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New Campaign - Forging Steel

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Hi Euri

I believe you need a positive ID to get points for the recce missions.

These are the harder missions to do I think. In one as Blue you have to spot the enemy without being blasted. In the counter recon the enemy are looking to encourage you to reveal your assets. Be keen to hear how you get on? Good luck!


Did great until the counter-recon mission and I tend to attribute this to the "incomplete" briefing ;-) as I for sure managed to hide my forces and keep enemy out of the bridgehead but now I understand that enemy gets points from touching lines of advance ahead of my positions unbeknownst to me. I would have had planned accordingly if aware of that.

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Did great until the counter-recon mission and I tend to attribute this to the "incomplete" briefing ;-) as I for sure managed to hide my forces and keep enemy out of the bridgehead but now I understand that enemy gets points from touching lines of advance ahead of my positions unbeknownst to me. I would have had planned accordingly if aware of that.

Hhmm it's not usually known what the enemies aim is though eh? ;) If that was the case well yeah it's easy to win. I'm not a fan of giving a complete breakdown of what points are gained for what. I'd rather give a mission and let the player use their judgement. If the enemy has a different agenda well - that's war!

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  • 11 months later...

Thanks for your comments Lyle Harwood 2 "He who wins the recon battle wins the battle." But damn, man, just damn. This is a tough, tough campaign. Haven't won the first scenario yet, and going beyond the first scenario without winning it sets one up for failure.

I'll reply here as I can't post in the repository due to there being a one post limit.

My tips for the first scenario are

a/ check the briefing - it fully outlines what you have to do.

b/ It's recon so spotting enemy units is key - avoid if you can direct engagement. This is not your attack.

c/ infantry on foot are good at infiltrating if equipped with binoculars/thermal imaging then they are really useful for scouting out stuff.

d/ avoid using your armour/IFVs as scouts. That always ends bad...

Good luck :)

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Ironically, becoming fairly good at CMSF has made CMBN and the other WW2 titles quite hard. It's hard to get out of the modern war mindset and I hate suffering casualties.

So I am not the only one who is like that. I have such anti-casualty mentality that it is impacting my enjoyment of CMBN to a degree. That, and I like tanks which actually kill their target. I usually play American and Commonwealth and I get exasperated when I lob round after round from Shermans at Panthers with little effect except to annoy them into shooting back at me.

I need to redo the Forging Steel campaign again. I have fond memories of it and it has been a couple of years since I played it. With my memory these days, it will be like a brand new campaign. :rolleyes:

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  • 1 year later...

This seems to be anexcellent campaign. I had it sitting on my harddrive for quite some time because i felt a bilt overwhelmed by the size of the maps and the complexity of the missions but yesterday i finally could bring myself to start playing and i am loving it. Perfect warm-up for CMBS, especially in combination with the incredible Euroscape mod. Thanks for making this. You should do a remake for CMBS once it is out :), i would definately love that.

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Hi Augusto

This campaign is seven years old now! Wow... Time flies!


Thanks for dusting this down and having a crack at it. My top tip is take the time to read the briefings before firing into each one. They can be easier than they initially appear ;)


I might well do - although some of the missions in CMBS might appear familiar - at least the intent might be familiar - the terrain is very different. But yeah I think I'll do a revisit of this set in the Ukraine once cMBs is out.


Good luck - be interested to hear how you fare? :)

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Well, i am 35 minutes in mission one and i already lost the recon HMMWV, 5 WIA and 2 KIA. 1 M1 Abrams got stuck in the mud on the very first minute of gameplay and is now immobilized :rolleyes: . I have 6 confirmed kills of enemy BMPs and i inflicted approximately 20-30 casualties on the enemy personnel. Probably i am doing not particularily good, given that this a recon mission and i still lost 6 men and 2 vehicles in the first half hour. But the good thing is though that i think i am learning something playing it :D. I am so used to stomping syrians into the ground, i almost forgot that russian equipment can be deadly too. It is also a challenge to move through the terrain and keep all those line of sights in mind. Give the long ranges, the first map of the campaign seems to be ideal for the enemy ATGMs.

Anyways, here are some screenshots:


Bradleys advancing:



Blowing some stuff up:


Goodbye, BMP:



More explosions:



Bradley targeting some more BMPs:


Edited by agusto
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I had to restart mission 1. During the second time i won with 1 WIA and 1 KIA.


Mission 2 was easy. I had destroyed most enemy vehicles already during mission 1, so it was mostly matter of carefully advancing and avoiding unecessary losses. I took 1 WIA and 1 M1A2 was damaged badly by 4(!) ATGM hits, but it survived.


Right now i am 15 mins in mission 4 (the one after the resupply). I havent seen much action yet during mission 4, but i expect a lot of stuff is going to explode, given that the briefing talks about something like 2+ companies of BMPs and at least 1 company of T-90s. As soon something worthy happens i will post a screenshot. Until now i suffered 1 WIA and one M1A2 suffered some damage to its tracks when it was hit by an ATGM. I killed approximately 5-10 infantry and 1 unlucky BMP-3 that got hit from 1500m by an M1A2 during turn 2.

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I just finished mission 4 (forging steel). The russians surrendered after i blew up their last T-90. I lost 2 M1s and 1 Bradley due to enemy action, 2 M1s were immobilized (damn mud!). 2 men were KIA, 6 WIA and 1 MIA. Thank god the casualty modifier is permissive in this scenario (80%), the crack +2 russians in their T-90s are much more effective than the syrians in CMSF usually are - they not only shoot back, they even hit their targets! I am not really used to that :). But i think that is a great preparation for CMBS, just putting 2 M1A2s in overwatch on a hill and wait until they have destroyed the counterattacking tank company apparently doesnt work too well against well trained and equipped enemy like the russians.


So far i am enjoying the campaign. After getting used to the combination of huge maps with compareably tiny forces, it isnt all that hard. It is interesting to have so much room for maneuvering and such long engagement ranges, which is something that distinguishes this campaign from most others i have seen.


EDIT: BTW the maps look very european. Very much like the german countryside. Big + for use with Euroscape mod. I almost feel like i am defending the Fulda Gap.

Edited by agusto
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Sounds like you are doing well :)


I adjusted the vehicle repair modifier in the campaign script so hopefully you'll get any 'stuck' AFVs back for the next mission.


Yeah the Syrian (AKA Russians) are pretty good in this. I did artificially raise their crew levels to give a National Training Centre feel to the engagements. If you win this you'll most likely do well when you go to serve in the Ukraine with the US armoured forces ;)

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  • 1 month later...

I just finished the last mission. I was halfway through with it when CMBS was released, so it took me a while to get it done. But below are the final results in case you are interested. I hope you are going to do a remake with CMBS :D, i really liked the military exercise style of the campaign. It felt less gamey and more serious than most others i have played.



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Hi Agusto

Great job man :) I'm most likely going to re-do this. Be my big project for this year. I'm part way doing a Carius scenario for CMRT. When that's done I'll most likely start on redoing Forging Steel (very different maps) but same idea/concept. Balancing it for CMBS will the fun bit :)


Thanks again for playing it out, really pleased you enjoyed it and thanks for playing it :)

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Is this campaign H2H capable?

Unfortunately not. Campaigns are only playable from one side or the other depending on how the designer set it up.


However I did upload all the campaign scenarios to the repository as standalones, so you could play them in sequence, note casualties and reduce forces accordingly (just open the next scenario in the editor and delete whatever was KOd in the previous one).

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Just checked (been a while since I created it after all). It's playable H2H in hot seat mode.


I'm not sure campaigns can be played PBEM - least I can't see any option in the campaign script nor in game.


Hotseat is the only option, but it makes for an excellent way to train a new player, and an enjoyable way to play a campaign with a real person running the opposing force.

Thanks for checking it out. I'll give this one a go.

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I just realized I could have gone back and read the first page of this thread and gotten my answers there. That damn "skip to first unread post" button is just like a "don't bother to read the thread button".


I do apologize for the time wastage.

He! Nae worries - no time wastage - meant I went back and reacquainted myself with how campaigns can be created :)


Be keen to hear how it goes for you?


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