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Scenario Designs??

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Originally posted by Salkin:

In the early days when CMSF had just been announced alot of WW2 grogs/players said that they would pass on this one, but like Steve wrote in an answer to one of these threads some of them have had a change of heart and I bet many of them will at least try the demo.

And for the ones who won't, screw 'em. Can't please everyone. I only get irritated when they start making dire predictions about Battlefront's integrity simply because they won't do what they want them to do. Anyone remember the constant accusations that Battlefront wanted to get a defense contract to make simulators? I though that was particularily hilarious.
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Originally posted by MarkEzra:

Salkin: I expect you are right. I had little interest in Eastern theatre but bought CMBB just the same. The new features at that time made it an excellent purchase. What lay in store with CMSF makes me salivate with anticipatory joy not felt since CMBO days.

I agree. I thought the eastern front seemed a grey and dull place, but IMHO it has the coolest units available in old CM.

In Battlefront we trust ;) (fanboy statement) .


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Well I'll be late to the game as i am all Mac, but as with CMBO and CMBB I'll start with modelling the area around my own house, and trying to get it as realistic as I can.

I'd love to be able to "paste" photos on to buildings to aid realism, as you can in the likes of sketchup (and if possible to paste distant shots on to the four sides of the map).

Again it would be good to post both real life photos and game shots to show how close the model was.

I think one of the best ways to see how good the game is will be to play it on "real' ground that you really know. With it's 20m boxes the maps i'd made in the past have been a bit crude, but still pretty good.

The 1.5m heights also made modelling the rolling country around her a bit "lumpy".

With the smaller scale and better terrain pallet in CM:SF I am hoping to be able to produce something much better.

When I used to play with my son Thomas hot seat, he came up with what he called "tiger dips".

These where bumps and drops on the road which allowed you to effectively sit a tank hull down on a long straight stretch of road.

One of the best was about 70m past my house with a long wood on one side, and a thin strip of wood at right angles on the other.

As you can probably guess that where he took to sitting a Tiger which effectively blocked the road to armour.

About 150m from it there was a tight bend in the road, and a junction with thick bushes and rocks ( Piled up over the years from field clearing, as it'srich soil over glacial moranne around here).

Basically to get round the bend you had to turn side ways and then straighten out and then to try to spot then target the hull down Tiger.

After various games I got it down to only losing two or three Shermans but on at least one occasion I lost seven....

Over all I enjoyed the games but it also helped me in making other maps more reralistic and in refining game tactics.

It also helped me to make maps less cluttered and avoid the tendancy to condense things too much.


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Blue forces are seiging a high value enemy human target, but don't want to assualt just yet (talks going on, religious significance or just waiting it out)

Large numbers of poorly trained, but fanatic, red forces attempt to break the seige and get Abu Vercingtorix out

Another one I tried to make in CMBB, but the victory conditions didn't allow. Basically, US forces have got intelligence of a planned partisan attack, and the location of their staging area. A light force is sent to break them up, kill/ capture as many as possible. The partisans must withdraw to safety, while trying to fight a delaying action. Need plausible reason why US force has minimal/ no air support though!

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Originally posted by Peter Cairns:

I think one of the best ways to see how good the game is will be to play it on "real' ground that you really know....These where bumps and drops on the road which allowed you to effectively sit a tank hull down on a long straight stretch of road.Peter.

No wonder the Highlands has such a crap road safety record - people placing Tigers in the middle of busy roads :mad: tongue.gif

Cheers fur noo

George Mc

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