Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread...

Isn't that some alien insectoid life form? A visitation from a black hole perhaps? Something resembling Shelob, for instance, only smaller. Much, much smaller. Something so superfluous, so laughably inconsequential, as to pass unnoticed in the busy intersections of life unless you happened to see it stuck in your tire treads like something unpleasant and smelly. Just asking...


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Not only can't custard read the rules ... okay, granted they weren't posted but that's no excuse ... but he can't even keep up with what HAS been posted ... to wit that Lars has a computer that is pining for the fjords if you get my drift.


pssst! Joe! Maybe that's why he challenged him. You know... Emrys-like tactics.

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Righto Lars, I've had enough of this. This low-watt bulb challenges you to a contest of skills - name your theatre. The other prunes, confident of their laxative effect and barely coherent in their ramblings, can sit and mumble in their gruel, indulge in the witless shaping of words they call communication. They'll keep.

As has been noted, my home computer is all verklempt. Should have a replacement in by this fall, so I suggest trying someone else.

Maybe Wolfp, he's a government worker, not too bright, seems to have time on his hands, should be a good fit for you.

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WOOT! Stateside in a week...all turns on hold until then; shouldnt be an issue with Joe considering our 1 turn per ten day average, through no fault of my own of course...So I'm leavin' on a jet plane...hmmmm...hmmmm...hmmmm
And did I or did I not (hint ... I DID) make you and indeed ALL of my PBEM partners (Gawd I hate to use that word, makes it sound like you lot are my sidekicks ... and not a beard, funny hat or goofy voice among you ... although I have suspicions that some of you would make Gabby Hayes sound like a Rhodes Scholar) ... where was I, oh yeah, I made ALL of you aware that I would be gone for a full week and no turns would be fifthcoming.

But on to a more important item ... lads, I think that our efforts in Iraq can ill afford to lose the invaluable services of a skilled and experienced Battalion XO ... we don't have one of those of course but at least Wolfp Mk II is already IN Iraq and that would save money.

May I suggest that those of you with USMC contacts (you know who you are) and the rest of you who haven't been blocked already from contacting your CongressThingamajib do so immediately and recommend, nay, DEMAND that Wolfp Mk II be retained in his current position (snorked out in an ratty office chair with strict instructions that he not be disturbed as he's working on ... uh ... force immersion and ... uh ... force ... immersion reports).

Hey, it's for the good of the country.


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WOOT! Stateside in a week...all turns on hold until then; shouldnt be an issue with Joe considering our 1 turn per ten day average, through no fault of my own of course...So I'm leavin' on a jet plane...hmmmm...hmmmm...hmmmm

Well, let me be the first to welcome you back to the land of shiny blue suits! Please accept this complementary big bag of pistachios! Enjoy!

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It's like you two are in each other's minds.

And I can't think of a grislier place for either of you.

And after all I've done for you Boo Radley, for you to insult me in such a vile manner.

Besides we can hardly be in each other's minds when it's been well established that Michael has lost his a long time ago.


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singing cockles and muscles


Still, who has the time to miss a pensive these days, particularly when it comes to the art of the graceful insult? You're all excused - and there's no need to thank me.

Senachai, oh mighty master of the ramble to nowhere, sing for us that we might avoid the decrepitude of the crapulous, instead enjoying that sensation only to be matched by having bamboo skewers shoved under our toenails, that of attempting the comprehemsion of your prose.

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I hereby declare and attest that Boo Radley is ... an agent provocateur!

That's right lads, as much as it pains me to say it ... actually there was no pain at all involved in saying it, for most of us it's just a saying ... for Boo Radley however, there is likely actual physical pain involved whenever he tries to utter multisyllabic words ... where was I, oh yeah, Boo Radley started this supposed feud between Michael and I and is solely to blame for it.

Look at the evidence, when has Michael ever, EVER seriously impugned anything about me? NOT ONCE! Michael, unlike Boo Radley, understands and deeply appreciates the work I do here and, again unlike Boo Radley, shows nothing but the utmost of respect for your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.

It's too bad that our UNESTEEMED Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread should be so eaten up by envy of my station in life that he can't see that his own status is far, FAR advanced simply by being associated with me.

But then he lives in Ohio ... that explains much.


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I hereby declare and attest that Boo Radley is right lads, and I and is solely to blame.

Boo Radley, understands and deeply appreciates the work I do here and shows nothing but the utmost of respect for your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.

But then he lives in Ohio ... that explains much.


Poor grammar aside, that was very beautiful, Joe.

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