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So, I keep seeing all these thread about "Is CM:SF as good as CMx1 etc. ect" I want to ask the opposite question - should I get the original CM games? Is downgrading going to work? Although I love CM:SF, I'm pining for WW2 action! So, should I get the original games? Or should I wait for a few months and just get CM:Normandy?

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So, I keep seeing all these thread about "Is CM:SF as good as CMx1 etc. ect" I want to ask the opposite question - should I get the original CM games? Is downgrading going to work? Although I love CM:SF, I'm pining for WW2 action! So, should I get the original games? Or should I wait for a few months and just get CM:Normandy?

Get the originals whilst waiting for CM Normandy (I don't expect to see this until 2010...but I wouldn't mind being surprised!)

You can find CMBO starting at $3 on Amazon


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id say go for the demos, especially CMBB and CMAK. CMBO isnt all too interesting from todays perspective(for my part that is).

dont give up on the demo becouse it playes different that CMx2, look what is different in CMx1 and adjust to it after some battles you should have the hang on it. than you can still decide if you like CMx1 and want to buy the old classics.

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id say go for the demos, especially CMBB and CMAK. CMBO isnt all too interesting from todays perspective(for my part that is).

Yeah, try the demos. CMBO demo is still worth trying, although it looks dated (especially stuff like trees and buildings look horrible compared to later games, but also 3d models) it still has some classic scenarios, while CMBB and CMAK demo scenarios are much harsher to a beginner.

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CMx1 can be a bit of a shock to the system after playing nothing but CMSF for a year. I fired up CMBB recently to get some screenshots of some old mods of mine and my mind reeled to see the vast scope of the armor circa 1945! I also cursed the game trying to relearn how to operate the darned camera controls, so clunky feeling after flying effortlessly around the map in CMSF. Still, it was a pleasant walk down memory lane. :rolleyes:

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Really? I was hoping for a Q 3 or 4 2009 release :(

Anyway, I gave CM:AK demo a shot and am pretty impressed. But I don't think it's any better than CM:SF :)

I'm just hoping that after BF was 'caught with their pants down' and forced to release a bug-infested CMSF by the distributor(?) that they will be taking their time to release a good, playable CMX2 Normandy product! Even if that means pushing back the CMX2N release date to 2010 or 2011.


I think CMSF looks waaaay better than CMX1 games, but for fun and enjoyment I always go with CMX1. ymmv, imho of course

Happy hunting!


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Yes! Even though the graphics are not as hot as CMSF Cmx1 is still worth getting. There is a simplistic beauty to it especially where terrain is concerned. It is very relatable to a board game, but with the complexity the computer offers. I like CMAK the best, as it seems the most polished and tweaked. Didn't care much for CMBO in comparison because the damage system infantry vs infantry seemed a bit ridiculous IMO especially with catching infantry out in the open. CMAK seems to have a much better and realistic damage model. Try the demos, and go from there. PBEM Cmx1 was some of the most mentally engaging gaming I have ever played

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Yes! Even though the graphics are not as hot as CMSF Cmx1 is still worth getting. There is a simplistic beauty to it especially where terrain is concerned. It is very relatable to a board game, but with the complexity the computer offers. I like CMAK the best, as it seems the most polished and tweaked. Didn't care much for CMBO in comparison because the damage system infantry vs infantry seemed a bit ridiculous IMO especially with catching infantry out in the open. CMAK seems to have a much better and realistic damage model. Try the demos, and go from there. PBEM Cmx1 was some of the most mentally engaging gaming I have ever played

well said!


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Check your system compatibility with cmx1 before buying. The tech support forum over in the cmx1 section has some good info. Basically, dx10 dropped support for the earlier dx4 or 5 which cmx1 used. If you're using vista AND a dx10 capable card (nvidia 8 series or higher - I don't remember offhand which ATI cards are dx10 capable) your system defaults to dx10 (if you SELECT dx9, it is still using dx10 to create the dx9 calls, so that won't help).

If you have a dx10 CARD but only a dx9 OS, you're good.

If you have a dx9 CARD and a dx10 OS, you're good.

It's the combo of dx10 card and dx10 OS which results in corrupted graphics and single digit fps rates (if you get it running at all).

Good luck.


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What they all said really, SF is a good game, but in all honesty CMAK, while having poorer graphics is much more encompassing and in depth. If you get beyond the lack of 1-1 representation and the different controls it plays much the same. In fact there are some things in CMAK that are better than SF.

So if you want something to play while waiting a year or so for the next cm2 game cmak is your best option. Prices dont lie and the fact that CMAK is 30 quid more than SF says a lot. Although, as I said, SF is an enjoyable game, just very samey after a while.

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