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Gaudete! It's A New Peng Challenge Thread!

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Go on, drink the kool-aid. It can't be any worse than the myriad of other potentially life-threatening stuff you've ingested over the years, can it?

Ah, there you have me. If I'D been at Jonestown, the Authorities would have found me wandering around amongst the corpses singing songs and demanding 'C'mon, another mug or two, and we can dance!'

And, may I just say: A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO US ALL!

Including the Aussie contingent. I can't remember if they're a day ahead of us, or a day behind us. All I know is, they're beneath us.

May this year bring us all we desire, but not what we deserve. May it find us better off than we were last year, and may we live long enough to mock everyone who expected this to be our last year.

May each and every one of you have the Best Year of your life.

Now, someone bring me another drink, and someone else begin a song, and someone else dance on a table for my amusement!

And if you lot of silly bastards won't do it, I'll do it myself!

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Let me dive into a river of songs

Let them rest easy

While we right the wrongs of the world

Let me hear all the notes played on the scale

That were sung long ago

In the rain while we waited to dance

Let them sing when you play those strings

Like the little one dancing

And all that romancing

Won't you let them sing

Hear the words scanning the length of the line

Why don't we sing them

With hope in our hearts one more time

Carry me down to that river of tunes

Carry on dancing

With all the grace that you can

Let them sing when you play those strings

Like the little one dancing

And all that romancing

Won't you let them sing

No one quite knows where the music comes from

No one can answer the questions

From those far away

Everyone knows what their soul holds within

Everyone dances a little

To tunes that are played

Let them sing when you play those strings

Like the little one dancing

And all that romancing

Won't you let them sing



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May this year bring us all we desire, but not what we deserve. May it find us better off than we were last year, and may we live long enough to mock everyone who expected this to be our last year.

Hear! Hear!

May each and every one of you have the Best Year of your life.

Er, could we modify that to "the best year of your life SO FAR..."? I'd like to have something to look forward to next year you know, aside from death and taxes.

...someone else begin a song...

So when I tell you that I love you

Don't test my love

Accept my love

Don't test my love

'Cause maybe I don't love you all that much

—Dan Bern


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Oh, how sharper than a serpents tooth is an ungrateful Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread.

And how slower than a sack race in a rest home is a Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread!

(Just thought I'd throw that in there.)

Name one person in their right mind who doesn't consider me their Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread ... just one.


One person in their right mind?

Out of this group?

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Four weeks flies by sooo fast, back to the desert this evening, business class of course but will all the tender loving care of the Thai airways hostesses make up for my melancholy?

Yeah I think so.....

Well, now that you will be back "in the desert", perhaps you could send a turn, Lawrence of Arabia.

What would be more exciting for us, would be for the Thai Airways Lass to filet you with a few flicks of her Balisong.

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Well, now that you will be back "in the desert", perhaps you could send a turn, Lawrence of Arabia.

What would be more exciting for us, would be for the Thai Airways Lass to filet you with a few flicks of her Balisong.

Oh I think we can count on Stuka, Nidan1 ... that is we can count on him to conveniently "forget" that he has games going with BOTH of us and yet has neglected to send either of us turns for lo these many weeks.

Perhaps he'll have received a new laptop and, gollygoshdarnit, neglected to transfer the files when he donated the old laptop to that deserving young third world lad with that indefinable spark of genius in his eye ... or that deserving young third world LASS in lieu of the money he promised.

Somefink like that anyway ...

In other news lads, I regret to inform you that your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread has completed his game with Nidan1 and, the digital Gawds of War being their own capricuous selves, well ... he gained an extremely trivial, very slight, hardly worth mentioning minor victory ... but really, the margin was so close that it hardly bears commenting upon.


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Which of course won't stop you from expending about a thousand cubic yards of hot air commenting on it. Not even a speed bump for you, eh, Joe?


HARDLY bears commenting upon is not the same as doesn't bear commenting upon Michael ... in the spirit of fair play and even handedness that has been the hallmark of my ten years here in the CessPool I felt honor bound to report the result of the fight ... oh sorry ... HONOR you see, is exhibiting a keen sense of ethical conduct ... in your case I felt it necessary to define the word.

But just as it is, rarely, necessary to report minor failings, so it is equally necessary, if expected, to report VICTORIES!

Yes lads, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread has triumphed yet again. I have won a TOTAL VICTORY over Wolfp Mk II in our CMSF battle. Indeed the results screen, in reporting the TOTAL VICTORY, likely could have gone beyond the bare bones of the result and exclaimed something along the lines of ...

Indeed a CRUSHING VICTORY, a Victory to make all other victories look insignificant, a Victory so overwhelming as to make the vanquished hang their head in shame and skulk off the field of battle with their tail firmly between their legs!
But it didn't, odd ... BFC, fix or do somefink!


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Oh and Nidan1 your thumping will continue in due course, I do recall a certain armoured car of your's being bazooked to pieces in the last turn, what sort of gibbering baboon would leave an armoured car parked in clear sight with the 4 ways flashing in a woods scenario??? especially with the windows down, the stereo blaring and the keys in the ignition?? Oh wait, thats you....figures.

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As for Joe Xhia, 4 weeks of vacation have not dulled the mammeries, er I mean 'memories' of your gamey Stuart rush....oh you will pay for that, you will pay dearly....most likely by slipping over in the blood of my hamstertruppen and bruising an eyelash but you will still payyyyyyy.

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What would be more exciting for us, would be for the Thai Airways Lass to filet you with a few flicks of her Balisong.

A feckin' Bali Song?

"Bin there, done that,

I've bin tae Bali too!"

Actually, Ah hadnae bin tae Bali. Which ainly goes tae show wha' a feckin' cod-wallopin' streak o' leprous pustules Nidan1 ais fer bringin' at oop. Git.

Sae, Ah wish yer all a happ.... a happy... wish yer all a happ... Ah wish ye'd all swell oop under a Sahara sun an' burst. Tha' Ladies excepted o' course.

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A feckin' Bali Song?

"Bin there, done that,

I've bin tae Bali too!"

Actually, Ah hadnae bin tae Bali. Which ainly goes tae show wha' a feckin' cod-wallopin' streak o' leprous pustules Nidan1 ais fer bringin' at oop. Git.

Sae, Ah wish yer all a happ.... a happy... wish yer all a happ... Ah wish ye'd all swell oop under a Sahara sun an' burst. Tha' Ladies excepted o' course.

Good Gawd man look to your sig line will you ... you're embarrassing us ... even more so than normal.

Still it's good to see you back again ... if you're very, VERY lucky I may look you up again the next time I'm in Denver. I met with Berli and he was thrilled, THRILLED to see me ... as is ever right thinking CessPudlian.

Best to the Missus ... worst to you as always.


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