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The group Dan Brown missed

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I've known about the Catholic group Opus Dei for decades, long before Dan Brown featured it in his novels and became semi known to masses of people. This one, though, I never heard of until someone posted a YouTube vid. If there is, in fact, a cause and effect connection between the meetings of this group and massive stock market hits, then it would be fair to characterize it as powerful and influential, I think. I give you Legatus. Anyone here encountered it before?



John Kettler

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Absolute tosh. There is nothing in this video that has any substance though it might delude someone who does not follow the stock market. I would not be surprised if the film were an elaborate spoof based on a few facts and some daft connections in order to flush out the gullible.

There is no doubt huge collusionary forces at work but that is herd mentality and hedge funds. Within that there will always be groups of people better placed to ride the market - but not necessarily making the correct decisions. : )

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I blame the powerful and super secret group of naked short sellers. After selling their shorts, they meet in forsaken places, all nekkid except for Venetian masks. They perform ritual dances and chant "Down with the Dow" over unsettling, polyrhythmic bass lines. I hear that Tom Cruise is a member, too.

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I'm not wedded to any particular viewpoint on Legatus, having never encountered it before and having barely been able to post what I did, given my Internet barely worked.

I will say, though, that there are plenty of financial shennanigans connected with the Vatican, as seen in the Roberto Calvi case in which the "Vatican's banker" was found hung from Blackfriars (moniker for the Jesuits) Bridge, in a manner most Masonic. That, of course, doesn't prove things one way or another here.


Maybe you'd care to provide my qualification funding?


John Kettler

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Then why, when you know the reaction here, do you continually persist in proudly dragging your inane paranoid delusions here like a cat with a eviscerated maggot infested carcass?

...that, of course, doesn't prove things one way or another here.

Perhaps if you didn't lie in bed all day blaming everything and everyone for your woes you might just possibly make something of yourself

Why not invest in one of the numerous 'free' energy schemes you regale us with?

Maybe you'd care to provide my qualification funding?

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So you can indulge your fetish for eviscerated maggot infested carcasses? Whatever floats your boat!

Elmar Bijlsma,

I found something interesting, in no way said I believed in it, and asked if others here knew anything about a topic I'd never heard of until the day I posted. What's wrong with that?

In fairness to Wicky, he did manage to be briefly on topic, before reverting to personal gibes at me, particularly over a condition over which I have no more power than he does his skin color. I have previously posted solid links to scientific research conducted under the aegis of the Library of Congress (Project Migraine) regarding Charlotte King and the massive testing she underwent to determine the underlying causation of her condition. Not only wasn't it in her head, it nearly killed her and definitely demolished her life.


These days lots of Earth sensitives I know are in enormous pain and debility, and I daresay even an hour of what we're going through now would greatly improve the compassion of those suddenly thrust into our shoes. They'd learn near instantly that we're neither making it up nor exaggerating the experience!


John Kettler

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I found something interesting, in no way said I believed in it,

And yet you put up a suggestion that there's a causal link between it and the economic crisis, and suggest "it would be fair to characterize it as powerful and influential"

By putting this forth as a possiblity you try to disguise your real opinion.....

so what is it John - do you believe this group is "powerful and influential" or not? do you believe in the causal link you have put before us or not?

Your post is one-sided - it starts by putting forth that you not knowing of this group means it's something special. you then "suggest" that it is linked to the economic problems, and then proceed from that "possible" link to it being part of the problem.

You do not anywhere suggest that you believe that the link is non-existant, or that the group is irrelevant.

One is therefore quite entitled to think that your "suggestion" is actually what you think - especially in light of your record here!

And BTW I completely think there is a link between Vatican finances and the crash - they've got billions invested and will lose much of it along with everyone else. And they're trying to avoid that.

Just like everyone else including me...except for the billions bit!

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Stalin's Organist,

My comments were a riff on what I gleaned from watching the vid once. The premise of the film maker, not me, seemed to be that this group was so powerful it was causing large scale market distortions, in doing so, providing the funding for the Vatican. My comment was that if the group could indeed do what was asserted, and was in fact doing those things, then it did rate the appellations you cite.

I'm not playing games here. I saw the vid, made a comment based on what was asserted therein, then asked what people here knew. The sum total of what I know about this is contained in what I've seen and read in the thread. Since Wicky didn't come through with my membership funding, I've held off actually going to the Legatus site. Also, I'm not Catholic, though I was reared that way. That, though, was long ago.

I've moved on.

Dan Brown's writing posed a fairly mainstream way of introducing the subject, which is why I went that route. For the record, I was genuinely surprised to learn of this organization. It was news to me.


John Kettler

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You'll have to do better than that John.

you didn't say anythign about your proposal being "the video suggests that..." followed by what you think - you put it forward as your idea, and you're being criticised for it - rightly so.

And you still haven't actually made a statement about what YOU think of it...unlike everyone else...

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I give you Legatus. Anyone here encountered it before?

Yes - I'm a member. We don't take kindly to your sort.

The Indonesian Tsunami? Us.

The faked moon landings? Us again.

Kennedy? Us.

Area 51? Church property.

Those probelms you've been having with your computer? That was us.

Please wait quietly and patiently by your front door, and we will have someone contact you very soon.

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Yes - I'm a member. We don't take kindly to your sort.

The Indonesian Tsunami? Us.

The faked moon landings? Us again.

Kennedy? Us.

Area 51? Church property.

Those probelms you've been having with your computer? That was us.

Please wait quietly and patiently by your front door, and we will have someone contact you very soon.


You're just a tool for the Jews.

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Then why, when you know the reaction here, do you continually persist in proudly dragging your inane paranoid delusions here like a cat with a eviscerated maggot infested carcass?


Nothing wrong with posting to the forum. Those who find JK's stuff upsetting have no need to read it. It does say who started the thread.

I welcome the chance to see the oddball elements that he comes across. It was a worthwhile excursion into underwater volcanoes. As with most posters there is dross and gold.

Attacking posters does seem a peculiarly useless - particularly if you appear to believe your view is that of the entire forum. Which it is not.

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Not that I am against the odd bout of aggression but why exactly are people attacking JK so vehemently? He posts his ideas and philosophies and people gang up on him and fire broadsides. Can't we all just get along? Probly not, I guess.

Me old mutha used to say, "iffen you got nuthin good to say don't say nuthin" with a few puffs on her cigar inbetween slugs of whisky.

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I'm in two minds about this whole thing. One the one hand Kettler is a nice and helpful guy to have around. And even if he weren't, he'd still deserve the same rights we all have here.

But what he writes in the "Kettler" threads is just so offensive to the thinking man. Sometimes just plain offensive, as in the 9/11 where some of his theories are just repugnant. I've asked him politely in the past that he should consider his audience and perhaps go elsewhere with these types of threads. He won't. On the contrary he now comes here to tell us of every nutjob theory out there. Frankly, it's come to the point where I believe he's having us on or something.


Don't knock responding with venom. It is fun and about as much as these threads deserve.

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