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Need Some Voice Talent

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I am working on a US mod that features the spicier side of military language, (orders punctuated with gusto and cussing)...I have made a bunch of files already but need some more voices to give it some breadth, depth and variety. Maybe two to three more people, American accents; southern, northern, black, Hispanic, doesn't matter as long as your accent would be found in the US Army.

My requirements would be, you need a decent microphone, the phrasing per file needs to be short (or with a big enough pause between phrases that I can edit), and the recording needs to be clear, loud, and clean (no static, heavy breath, stammering, stuttering, screeches, or other types of feedback). Be best if the files are saved in Wav format, at 44.100 Khz, 16 bit, can be mono or stereo, I'll do the rest when I edit.

Best to label them in a way that gives me an idea of where they should go; such as panic, quick move, target light, no need to give them proper file names, I'll do that.

Examples of files would be;

Target light; "Put some fire on those M*ther F**kers!"

Move Quick; "Move your asses, lets go!"

Taking Fire; "Get your f**kin' heads down!"

Just use your imagination, show some enthusiasm, and say something that sounds realistic.

If anybody is interested, post here, or PM me.


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Back to the case in point though - when I was in Northern Ireland some scientists wanted to trial voice input to a particular system we used. The criteria was something like English Home Counties accent.

At the time every battalion over there was from Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland or from the North of England. We had to delay the trial for about 8 months until the R Anglians arrived in Province and they fit the Home Counties description very loosely. Anyway I went down with all the kit and taped them all in the PVCPs doing their thing - got a whole load of recordings over a week.

Sent them off and the civvies came back and whinged about the sound quality and I said 'look - this is the environment they're going to be doing this in' (and it was quite benign) 'what hope have you got of this working if you can't cope with that?'

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LOL I've been waiting for my neighbors to call the cops.

Nope, I can't clean up the you Tube Vids, there's just too much going on in most of them. And LOL man, I don't wanna spend another zillion hours watching every vid. Between the Chatter mod and the Allah's Army mod I probably spent thirty hours hunting and watching videos.



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You normally hear a lot of guys chatting or yelling, but you rarely hear a radio or a radioman. I'm not savvy enough with sound software to make it sound like it's coming out of a radio speaker. But if someone here were, you could make a confirmation of a grid mission or hear another squad with medevac request. I think that would be kickass.

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TC replied just a bit ago...couple more questions included.

but I think I am confusing you guys...this mod is gonna be for the soldiers that are hollering and giving orders off comms. Separate mod from the US chatter mod...though after the Marines come out I will continue on that one and probably be able to do a big mix of each for those that want to use both. The Marines is gonna have some new Comm slots so that'll be fun to work with and why I have postponed doing anymore with the Chatter files.

This one here is going back to some stuff Bodkin and I briefly touched on in an exchange a while back. He mentioned he wanted soldiers talking like real soldiers, cussing and being less stiff sounding and I'd said I had some plans to do something like that.


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