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Dear game developers,

First of all I want to thank you for this great game. Since CMBO, CM always was for me the best tactical game - but CM2 corrected by patches became real piece of art! I see many people here suggesting how to improve the game and some just complaining - thanx for your patience. I wish to add 2 small comments from me too, maybe you will consider them useful:

1 - Is it possible to add size of map for list of battles , like it was in CM1? For example my slow pc "doesn't like" big maps, and eveytime i have to wait till the map loads completely to see what size it is and quit if it's too big.

2 - With all your attention to realistic 3D stuff I'm wandering why you left terrain map appear as two-dimensional plane in the game? It was looking much better when it had "thickness" , like cut out slice of ground.

I think it is easy to do.

Regards smile.gif

[ February 28, 2008, 03:15 AM: Message edited by: Aquablue ]

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#1 This sounds like more a request to the scenario designers than to game develpers. Several scenarios show a representation of the map in the 'tactical map' screen in the orders phase. A couple add info like "2000mx800m map" somewhere in the description. But most don't.

Back pre-release some Beta builds took crippling framerate hits with huge maps. BFC has literally worked miracles to get the game to where it is. If the scenario designers aren't posting map size info its because 80%+ of maps are playable without giving it a second thought... for most people.

About #2, I think CMx1-style vertiacl map edges might be on someone's 'to-do' list. but its a loooooong to-do list. ;) Actually, i kinda prefer the current 'semi-seamless' map edges to the old edge-of-world dropoff.

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Originally posted by Bruce70:

I would like to have more info about map sizes and stuff *before* I load a scenario.

I also prefer the block terrain.

As noted by MikeyD this is in the hands of scen designers...As a designer I will pay more attention to this detail in the future.
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Originally posted by MikeyD:

#1 This sounds like more a request to the scenario designers than to game develpers. Several scenarios show a representation of the map in the 'tactical map' screen in the orders phase. A couple add info like "2000mx800m map" somewhere in the description. But most don't.

I think he's talking about the scenario listing screen - you know, so you don't HAVE to open up the scenario just to see how big it is? That was a feature in the CMX1 series.

About #2, I think CMx1-style vertiacl map edges might be on someone's 'to-do' list. but its a loooooong to-do list. ;) Actually, i kinda prefer the current 'semi-seamless' map edges to the old edge-of-world dropoff.
He was expressing his preference for being able to see the edge of the map more clearly. It is sometimes indistinguishable, depending on monitor settings, display settings, etc. - particularly in the map editor when fooling around with bare terrain. If you're suggesting this was brought up among the beta team, then I think that is the answer he was looking for.

Originally posted by MarkEzra:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bruce70:

I would like to have more info about map sizes and stuff *before* I load a scenario.

I also prefer the block terrain.

As noted by MikeyD this is in the hands of scen designers...As a designer I will pay more attention to this detail in the future. </font>
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Hi Michael: IF memory serves CMx1 size relates to number of units and not map size.* The same applies to CMx2. That is why it is incumbent upon the designer to note map size. It's a good idea and I'll will start doing it

* (I no longer have CMx1 installed so if anyone cares to verify here's how to do it: Take an exisiting "large" scen, rename it and in the editor take the units out and save it to scen file. It should now be listed as "Tiny")

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The other reason to list scenario size (# of units and/or map size) is for those of us who like to micromanage and are looking for battles that don't have dozens and dozens of units to move. If it can be done in the listing as M. Dorosh suggests, that would be 'way cool.

And Mark, I can't believe you have uninstalled CMx1. Would you throw away the Liberty Bell just because it's old and doesn't work as well as electronic chimes? (Well, it doesn't work at all, actually...)

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Originally posted by MarkEzra:

Hi Michael: IF memory serves CMx1 size relates to number of units and not map size.* The same applies to CMx2. That is why it is incumbent upon the designer to note map size. It's a good idea and I'll will start doing it

* (I no longer have CMx1 installed so if anyone cares to verify here's how to do it: Take an exisiting "large" scen, rename it and in the editor take the units out and save it to scen file. It should now be listed as "Tiny")

I'm aware of that, Mark, but once again, despite the original poster's mistaken belief that map size generated the comment in the scenario list, the fact remains, the "size" comment in the scenario list

a) was useful in determining how long a scenario would take to play and moreover how demanding on the player's computer, at least in general terms, and

B) prevented you from having to open each scenario individually in order to determine this information

I think the more features one includes in the scenario listing, the better - I'd love the ability to be able to sort by date and - when we get around to the Second World War - by nationality/campaign. Make it like an excel spreadsheet with the autofilter - want to find a Kursk scenario? Click on "Russians" in the nationality column and "July 1943" in the date column, and everything else gets turned off - voila! Then you can pare down from there.

Being able to filter out Huge or Tiny scenarios would also be useful, ditto those "recommended for AI play", "PBEM only", etc.

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Originally posted by SgtMuhammed:

Isn't that what this is?

Doesn't the fact that you have to ask suggest there is a problem? ;)

I don't see that icon on my mousepad. Or for that matter, in my manual.

Bruce 70(requesting BFC to provide map sizes and "stuff")) is who I responded to...accurately it appears. There is a good deal of info available from the game when a scen is hi-lighted. Here's a scen I'm working on and have added the map size.
Is that "map size" or "scenario size"? It was never intuitive in CMX1 and I haven't paid any attention to it in CMX2 (apparently, neither has Goody. :D )

[ February 28, 2008, 09:39 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Originally posted by RuhrRiver:

And Mark, I can't believe you have uninstalled CMx1. Would you throw away the Liberty Bell just because it's old and doesn't work as well as electronic chimes? (Well, it doesn't work at all, actually...)

Out with the old In with the New! Besides: CMx1 just doesn't "Ring my chimes" anymore... ;)
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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I don't see that icon on my mousepad. Or for that matter, in my manual.

It's in mine - on page 22 under "Parameter Icons":

Battle Size: indication for the battle size, i.e. the amount of units, size of map, and duration. Options range from Tiny all the way to Huge as shown the by number of soldiers depicted

in the icon.

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And for completeness the other 3 icons are:

- Environment: shows the general type of map the battle takes place on. Options include City, town, village, open, rough,hills and so on.

- Weather: shows the weather setting for the battle. Options include clear, overcast, rain etc.

- Battle Type: general setting depicting the type of battle and which side is the attacker or defender. Options include Assault,Attack, Probe and Meeting Engagement.

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It must be the end-of-times: I am in complete agreement with Michael Dorosh on this.

I have read through the manual, yet never noticed the scenario icon information listed there.

Frankly, this game has a lot of iconic information which is non-intuitive. That speaks of a closed development environment in which ideas are self-reinforced. In simple terms, it becomes "club centric". If you're in, you get it. Otherwise you're left scratching your head.

Tool-tips are a nice way out. If I could float the mouse over the icons and receive QUANTITIVE data as opposed to the picturesque QUALITATIVE data, a lot of ambiguity would be resolved.

Also, the oft-requested scenario sorting feature would be greatly appreciated. An excel style spreadsheet which allows the user to set filters to find the right scenario would enhance the game's usability.

Right now one of the strengths of the game engine is the ability to create scenarios and campaigns. Going to CMMODs (THANKS!) shows how many there are right now. That pool will only increase in size.



Here are some suggested sorting criteria (adjustable/selectable by the user):


Size, map

Size, forces

Force type

Opposing Nationality




Have I played it yet?

Did I win?

Did I lose?

Best score/record?

Review score by others (is it a popular scenario or is it a dog?)

Time of Day


Weather Conditions

Terrain Types


Support: Artiller, Air




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Thanks for listing the icons.

I have a QB which has the following green numeric information in the bottom left of that screen: 411:20; 43C.

Now, "43C" seems obvious. It's hot - 109.4F. Very hot.

What is "411:20"? Is that how many secret turns there are? Because in-game it shows as a 25 minute battle.

Note that in the same location that I have "411:20", the screenshots upstream show "18:20" and "05:30" which ALMOST screams that denotes the time of day the scenario occurs.

If so, when is "411:20"?



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Originally posted by c3k:

If so, when is "411:20"?

From Manual (PDF):

Time of battle: shows the time of day when the battle starts

Temperature: shows the air temperature during the battle

"411:20" looks like a QB bug to me. Never played a QB - time has always looked OK to me in scenarios.

More tooltips would be nice though - and I've never really understood perfectly the After Battle screen at all ;)

[ February 29, 2008, 06:13 AM: Message edited by: Melnibone ]

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Originally posted by c3k:


Thanks for listing the icons.

I have a QB which has the following green numeric information in the bottom left of that screen: 411:20; 43C.

Now, "43C" seems obvious. It's hot - 109.4F. Very hot.

What is "411:20"? Is that how many secret turns there are? Because in-game it shows as a 25 minute battle.

Note that in the same location that I have "411:20", the screenshots upstream show "18:20" and "05:30" which ALMOST screams that denotes the time of day the scenario occurs.

If so, when is "411:20"?



Good Catch C3K...I confirm this bug I will report it ASAP...Thank You!
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