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The thing that troubles me the most is the fact that our government...they are supposed to protect us right?...would give someone like NG cavscout guns a bullets in the first place, and turn him loose on the poor Iraqi people.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

The thing that troubles me the most is the fact that our government...they are supposed to protect us right?...would give someone like NG cavscout guns a bullets in the first place, and turn him loose on the poor Iraqi people.

To a New Yorker like you, a hero is just some weird type of sandwich...

I liked yer story too, btw. Seemed too polished to be truly Grunt-spawned, though, forgive me for saying it.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

The thing that troubles me the most is the fact that our government...they are supposed to protect us right?...would give someone like NG cavscout guns a bullets in the first place, and turn him loose on the poor Iraqi people.

To hell with the Iraqi people ... don't you realize that with all that Army training ... HE MIGHT NOW KNOW HOW TO TAKE HIS GUN OFF SAFE!

I mean he was over there for MONTHS ... SOME of that training had to have soaked through that skull. HE MAY EVEN HAVE LEARNED HOW TO LOAD BULLETS!



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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

The thing that troubles me the most is the fact that our government...they are supposed to protect us right?...would give someone like NG cavscout guns a bullets in the first place, and turn him loose on the poor Iraqi people.

To a New Yorker like you, a hero is just some weird type of sandwich...

I liked yer story too, btw. Seemed too polished to be truly Grunt-spawned, though, forgive me for saying it. </font>

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Internet is still crawling slow. I am actually considering writing down the symbols in the PBEM .txt files and mailing it to people.

Move to a real country that has all high speed access, like South Korea for instance.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Internet is still crawling slow. I am actually considering writing down the symbols in the PBEM .txt files and mailing it to people.

Move to a real country that has all high speed access, like South Korea for instance. </font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

The thing that troubles me the most is the fact that our government...they are supposed to protect us right?...would give someone like NG cavscout guns a bullets in the first place, and turn him loose on the poor Iraqi people.

To a New Yorker like you, a hero is just some weird type of sandwich...

I liked yer story too, btw. Seemed too polished to be truly Grunt-spawned, though, forgive me for saying it. </font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

The thing that troubles me the most is the fact that our government...they are supposed to protect us right?...would give someone like NG cavscout guns a bullets in the first place, and turn him loose on the poor Iraqi people.

If your government was doing its job, none of you would have access to the internet, or the outside world for that matter.
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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

The modem is broken. Even South Koreans can't fix that. Tuesday someone is coming along to fix it. Then I will resume kicking you where it hurts.

Belgians know how to fix networking elements????....I'm sure a Turk will be showing up at your door, or even maybe a South Korean.
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We finally managed to cross the dry paddy without further incident, the Platoon Commander took 2 squads and part of the weapons section further to our right, they moved along a gulley that ran perpendicular to a small stream and another gully, we fanned out to the left in the nearest gulley with the Platoon Sergeant, first squad and the 60 mortar team. Myself and my partner Freddie Greene stayed near the Platoon Sergeant and the radioman.

There was a lot of firing and enemy mortars started impacting to the left of the Lt. which was directly to our front about 25 meters. They started to walk toward us and we hugged the ground in the gulley, short of a direct hit we were pretty safe in there. About 20 rounds fell nearby, our little group was unscathed, but there were some casualties in the rest of the platoon further forward. We heard on the radio Lt. Berkheiser, We have one Spade (KIA) and three Hearts (WIA), he was calling in for a Medevac.

To our direct front was another "sea" of dry paddy, to the left a bamboo wall streched in a circular arc around to the left of the paddy, to the right were some trees, and a berm or dyke in front of the gulley that the rest of the platoon had moved into. We could see helmeted heads bobbing up and down over there, but there was no more firing in our direction at the moment.

One of the mortar team guys, pulled himself up higher over the front edge of the gulley to get a better look forward. We heard a shot, and he groaned and fell back hard into the gulley. Doc Sovey rushed over to him, he was right next to me on my left, I helped the doc take off his flak jacket and utility shirt. He had a bullet wound in his left forearm, just below the elbow, it had gone clean through him, he wasn't moaning or anything and he was having trouble breathing. Unfortunately the bullet had exited his arm and entered his side, the doc quickly rolled him on his left side and when he did that we could see a large bulge on his right side where the bullet had pushed all of his tissue and internal fluids, but did not exit. The poor guy had that gray shocky color, he stopped breathing and the doc started mouth to mouth...he never made a sound, not even a gasp..after a couple of minutes the doc stopped the mouth to mouth, felt his neck, "he's gone", was all he said.

We started taking more fire now, bullets were zipping over our heads from the front. We couldnt see anything, but it did not seem like it was a lot of people firing, maybe two or three. One full auto, probably an RPD and a couple of AKs or SKSs. We could not pinpoint the source, but they guys to our left front must have spotted them because they started opening up with rifles and M-79 fire.

The platoon sergeant radiod the LT that we had another Spade from sniper fire. The LT added that to the previous medevac request, by now we could hear the chopper flying inbound from our rear. It was a Ch-34, those bulbous fronted old workhorses that the Marine Corps still had in service in 1967, we didnt have fleets of nimble Hueys like the Army did. The chopper circled once, and someone from the command group popped a green smoke just off to our right front in the paddy area. All the firing had stopped, but to this day as I think back on this, trying to land that chopper right there was a bad idea. Any way in he came...right over the trees to our right. One of the other Grunts and myself got ready to grab the dead kid so we could carry him the 15 or so meters up the gulley and to the front to get to the chopper. Just before it landed, an automatic weapon opened up just to our left front at the edge of the bamboo wall, no more than 10 feet in front of me...I could see the smoke from the barrel, this guy was no more than 20 feet from the landing chopper, which immediately went to full power and stated taking off again. It had never touched the ground. It rose straight up turned to te right and headed back in the direction it came from, with the door gunner blazing away. I dont think he saw us right away because the bullets were so close. then luckily he stopped firing, and the chopper flew off to a safe distance.

Stupid me started crawling out of the gulley and towards the bamboo wall, I got just to the edge of it and peeked around the corner, there was a fighting hole right there, but no sign of anyone, a couple of brass cartridges lay around the lip of the hole. I dropped a grenade in the opening, yelled "fire in the hole" and scooted back to the gulley. The greande blew with a muffled BANG, but I never knew if there was a VC in that hole or whether it was connected to an escape tunnel. I suspect the latter. The day was becoming more exciting by the minute.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

People Who Owe Me Turns (PWOMT):




Snap crap, boys!

That's an interesting coincidence ... I owe turns to both Boo Radley and Sir 37mm.

I wonder if they're operating on the principle that, in order to give YOU a turn, they first have to GET a turn from ME?

That'd be nice, I could annoy YOU at the same time and not even have to be, ostensibly, playing you.

That'd be shiny.


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Originally posted by bauhaus:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Wait a minute!!! Did someone say something....?...no it's just the wind blowing, or an AUSSIE!!!

It's just the wind blowing up your AUSSIE?!?!?!? huh? </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

That'd be nice, I could annoy YOU at the same time and not even have to be, ostensibly, playing you.


And how would this differ from the current state of affairs whereby you currently annoy me without "playing me" (whatever the hell kind of euphemism that's supposed be)?
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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

That'd be nice, I could annoy YOU at the same time and not even have to be, ostensibly, playing you.


And how would this differ from the current state of affairs whereby you currently annoy me without "playing me" (whatever the hell kind of euphemism that's supposed be)? </font>
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