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Annoying missing elements (you're invited to contribute!)


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First of, I would like to sincerely thank Battlefront for the great patch they recently released. I am happy that I continued to keep faith as it finally paid off big time.

Alright, that said, here is the point behind this message: all the annoying things that, albeit minor, detract from accomplishing important actions or are simply superfluous.

Let's start:


  • Once you click on a vehicle, no matter what, if this vehicle carries an infantry unit, it will automatically select it instead of the vehicle.</font>
  • When a tank or Stryker MGS (and some others) are ordered to fire on a wall, or on a building, they do not execute it either with the proper ammunition or with the proper weaponry.</font>
  • Despite having a unit (with radios) having a fair view of the battlefield (and the enemy's positions and units), it does not relay the info (coordinates) to i.e. tanks [who could have a line of fire].</font>
  • More often than not, the line of sight [in order to fire] does not EXACTLY fall on the wanted target.</font>
  • When clicking with the mouse and setting a path for vehicles their is a "dead zone" around them which prevents setting the waypoint but only if you are using the "above view".</font>
  • Despite not having access to a "Hull Down" command, an option should be added that would (nearby the end waypoint) indicate through the use of a "short curved line" on the ground the position at which a vehicle has reached "hull down".</font>
  • In WEGO, give an option disabling the replay phase after the main sequence.</font>
  • Again in WEGO, that units' actions be "highlighted" in some kind of way (much like tanks firing in CMAK) to help localize which units are involved, especially on larger maps.</font>
  • NOTE: Unless I am mistaken --I have not found this information in the manual-- is it possible at this point to either manipulate the path's cones or move the waypoints?</font>

I hope that this list will help in the future. Please add your two cents!

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1.Adjustable waypoints

2.Arty/Mortar smoke

3.Being able to string better commands, such as move,face,hide or move,face,smoke. These are not possible now

4.Water features and bridges

5.Show all paths/target lines option

6.Target lines

7.Detailed armor hit messages

8.Detailed AAR

9.Missing infantry animations (example: Humvee gunner or tank TC do not have their hands on the MGs)

These were useful features of CM1 games and I dont understand why the CM2 was 'dumbed' down. I guess I just "dont get it"

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I forgot to add these two:


  • With the addition of the yellow target line (in patch v1.5), that a box pops up whenever you want a vehicle to fire --either through smoke or dense foliage-- on an enemy's anticipated position. At this moment, it rarely occurs.</font>
  • On certain types of terrain (for Syrian Forces only), provide the use of a preference box to cover their tanks/armors with foliage (forest + olive plantation, etc.) or while static with sandbags.</font>

I guess that must be it for now...

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I have to play the game more to remember all the things I missed or thought should be included...doing that again with the new patch, which works great for me. Oh I remember, the big one for me, I wish so much for a TCIP game of CMSF using WEGO!!! An even better idea, WEGO with variable time increment settings. Where players could chose to vary the time between orders. Say everything from 30 seconds to 5 minutes, 30 seconds for those micromanages out there, and 5 minutes for those hands off kind of guys. It seems with much of the pathing issues taken care of, this could be possible. Oh and show me the kills! Scalp count for my individual units and artillery, I want to properly reward my heroes.

[ December 17, 2007, 06:19 PM: Message edited by: Zemke ]

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1) A Delete Saved Game command, so I don't have to keep delving into my hard drive to get rid of old saves.

2)The ability to drag/adjust waypoints rather than having to delete and reset them if you change your mind for movement paths.

3) damage modelling on vehicles (ToW scores v highly here)

4)can't remember 4. I'll be back.

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1) Adjustable Waypoints

2) Artillery Smoke

3) On-map Mortars

4) Water

5) Bridges

6) Fences and Hedges

7) T-Junction Walls/Fences/Hedges

8) Random Casualties at start of scenario

9) Drop items when in vehicle

10) Squad reorganisation and inter-squad transfers

11) Attach/Detach unit for C2 purposes in editor

12) Trucks

13) Edit default Briefing Headings

14) Surrender/Prisoners

15) Same map with carried over damage in campaign

16) Detailed armour/bunker hit messages

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a) a mature fan base brave enough to identify themselves with their first and last names, possessed of an ability to communicate to the developers (and each other) on the official website in an articulate manner

B) an extensive library of second hand reference books upon which to base scenarios, modifications and forum discussions

c) other games on the same genre and taking place in the same era as CM:SF from which to steal scenario ideas and rework them, cleverly camouflaged, as original work

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Ooh! Ooh! I'm "a"!! Except the articulate bit.

There's a semi-decent book by Bolger (I read his NTC book as a kid and loved it) called Death Ground. Some interesting scenarios in there. Also, if you imagine that the PDF put up a nation-wide fight, you'd probably get good scens out of "what if?" scenarios from Operation Just Cause.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

a) a mature fan base brave enough to identify themselves with their first and last names, possessed of an ability to communicate to the developers (and each other) on the official website in an articulate manner

B) an extensive library of second hand reference books upon which to base scenarios, modifications and forum discussions

c) other games on the same genre and taking place in the same era as CM:SF from which to steal scenario ideas and rework them, cleverly camouflaged, as original work

Are you trying to screw up this thread, oh mature Michael?

If yes, I think you are on a good track! Congratulations!

Best regards,


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Originally posted by SgtMuhammed:

This is my name.

"Death Ground" has a GW1 scenario that might be interesting if you turn it into a straight infantry fight.

The fight at the school? That's exactly the one I was thinking about if so.
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That's the one. Great description in the book. Too bad the book as a whole was a bit off. I like Bolger but I think there was a bit too much chest-beating, too few facts in describing many of the actions.

Also, the destruction of the radar installation by Rangers was an interesting read.

As mentioned, I do think that Panama would yield some interesting what-ifs. The actual battles, like the airport seizure by SEALs over open tarmac (shudder) would probably be pretty tough to balance.

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Is this a thread about missing elements that would be annoying if they were in the game? My vote is for:

- AI selecting random soldiers as 'drunk', involves lots of weaving around, appropriate voice effects, crawling to the nearest trench and vomiting.

- adding barking dog sounds as solders 'hunt' past residential houses at night.

- add car alarm sounds to abandoned sedans.

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If Michael Dorosh (and all those falling for his theatrics) is not trying to screw up this thread, then he is definitely not improving it!!

Please, go play elsewhere and find yourself a nanny with a hand big enough to hold yours; because I think those who contributed pertinently to this thread would like it to stay active, useful and resourceful. Period.

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Fair enough. Though I wasn't "falling for his theatrics" so much as sharing a book that many WW2 folks might not have read. Valid tangent, in my opinion.

Things I'd like to see because their in-game opposite annoys the heck out of me:

- Visible surrender -- I hate it when units just disappear.

- Forced buddy aid.

- Dragging wounded!

- "Deploy" orders that don't automatically set up the gun facing 90 degress away from where the team is facing.

- An "unlimited" setting for scenario time limit (paradoxical as that may be).

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