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What does denied mean?

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Playing last night in a turn-based game as well as playing both sides and saw that the Syrians spotter had artillery but that it was denied. A little while later it let me squeeze off some rounds but went back to denied.

I know the US does not need eyes on target after the call but do the Syrians need eyes on the target the whole time? He was getting supressed at one point does that matter?

Or was this simulating the US counter-artillery?

It was fun playing both sides. Massive marine surge caused the Syrians to break and run for it eventually.

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Heh... as many opinions as you get answers :) I have one, I have one, too! Some support assets (usually higher level, such as air supprot) are available to specific FOs (JTAC etc.) and may be denied to the run of the mill grunt. So if you select a squad and try to call in F-16s you may be out of luck.

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Heh... as many opinions as you get answers :) I have one, I have one, too! Some support assets (usually higher level, such as air supprot) are available to specific FOs (JTAC etc.) and may be denied to the run of the mill grunt. So if you select a squad and try to call in F-16s you may be out of luck.

I don't think I've ever seen that in-game on Blue side.

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I had a grunt call in four artillery strikes in one round on the run jumping over a wall as he assaulted a building. Talk about one multi-tasking grunt....

I think it has to deal with surpression because I don't think I changed the caller and it alternated between firing and denied.

But than again I was desperate to try anything as the marines were coming through the woods and I was being pounded by the results of the "blue" grunt calling arty on the fly.

As much as I like real-time, hot-seat is pretty darn cool as an alternative. You get to learn both sides and see the effects.

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On the U.S. side map reading is a skill taught in basic training. I've heard from several sources that at least in old Soviet times (and by association modern Syrian times?) maps were considered 'top secret' and only the officer class got training in map reading. That means a U.S. pfc might get his coordinates wrong while trying to call in a strike, but at least he's aware of what coordinates are.

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Oh, wait, that's where I am. Kaboom!

Don't laugh. Back six or seven years ago in Afghanistan, a US soldier (maybe a Green Beret, not sure) called in an air strike on a target reading off the coordinates of his laser GPS. Only he got confused and instead of sending the coordinates for the target, he sent his own. His reward was a 2,000lb bomb in his foxhole, delivered with perfect accuracy.


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Don't laugh. Back six or seven years ago in Afghanistan, a US soldier (maybe a Green Beret, not sure) called in an air strike on a target reading off the coordinates of his laser GPS. Only he got confused and instead of sending the coordinates for the target, he sent his own. His reward was a 2,000lb bomb in his foxhole, delivered with perfect accuracy.


Ouch. Reminds me of a time when during a live fire training exercise our FDC didn't calculate the correct angle T (difference in the observation angle between FO and the LOF of guns) and ended up sending a few rounds into the wrong range. Luckily everyone, including some guys working on the range receiving our spotting rounds, realized something was wrong before anyone was hurt.

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Oh, sorry, it's a game thing. I thought this might be a topic where we were swapping stories about various prophets and disciples making a case for 'plausible deniability'. I could have made a serious contribution to that sort of discussion, but haven't a clue about what it means in the new game.

No problem. Let me know if someone starts up one involving 'three times before the rooster crows' sort of thing, and I'll be there.

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Checked things out again last night,

The syrian FO could only land rounds when not under fire. Soon as he came under fire the rounds stopped.

I killed him with a Javalin, bit of an overkill but still so fun. All was quiet after he died.

I think the "denied" came into play when I went to another unit to check on the status of the inbound rounds and it showed denied since I was on a regular unit.

I'll go back tonight and see if the FO's window shows denied when under fire.

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Ouch. Reminds me of a time when during a live fire training exercise our FDC didn't calculate the correct angle T (difference in the observation angle between FO and the LOF of guns) and ended up sending a few rounds into the wrong range. Luckily everyone, including some guys working on the range receiving our spotting rounds, realized something was wrong before anyone was hurt.

Ooh, ooh, I have one. We were setting up a range for a TOW live fire at Ft. Lewis in Washington. While driving around in our Hummer downrange a 105mm round dropped about 100 meters from our position. Before we could say, "what the f*** was that?" another one landed 50 meters away. Needless to say I floored the hummer and treated my passengers to a rather rough ride back to the range shack. All the while my Squad leader was on the net screaming at Range Control and rounds were continuing to land at random all around the range. Range Control asked who was firing and we heard some Washington National Guard unit reply that they were "just laying down some rounds." They were supposed to be targetting two ranges over from us.

No casualties but it did get the old heart beating.

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Ooh, ooh, I have one. We were setting up a range for a TOW live fire at Ft. Lewis in Washington. While driving around in our Hummer downrange a 105mm round dropped about 100 meters from our position. Before we could say, "what the f*** was that?" another one landed 50 meters away. Needless to say I floored the hummer and treated my passengers to a rather rough ride back to the range shack. All the while my Squad leader was on the net screaming at Range Control and rounds were continuing to land at random all around the range. Range Control asked who was firing and we heard some Washington National Guard unit reply that they were "just laying down some rounds." They were supposed to be targetting two ranges over from us.

No casualties but it did get the old heart beating.

I swear that wasn't us SgtMuhammed :D

We were in Texas and Active Army!

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Heh... my dad was an FO with the 503rd (back in ye olden days when it was still independent) and had a similar experience at Ft. Dix (IIRC). Nobody hurt, but someone pulled a Captain Stillman like in Stripes.

One of the problems with the (now cancelled) LOSAT program was the safety range. From what I remember the LOSAT PM telling me it was 8 miles. Although the range is a lot shorter than artillery, it was a line of sight weapon so in theory it wasn't ever supposed to go off course. If it did it would likely be because of a bug in the system, which of course is hard to plan around! This precluded using standard ATGM test ranges, like Redstone which only had a 4 mile safety envelope. They fired the things out in the desert (White Sands I think) and over open water only.

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It think Fort Lewis had issues,

While I was there on movement, we ended up on a tank live fire range. That is the best we could make of it. I have vague memories of it but I remember a very dark night and a lot of "oh ****s" and some frantic hussling to get the hell off. On the way off I think we saw a sign or something that said beware live fire range. Did not do us much good in the dark.

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It think Fort Lewis had issues...

A couple of decades ago I had a friend who was an MP there. One day he and some of his buddies from his platoon were sitting around on the edge of the artillery range chewing the fat while 155 rounds went overhead. Then something occurred to one of the guys and he said, "Isn't that the battery that we busted last week for grass?" Everybody paused for a few seconds to consider the possibility of an "accidental" short round and reached a speedy consensus that it might be a good idea to shift their area of operation a few miles.


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Probably urban legend,

But I heard about a team on Fort Lewis that decided to make camp on some grass that was beaten down. Their guard dozed off and was unaware and woke up too late to realize they had chosen a tanker path to camp on. Rumor has at least one guy did not make it.


Almost as bad as the damn MPs driving their Hummers through our constatine (sp?) wire and dragging the wire across our objective. Probably almost lost a leg to the stuff but I jumped onto the hummer's back to simulate planting a device or firing through their window.

After I banged on them to stop their freaking vehicle before someone gets hurt. Range cadret did not give me the kill on the hummer stating something about armor penetration.

...BAH... I told them I had improvised explosives with me and that the Hummer was no longer.... I lost the argument but was praised for trying to challenge the hummer in the first place.

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Probably urban legend,

But I heard about a team on Fort Lewis that decided to make camp on some grass that was beaten down. Their guard dozed off and was unaware and woke up too late to realize they had chosen a tanker path to camp on. Rumor has at least one guy did not make it.

That's why they call the grunts crunchies.


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