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New Campaign - Forging Steel

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Just finished up the revamped Marines campaign. Did shape up to be very enjoyable!

This is just what I need to continue my marine campaign obsession. Looking forward to this George MC! Armor attacks is one of my favorite user scenarios, so I'm sure this will be top notch as well!

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I have played one hour into the 1st mission. Great campaign so far, great map, good force mix; good job on the RED AI artillery, it is a real pain...;)

Hi Sgt Joch

Glad you are enjoying it so far. The RED AI arty is a pain in this as it seems to do the job of tracking your units very well. Course there is a reason it manages to do that ;)

Cheers fur noo


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Just finished up the revamped Marines campaign. Did shape up to be very enjoyable!

This is just what I need to continue my marine campaign obsession. Looking forward to this George MC! Armor attacks is one of my favorite user scenarios, so I'm sure this will be top notch as well!

Hi Gmfrank

Thank you :) Hope it lives up to your expectations!

Cheers fur noo


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Hi Sgt Joch

Glad you are enjoying it so far. The RED AI arty is a pain in this as it seems to do the job of tracking your units very well. Course there is a reason it manages to do that ;)

Cheers fur noo
















yes, I found some of them already...tough buggers, one team took out a hummer and its crew with machine gun fire and grenades. It was neat to watch even though I was on the receiving end..:mad:

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Hi Sgt Joch and Stickypixie

He! Cheers for the comments :) Errmm I think you are enjoying it!

I've actually just uploaded version 2 in which I tweaked the repair setting for Blue. I had thought that the stuck vehicles would come back in. I must admit I was super cautious with vehicles in my own playtests, in fact generally avoiding stuff crossing ditches/trenches to avoid stuff bogging. This meant in my playtests I was’nt too plagued by bogged tanks and tracks. It’s one thing to lose stuff to enemy fire but it’s a real pisser when you lose stuff to bogging. On checking the repair value I don't think it was set high enough for bogged vehciles to come back on. I've maxed it out so I hope any and all vehicles that bog should be back on the map next mission. Also tweaked the refit section half way through so you should get some force re-build. Not massive mind but some.

Thanks to all those who have posted their comments and feedback and emailed me direct. :)

Cheers fur noo


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Hi George,

Good news for the repair setting as discussed earlier. As one said the Arty Observer are doing a tremendous and accurate job. Yeah, you placed them so wisely that it is no wonder. Just as some specialized FOB are doing it in Afghanistan nowadays. I am going to play the V 2 and try to make it better through, it is always a thrilling experience to go into one of your scenario.

You could have earned the nickname of the RED ARMOR WAVE more than one time



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He! he! The Red Armour wave - that's how I like to attack! :)

Possible spoilers









The Red arty obervers I got the idea from Sgt Muhammad who used to play the OPFOR in military exercises. That was one of their recon tactics was to infiltrate the Blue lines then go to ground and observe the enemy, whilst brining down accurate observed fire.

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Hi George,

I thought of a nickname after having suffered in all your massive armor attack. That is why I told you about NTC at Fort Irwin. Did not know, that Sgt Mauhammad had trained there as an OPFOR. Actually, I had a close look through books and other means at their practice in the nineties just after Operation Desert Storm. Effectively, has you told me earlier, the US side was usually outnumbered by the Red OPFOR. The US had typically 2 companies (-) minus some squads and or a platoon sent to another company, and a tank company,yet minus some tanks, with usualy a platoon sent to support one of the company. Some antitank asset, artillery (with few times, mines delivery -fascam -if I do recall it rightly) and sometimes air asset. Besides they had scouts in front to give an early warning when playing in defense.

Quite a few times they had to sustain and try to repulse the Red, having 1 MRR and even 2 (Motorized Rifle Batt. with BMP'S and T-72's).

They used a rolling carpet, wave attack, with lot of smoke, artillery at the anti tank defences having been seen by the infiltrated FOB. Sometimes they even had a company getting dismounted to the rear and creating havoc, while the armor went on a classic head on assault.

All these training were done in desert landscape with awful heat and NBC suits quite often wear on. Better than a sauna to loose weight.

Downloaded Forging steel from 19th january. Will get to it, in the next few days.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi George MC,

just wanted to say thanks for a very enjoyable campaign with excellent maps.

I managed to get a Major Victory in the end, but had to Save/Reload a couple of times ;).

The last mission (defending the Bridgehead at Brandenburg) was actually quite easy because i managed to keep the whole two M1 platoons from the previous missions.


Mad Mike

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Hi George MC,

just wanted to say thanks for a very enjoyable campaign with excellent maps.

I managed to get a Major Victory in the end, but had to Save/Reload a couple of times ;).

The last mission (defending the Bridgehead at Brandenburg) was actually quite easy because i managed to keep the whole two M1 platoons from the previous missions.


Mad Mike

Well done mate :)

Glad you enjoyed it :)

Cheers fur noo


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Hi George,

Just had a great time completing battle one. Got some nasty shocks and had to restart several times. Some of those enemy units are very artfully placed!

Anyway, eventually did get a major victory, even if it did take numerous attempts.

But now I'm a bit confused. Battle two puts me on the same map, but back at the original starting position. At the end of battle one I'd taken Buford, and NAI's 2 and 4. Why I gotta fight for them again?

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Hi George,

Just had a great time completing battle one. Got some nasty shocks and had to restart several times. Some of those enemy units are very artfully placed!

Anyway, eventually did get a major victory, even if it did take numerous attempts.

But now I'm a bit confused. Battle two puts me on the same map, but back at the original starting position. At the end of battle one I'd taken Buford, and NAI's 2 and 4. Why I gotta fight for them again?

Glad you enjoyed it :)

To answer your question:

I checked the flow chart for the campaign. If you lose Battle 1 you end up having to fight over the same map - just the way victory conditions are set and unlike CMX1 operations you can't have the player start the next battle at the positions they gained earlier. Battle 1 is essentially a recon mission, this is where saving and replaying the game means it becomes easier to play and sort of side steps what I set out to do with the first mission. I can see why players do it but it does mean doing this you advance way further than I had foreseen when designing it, hence the anolomay in the next mission.

Cheers fur noo



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I just started this campaign last night.

I rather enjoyed the first scenario. I am fond of large maps because I like room to maneuver and I enjoy recon / screening force battles. I also like 2 hour time limits because I usually proceed slow and cautious.

Did it in one go with no reload. I was surprised by how well I did, given how others in this thread has difficulty with this one. Only one mired vehicle. My losses were 2 KIA and 4 WIA. I destroyed 3 tanks and 15 BMP and managed to get my troops into all five NAI.

There were two surprises. The armor rolling down the centre of the map was unexpected (it was a George MC scenario, I should have known ;) ).

At the end of the scenario, even more unexpected was the fact I ran two recon squad through a forest (I will not say which one so as not give away spoilers but it was not a NAI) and somehow totally missed a sizeable force of Syrians in it. Don't know how the forces missed each other but they did.

Given it is such a huge map, the giggles moment was when I almost literally drove over the two Syrian observers teams with my BFIST vehicle. One team was in a treeline along a field and just happened to be where I stopped my BFIST vehicle to take a peek out with the FO. The other was on a hill in a tree crestline and given size of the hill, what would be the odds of once again, stopping my BFIST vehicle almost on top of the second observer team.

Great scenario. I really enjoyed this one. Loved the map. Just loaded up scenario 2 and I see I am fighting over the same ground with the company now. I hope my aggressive recce guys left some scraps for them.

George, is there multiple plans for this scenario? I found two NAI completely empty of enemy, which rather surprised me. I am guessing that other plans may have troops in those or not, depending on the plan.

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Black Moria,

Your results are hugely impressive. I found this mission quite deadly, and could never have succeeded without reloads (which is kind've cheating, I know, but hey . . .)

I'm wondering what skill level you played at?

I had a couple of similar experiences. I parked my BFIST Bradley right next to Syrian FOs, who managed to immobilise it with grenades before it killed them all. I parked an M1 right next to another FO, but fortunately it spotted and annihilated them very quickly.

I also ran a recon squad right past Syrian infantry in the woods, and only found out when I checked the map after winning. Couldn't manage to get to NIA 5 - that really is impressive!

I play at Iron level, though, and the enemy tends to be very alert and accurate!

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Black Moria,

Your results are hugely impressive. I found this mission quite deadly, and could never have succeeded without reloads (which is kind've cheating, I know, but hey . . .)

I'm wondering what skill level you played at?

I had a couple of similar experiences. I parked my BFIST Bradley right next to Syrian FOs, who managed to immobilise it with grenades before it killed them all. I parked an M1 right next to another FO, but fortunately it spotted and annihilated them very quickly.

I also ran a recon squad right past Syrian infantry in the woods, and only found out when I checked the map after winning. Couldn't manage to get to NIA 5 - that really is impressive!

I play at Iron level, though, and the enemy tends to be very alert and accurate!

I play RT at Elite setting. I regularly pause the game to maintain situation awareness (George's maps are so huge) so I can look over the map from the view point of squads and vehicles.

I also micromanage vehicles getting a good hull down position, which also entails me pausing the game to consider all the angles for a firing position I want the vehicle to take up. That is why I have few vehicle casualties.

I am also quite cautious. I took me the full two hours to work the entire length of the map because I dismounted everyone except the tank platoon and the company commander and the dismounts worked the ground on foot. Slow, cautious and methodical. If I didn't like an approach, I would suck back a ways and work in from another route.

Still, with my diligence, I overlooked a number of small pockets of Syrians outside of the NAIs (principally, because the NAI were my focus). They didn't see me, I didn't see them so I must of been quite good in inflitrating my recon people through the entire map.

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