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Palin: Iraq war 'a task that is from God'


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That you immediately dismiss the idea Palin has a direct line from God shows just how out of touch with the *real* America you liberals are. I applaud Palin. Plenty of people think they have a direct line from God. Sure, lots of them are crazy, more are insecure fools looking for excuses and most of the rest are simply lazy thinkers... but one or two, assuming there is a God, may really have a direct line from God. And why not? With all the murderers, rapists, etc. etc. etc. around He's obviously not overly-busy handing out the the smiting we deserve.

There is the problem with appeals to God heading off someone's ability to argue. But - remember - if it's direct from God you shouldn't be arguing at all.* And, anyway, for all the crazy, insecure, and lazy people "arguing" isn't really on the menu.... I guess what I'm getting at is that if you want *efficient* government then appeals to God's plan is the way to go.

Fast, good, cheap: You can have two of the three in manufacturing, and one in government. If Palin stands for "fast" then at one of three she's no worse than anyone standing for "good" or "cheap." So get off her back.

*Circular argument? I'm not get into all that "is it a feature or is it a bug" thing.

It's God's will that this thread not be locked, btw.

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A Republican mentions god and the liberals pee down their pant legs while clutching each other in a death grip; "By Bill Clinton's cigar! She said GOD! All is lost. Our freedoms are being raped like a nun at a viking meet and greet. My individual rights have been sodomized by Jesus in a GOP pin! Soon, the whole world will know the religious might of the USJ. Woe is me! Michael Moore, we beseech thee, direct a new movie...show us the true path! Your special gift of skewing reality and dismissing the facts is needed now, more than ever! If only we were as lucky as all those Cubans with their free health care!"

Yep, the sky will fall, polar bears will drown, and Rosie O'Donut will actually see steel melt and like men again...because a Republican believes in god, and isn't afraid to say it.

Allahu Akbar!


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I don't think many have a problem with a believer in the White House. But when a Believer is on a mission from god that's when they are scary, because that means they closed the door on rational argument. Whatever the other side has to say, the believer pushes their agenda because God wills it. Drown out the cries of the dying:"Deus vult! Deus vult!"

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By Mord

You need new material.

True. But as things stand what the Americans supply us Europukes with is same-o same-o and has been so for the past decase or so. (I was amused to see the Republicans held their convention in a place called St Paul. Coincidence ? I think not. :))

It is enough when the opposition is "On a mission from Allah". Now that the Amis are also "On a mission from God" the outlook is bleak to say the least. Not that this whole thing has in the works for a long time but I would have liked to think the Western civilication would have prevail through level headed reason and not extremist militarism.

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I don't think many have a problem with a believer in the White House. But when a Believer is on a mission from god that's when they are scary, because that means they closed the door on rational argument. Whatever the other side has to say, the believer pushes their agenda because God wills it. Drown out the cries of the dying:"Deus vult! Deus vult!"

If McCain and Palin get elected I think she may do her job and raise a family. What do you think this women is going to do? Knock McCain down, grab the nuclear football and make a run for the end zone?

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Gen. D. Eisenhower

Gen. G. S. Patton

President F. Roosevelt

And I can go on and on all the way back to R. E. Lee and George Washington. So is the point that her views are unique? That they are wrong in her convictions? Were the other quotes provided also "disturbing"?

First of all none of your quotees are using the name of the magic sky fairy as justification to start and continue a war. There is another bunch of 'people' who use the name of their magic sky fairy to do this too, welcome to their club.

Here's three gentlemen of the enlightenment age, and boy do we apparently need another now:

George Washington: 'The government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion'.

Thomas Jefferson: 'Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man'.

Benjamin Franklin 'Churches? Lighthouses are more useful than churches!'

I'm sure they'd be proud of where their country has gone...

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Does Pallin give any kind of discourse on why God ordered the Iraq war? I really would like to know her logic. What are the propositions?

Are there this?

1. There is a God

2. There is an Iraq

3. God doesn't like evil

4. Iraq is evil

5. America is good

6. Pallin and her people are good too

7. God likes good people

8. Good should attack evil

9. Hallowed are the Americans who attack evil

This is how her argument went?

If not, then what are the reasons?

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Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of God, ships shall be built to carry the warriors out among the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished.

Hallowed are the Ori.


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Nah, I just thought it would be easier for some to accept the casualties in Iraq if they thought about it differently. There are a lot fewer deaths to worry about that way.

"You have to break eggs in order to make an omelette" could have worked just as well.

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True. But as things stand what the Americans supply us Europukes with is same-o same-o and has been so for the past decase or so. (I was amused to see the Republicans held their convention in a place called St Paul. Coincidence ? I think not. :))

They should've held it in a Vietnamese restaurant.

It is enough when the opposition is "On a mission from Allah". Now that the Amis are also "On a mission from God" the outlook is bleak to say the least. Not that this whole thing has in the works for a long time but I would have liked to think the Western civilication would have prevail through level headed reason and not extremist militarism.

I don't think, and never have, that backing the military, giving them the benefit of the doubt when under accusations on foreign soil, and honoring their service, is extremist militarism...I am just old fashion like that. Do I think they are perfect? Nope. Do I think they can screw up? Yep. DO I sperm on my TV and march on DC anytime some pissed off Iraqi claims they murdered a hundred people...HA! The US military is FAR from being any kind of Goose Stepping Jesus Squad no matter how much the libs here or abroad want to try and paint it that way.

As far as it being a religious war for us...it's not, and you all know it. Big difference when a few say the US is doing God's work, than when everybody and his mother starts poppin' blood vessels and lopping off heads because some dumb ass drew a cartoon. You think Martin Scorsese would've survived making The Last Temptation of Mohammad? He survived making the The Last Temptation of Christ, along with thousands of others that have offended and insulted Christians day in and day out in America...so, not even close. If Republicans were all Bible Thumpin' Nazi there'd be no Liberals...LMAO...Proof.

First of all none of your quotees are using the name of the magic sky fairy as justification to start and continue a war. There is another bunch of 'people' who use the name of their magic sky fairy to do this too, welcome to their club.

BZZZZZZZZZZ! Nice try, but wrong answer. Sorry. We have some nice consolation prizes for you. Johnny, tell him what he's won!

Well Rob, You win a years supply of Turtle Wax, Turtle Wax, it's sticky and that's what turtles like! AND a gift certificate to Chuck E Cheese. Chuck E Cheese, eat pizza, play whack-a-mole and leave your Jehovah worries at the door. At Chuck E Cheese, god is dead and Pizza's KING!!!

Unless I missed the last two decades I don't think god was the reasoning behind finally starting to kick these guys in their asses. Something you lefties need to remember...I know it's hard but think...hmmmm. What might have set this ball rolling? Was it Jesus' insatiable blood lust or something a bit more down to earth?

Anything else is just more whining. As per the last 8 years.

And as much as I'd love to get into another why, what, who, when and where on Iraq...I am gonna pass....5000 is my limit.


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I don't think, and never have, that backing the military, giving them the benefit of the doubt when under accusations on foreign soil, and honoring their service, is extremist militarism.

It isn't .

It's also nothing at all to do with the claim that the war in Iraq is a mission from god, which is a political statement not a military one.

IMO it is people who are uncomfortable with the false premis of the war but who want to be sen as generally "patriotic" and/or who support the neo-con/right wing/conservative agenda who run for "I support the troops" as a means of avoiding having to say "I don't support the war".

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By Mord

I don't think, and never have, that backing the military, giving them the benefit of the doubt when under accusations on foreign soil, and honoring their service, is extremist militarism...I am just old fashion like that.

Militarism (even extreme) is not equal to extreme religious fanaticism/fundamentalism.

The US military is FAR from being any kind of Goose Stepping Jesus Squad no matter how much the libs here or abroad want to try and paint it that way.

IMO the troops are not (necessarily) motivated by religious motives. However, when presidential candidates who may wind up being responsible for the political decisions regarding deployment of said troops start spouting religious slogans it is time to review any and all political (and economic) decisions very closely. Roslin did take "Love thy neighbour" to a new level when she tried to get her sisters ex-spouse fired. "Just say no" did not seem to be good enough contraception for her teenage daughter. I'm sure your comics are supplied with enough materiel to keep them going for a while.

As far as it being a religious war for us...it's not, and you all know it. Big difference when a few say the US is doing God's work, than when everybody and his mother starts poppin' blood vessels and lopping off heads because some dumb ass drew a cartoon.

Do not get mad, get even has been the American credo for a long time. Making prognom lists of countries who belong to "Axis of Evil" is not equal to lobbing off individual heads, it is far more effective.

If Republicans were all Bible Thumpin' Nazi there'd be no Liberals...LMAO...Proof.

So far I have not or have not seen anybody claiming Roslin or Republicans to be equal to Nazis. Who BTW were anti-religious to the core.

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The whole problem with this religion mixed with politics thing is that it gives people one more excuse to stop thinking critically and as a bonus they get to justify doing what they want by proclaiming it was really god's will all along. Anybody who opposes the true believer is obviously pagan, heretical or diabolical - and clearly the enemy, in any case.

The Democrats play this religious thing very amateurishly because they actually are secularists and just don't have the guts to admit it...and once the religious theme is on the table, you ignore it or challenge it at your own political risk. The Republicans revel in the religious thing because it suits their self-righteous side to a T and nicely justifies anything they want to do.

This whole tired game is pretty soon to come to an end, since in a couple of generations, white Americans will be the minority, and the new and diverse majority will be calling the shots according to their own terms, notions, values, beliefs and priorities. I'm not even sure today's American political parties will survive - and if they do, they will hardly be recognizable.

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I'm not sure what you guys are thinking my comment means, I will explain it. My point being that most of the anti-war folks are also dedicated pro-choice folks. So if you look at the Iraq war as aborting Saddam Hussein then war casualties are deaths that should easily be accepted and written off as near nothing as there are a heck of a lot less of them.

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