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Peng Challenges Seanachai Squarely In The Fork

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No, I typed the word "happier"

I realize that you are four foot two and a half so its difficult to see the monitor. We both know where you can put your Doctor Phil advice there, gramps. I would explain the sort of joy when my baseball team wins but that would be beyond your comprehension insofar as you remain a frag with no sense of sports or man-stuff.

No, I won't delve into being happy with a woman either because of your monastic bibliophile life. Be glad I'm taking all of this time not explaining what I meant by "happier"

So, you've mastered verb conjugations. I'm proud of you, lad. I remember all the occasions when I told you: Give it time. Eventually, even you will be able to use English as though you were a native speaker, and not like someone from New Jersey.

Er...one point, though. What's a 'frag'?

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Penultimately, no one dances the Macarena any more, Mr. Hep Cat Type Person.

A little charity, Boo. Stuka is not only an Australian, he's also living in the Middle East.

When he left Australia, given the Western Civilization Differential Adjusted for Aussie Time Modifier, his country had basically reached the same level of social, political and cultural development as America in the 1970s. And he now lives in a place that is basically a Medieval Disney World with cell phones, computers and stoning women to death for revealing their faces.

Knowing about a 30 minute, flash in the pan cultural sub-phenomenon like the Macarena is, for Stuka, rather like what being able to recite the works of Shakespeare from memory is for someone like you and I.

And I don't think we should mock him for that. He's doing the best he can, the plucky little wombat that he is.

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Er...one point, though. What's a 'frag'?

Intentional 'friendly fire'

Allow me to give you an example. Say, for the sake of this, you and I are on the same side in a war and I happen to see you're in the next foxhole over. Now, if I were toss a grenade into your foxhole, and probably yell something along the lines of, "Charlie's in the wire!" In this situation, you would have been fragged.

Get it?

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Originally Posted by Seanachai

Er...one point, though. What's a 'frag'?

Intentional 'friendly fire'

Allow me to give you an example. Say, for the sake of this, you and I are on the same side in a war and I happen to see you're in the next foxhole over. Now, if I were toss a grenade into your foxhole, and probably yell something along the lines of, "Charlie's in the wire!" In this situation, you would have been fragged.

Get it?

Toss one into his filthy apartment and see if he gets it.

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Intentional 'friendly fire'

Allow me to give you an example. Say, for the sake of this, you and I are on the same side in a war and I happen to see you're in the next foxhole over. Now, if I were toss a grenade into your foxhole, and probably yell something along the lines of, "Charlie's in the wire!" In this situation, you would have been fragged.

Get it?

Fragging as it was done in the last war...that's the one before this current one. Was performed with class. It was never done in the heat of combat....if someone was f$%$ed up enough to deserve fragging, it was usually done in the rear base camp by rolling a grenade into the victim's personal area, or dropping one into the latrine while the poor arse hole was taking a crap.

Never witnessed one personally...never had really bad leadership either...so that's probably why. Maybe it was all just legend, like one of Seanachai's tales.

Still on vay kay be back soonest Toodles.

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Nonsense, Lars couldn't win in a game of Russian Roulette using an automatic ... mind you I'd be for him trying.

My company, may all blessings and profits flow to it, actually put me up in a SHERATON in Denver, actually two of them though the second one I'm in now isn't all that great.

The last time I saw Berli in person he had a beard so I was a bit taken aback when this shaved apparition in a white, wide brimmed straw plantation hat and, I'm not joking, a long olive drab duster waved at me from the lobby.

It was soon apparent that he was, indeed, our own Olde One in the flesh and none to happy to be in Denver let me tell you. He even suggested that perhaps in a couple of years he might pull up stakes and move to ... wait for it ... ManyAppleLess!

Yikes! The thought of Seanchai, dalem, Lars, Papa Khann and now Berli in the same town ... well it sends shivers down the spine so it does.

But I digest ... Berli and I had a delightful burger and beer and shared reminisences of the OLDE DAYS when CessPudlians were CessPudlians and not the puddles of dreck we have here now. All the olde names came up, Mark IV, Chupacabra, Meeks, Goanna ... some of your names came up as well ... there was an uncomfortable silence and then we moved on to talking about CMSF Marines.

However, as I'm bound to do the bidding of the Olde Ones (expect when it's stark, raving bonkers madness to so do) I shared my findings from my recent Quasi Annual Review, Inspection and Audit of some of the members of the MBT.

Hopefully I can share the photo when I get home ... he was NOT a happy Berli ... of course if he was happy he wouldn't have been Berli would he ... kind of an oxymoron in that case I guess.


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Yikes! The thought of Seanchai, dalem, Lars, Papa Khann and now Berli in the same town ... well it sends shivers down the spine so it does.

On the other hand, it would make targeting easier. Just imagine: The Twin Cities going up in a flash of instant sunshine.

... he was NOT a happy Berli ...

It's when he is happy that he is most to be feared.

And anyway, I would expect your company to depress anyone.


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The Donkey has a post longer than a Gnome post.


And it's... it's... absolutely, breathtakingly, jaw-dropping-on-the-floor-ingly, massively surreal.

It makes Castenedas look like a tea-totaler.

Reading it made me want to get stoned so I could read it again.

Obviously, The Donkey has been inhaling Silica packs again.

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Did he really compose that...or did he just cut and paste something from John Kettler....and not credit him with quotes?

It definitely has a Kettlerian foundation, but it's been tweaked a bit. Warped askew, if you like. Put in a blender and set for "Liquify", even.

And does "Shag rug" have any kind of double entendre meaning in Brit-land?

Just curious.

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