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Exapnded Custom Scenario

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That is a difficult question. I myself realized I don´t use engineers very much in SC2 while I certainly did use them extensively in Clash of Steel. However, I do not exactly know why that´s so.

Anyway, I guess I would like to try out garrison troops - they are certainly missing in the game. They should not be very strong, though. Just able to fend of partisans and prevent capture of (otherwise unoccupied) cities in one turn.

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Oh... a few additional requests/throughts:

1. British XXX Corps with two experience bars... located in England to represent superior leadership and discipline to arrive in Aug 40. So the player is not tempted to send them to France.

2. Patton to begin in USA... and an understrength USA armor unit to represent the foundation of armor that he and eisenhower started prior to the outset of war.

3. How about a second land/fortress square for malta with a fighter unit (strenght 3) based there to represent the fighter squadron based there that withstood Axis attacks even when they only had 3 ready aircraft.

4. Two additional axis subs in the atlantic to make the war in the atlantic that much more of a fight for life for Britain. The sub war almost brought the Brits to their knees.

Additional thoughts:

I played the campaign to the end serveral times and enjoyed it a great deal.

1. I invaded spain and found that the Spanish economy suffered from lack of oil due lack of supply from USA... can you get rid of that message once Rumania joins? Oil. It's also annoying to have it pop up each turn for the next 3 years.

2. Germany failed to bring land units to Africa (computer AI) but brought the entire German airforce which was defeated by land units. Is there a way for Rommel, 1 corp and 1 armor to appear by Tripoli in the beginning of 42?

3. Romania and Hungry don't automatically join... you need to invest... was this intentional?

4. Can you put a city on Crete to make it worth capturing with a German airborne?

5. Is it possible to begin the game 2 or 3 turns before Germany invaded Poland? Give the player a choice of troop placement? Also have France, England and Poland at peace at the beginning of the game? Basically force a Polish war by Sept if Germany does not attack.

Thanks for the great campaign. Keep it up.


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Thanks for the reports.

Starting OOBs:

I have revamped the starting OOBs for Finland, Norway, Poland, France, USSR and Germany to the true historical OOBs. Basically this included a couple of extra armies for France and Poland, new HQs for France (very limited effectiveness) extra corps for Germany, Norway, Finland and USSR.

I don't plan on altering or adding anything else at this time.

Unit names:

I found that there was a huge discrepency between the unit names in the game and historical unit names. Also, many of the starting 1939 corps units (especially for Germany) have to be combined for balance. Therefore I have deleted ALL corps names in favour of simply naming them based on their locations. I have changed all army and tank group names to include the names of their tactical commanders. For example, Germany starts with Panzer Group Guderian and Panzer Group Hoeppner. They also start with 14th Army Kleist, 2nd Army List etc. (I may not be remembering those correctly but they ARE correct in the scenario) I have removed Guderian from the list of German HQs as a result. UK gets BEF Gort etc.


I have not made any changes to the AI and don't intend to try. I will leave that up to Normal Dude and Timskorn although I still haven't tried to put their AIs back into my mod. Version Nine will have them.


I have never liked the term "HQ". In keeping with history I have renamed this unit "Army Group". Therefore, Germany starts with Army Group Bock, Army Group Runstedt and Army Group Leeb. I have removed Eisenhower from the list of US Army Groups as he was more of a political leader. The US Army Groups remain as Bradley, Hodges, Patch, Patton and Clark. (Also MacArthur if the game goes late into 1945)


Spain was 100% reliant on US oil during the war, thats the major reason they never joined the Axis. I will reduce the trigger % slightly though.

Romania and Hungary:

I have not removed their automatic entry, they occur in 1941 and depend on a number of events to come earlier.


I have renamed "Corps" to "Corps/Divisions" as in some cases I have added 1-4 strength Corps to the game to represent Division strength units. (Even Battalions such as the Waffen SS etc.) All new units with strength 1-2 can be considered Battalions, strength 3-4 are Divisions and everything 5 and over can be considered a Corps. In a perfect world we would have had a map that took up all tiles avaialable to us in the editor and I could have modded a true division scale game. (check out www.slitherine.com/Commander: Europe at War)


I have fixed the messed up Iceland activation script for Version Nine.


I WIll replace engineers with "Militia". These units will defend at a 1 for INF and TANK. Their INF attack will be 1 and their TANK attack will be 0. They will have very few action points.

I have added ALL of the forts, fortfified lines and general obstacles (Cliffs of Dover) that existed in 1939 to the game. There should be no reason to build anymore, making Engineers useless.


I have added Chicago and Tampa.


There are no cities on Crete worth full "City" status.

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Hey Honch,

I have suspended work on my AI until some patches improve the basic AI, give global variables, and make more options available. Once that is completed, I will be more than happy to adapt the AI to your scenario. I love the custom scenario and play it often.

Also, if you do decide to go ahead and put in my old AI, make sure you add in a Netherlands script to go along with the Axis attack on Belgium, or else they will only attack Belgium in early 40.

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The changes also should make the "Army" the dominant infantry unit as I will also slightly reduce their cost. They will no longer be just "double" what Corps cost. I will make them about 180% of a Corps cost. "Corps/Divisions" will be only for filling in gaps, quick reinforcements, representation of true historical Corps, Divisions and Brigades etc.. The focus will now be on "Army Groups" which have one or two "Armies" and a "Tank Group" under their control.

"Militia" will represent Garrison Troops, Territorial Conscripts, Home Guards, Battalions and Regimental sized units.

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I was skimming through this thread and I noticed early on you were talking about volksgrenadiers, when you meant volkssturm for German "home guard"-types. Did you ever correct this in your mod?

I will be downloading this mod in the very near future. It looks like a winner!

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Good idea Normal Dude. I have actually reduced their stats to SA 1, HA 0, SD 1, HD 1. I may reduce it even more. I see no problem with tech advances for them as even garrison units can be provided with trucks and armored cars as well as better rifles.

Version 10 is ready now and converted to patch 1.05. (I had this available to me for a beta test) I just have to wait until the new patch is available to everyone. The new patch really enhances the AI options.

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Originally posted by Honch:

Good idea Normal Dude. I have actually reduced their stats to SA 1, HA 0, SD 1, HD 1. I may reduce it even more. I see no problem with tech advances for them as even garrison units can be provided with trucks and armored cars as well as better rifles.

Version 10 is ready now and converted to patch 1.05. (I had this available to me for a beta test) I just have to wait until the new patch is available to everyone. The new patch really enhances the AI options.

oh man. You've got me super excited. How soon will it be up? I can't wait!
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