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Were the Ewoks driven to extinction by the destruction of the Death Star?


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This website makes a very good case for the theory that the Ewoks were driven to extinction by the destruction of the second Death Star. It's a shame that the rebel's actions caused such a holocaust.

The ewok population is effectively extinguished. Most were killed in a mass-extinction event affecting life on their homeworld, due to unavoidable fallout and debris from the destruction of the Death Star II.

For those unfortunate beings not painlessly obliterated by the impact concussions, the initial night of celebration would linger on and on with days of darkness. A chill would fall, the waters would turn to ice and the vegetation would wilt into death or dormancy, depending on species. Provided that radioactivity was insignificant and the air remained modestly breathable (a very generous assumption) the doomed ewoks might survive for days or weeks huddling around bonfires, until they starved.
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Wasn't it orbiting a gas giant.

Did anyone ever notice that there seem to be an awful lot of gas giants with Earthlike moons in the Star Wars galaxy? (Well maybe not, I guess 2 isn't a lot. Never mind, my brain is running on about 6 hours sleep in the last 72 hours so I have no idea what it is doing. Stupid brain.)

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earthlike gas giant moons would never develope complex life because they would be too prone to impact events caused by gas giants hoovering up interplantary objects of significant size..asteroids comets etc...

no you need a earthlike plasnet screened by gas giants as we have in this solar system

you also need a Iron core/magnetic field and a disproportionally large moon /double planet system as the terra-luna system

the list of things required to make survival likley is pretty improbable

we are alone or effectivily alone.. don't talk to me about eclipses either...

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Supposedly in the Star Wars canon, two bizarre things were about to happen, if the Rebels didn't blow up the 2nd Death Star.

(1) The Death Star C.O. was under orders from the Emperor to fire the laser and destroy Endor the moment the Rebels brought down the energy shield, if they ever did. He decided to disobey that order. Supposedly the reason he did that is Vader had already thrown the Emperor down the shaft and thus killed him... and the Emperor has been force-influencing lots of important Imperial ship captains and pilots (not quite controlling, but still improving fleet performance quite a bit, like 20-30%) ... so when he died, the pilots didn't fly as well (contributing to the otherwise implausible failure to prevent the core's destruction)... and the Death Star CO grew a spine since he was no longer being force-influenced.

(2) Remember IG-88, the droid bounty hunter? He supposedly had created a super computer virus that was already infecting the Death Star... he was just about to activate it and thus quickly take control over the entire Imperial computer system (including all ships!)... and in doing so he may have taken control of the Galaxy. So blowing up the 2nd Death Star prevented it!

Ewoks: yeah they took some fallout I would think. No fun, that. That's a hell of a lot of fur for one to have falling out in clumps.

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(2) Remember IG-88, the droid bounty hunter? He supposedly had created a super computer virus that was already infecting the Death Star... he was just about to activate it and thus quickly take control over the entire Imperial computer system (including all ships!)... and in doing so he may have taken control of the Galaxy. So blowing up the 2nd Death Star prevented it!

Where is this info from?

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One of the collections of short stories. I think it was called "Tales of the Bounty Hunters," or something like that. There were 5 IG-88s and they had implanted the virus in the primary droid manufacturing planet. So not only would they have taken over the Imperial computer net but they were going to have control over most of the droids in the empire.

So in the end it was a question of losing a moon of fuzzy midgets or confronting a massive droid revolt that included nearly all the empire's heavy weapons and transport. I think fate made the right choice.

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An intriguing way of getting rid of saccharine, albeit plucky, creatures. ISTR the planet was to have originally been populated by Wookies, who most assuredly would've made things tough on the Imperial Storm Troopers and their Walkers. Alas! The cute and cuddly faction, perhaps influenced by toy marketing considerations, won.


John Kettler

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Yes a Wookie v Stormtrooper Endor would have been much cooler, but Lucas wants to sell toys.

A friend of mine once opined that an R rated Star Wars series could be really cool. A gritty kind of Bladerunner take on Star Wars with some truly evil dark side guys could have been compelling for the adults. It's fun to think about.

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An intriguing way of getting rid of saccharine, albeit plucky, creatures. ISTR the planet was to have originally been populated by Wookies, who most assuredly would've made things tough on the Imperial Storm Troopers and their Walkers. Alas! The cute and cuddly faction, perhaps influenced by toy marketing considerations, won.


John Kettler

It's too bad they didn't do more with the attack on Kashyyyk (the Wookiee planet) in Episode III. Kashyyyk is a planet of giant trees that are maybe thousands of feet tall. It's also one of the deadliest known planets. The Wookiees only dare live not too far from the tops of the trees in their tree(house) cities. The further down towards the direction of the planet's surface once goes, the deadlier the local wildlife is. No Wookiee has ever been known to see the surface and come back to tell the tale. They could have made the battle feature maybe somekind of special ops mission "far" down the trees... the creatures lurking down there could have been an arboreal equivalent of deep-sea anglers and other freaky fish of the deep.

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Yes a Wookie v Stormtrooper Endor would have been much cooler, but Lucas wants to sell toys.

A friend of mine once opined that an R rated Star Wars series could be really cool. A gritty kind of Bladerunner take on Star Wars with some truly evil dark side guys could have been compelling for the adults. It's fun to think about.

The R-rated SW series is a kickass idea!

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The R-rated SW series is a kickass idea!

And that differs how from PG rated ? Glancing shots of bare breasts from an angle which does not show the nipple ? The blood, gore, mayhem and destruction would be the same in both the PG and the R-rated versions.

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