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While the Rivers Run Backwards From the Sea and the Grass Is Blue - I Challenge Peng

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

"want to past"

its like "will have done been doin"

acceptable grammar heareabouts

Yep...about as good as your punctuation. </font>
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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

"want to past"

its like "will have done been doin"

acceptable grammar heareabouts

Yep...about as good as your punctuation. </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

"want to past"

its like "will have done been doin"

acceptable grammar heareabouts

Yep...about as good as your punctuation. </font>
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My GAWD ... what a cluster this thread has become.

Techie Grogs and quasi domination ... (I say Quasi since I can't imagine Hiram as being anything EXCEPT dominated.)

AND Seanachai hasn't said word ONE about my complaints ... WELL ...


p.s. I'm in Kerrville, Texas ... where I was born ... they seem properly appreciative so far.

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

The tar is hot and the feathers are waiting.


Heh. I wish I'd come here sooner. This thread is much more happening than the threads in the other forum.

And you, vigilant bar-keep, the next time you're in the house, come into the room and say hi, why dontcha.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

My GAWD ... what a cluster this thread has become.

AND Seanachai hasn't said word ONE about my complaints ... WELL ...


Joe, Joe, sometimes your understanding falls short of your grasp. You are a classic. In fact, you are Classical. You are our Cerberus. You keep safe this little bit of Hell. You keep out those who do not, and cannot, belong. Fools come in, they piss you off, and they get you to show your teeth. And, once Judgement is passed, you tear their paltry, stupid little souls into rags and send them to limbo.

But, Joe, haven't you been after living in a country where 'the Powers That Be' have been busy trying to end the 'Separation of Powers'? Where certain of The Powerful decide Everything?

That will never happen here.

You insist on The Rules. You maintain The Rules. We complain about the Rules, but we all know that without You, everything would simply be...something slightly different. More annoying. Stupider, if that's possible. And, after a long life, I know that there is nothing that can't become far stupider.

But it is not for you, ultimately, to judge. You simply bring to justice. But the Olde Ones judge. And, like any dedicated to Justice, you are bound by The Rules. We are not.

You are Justicar for life. Ever wonder why? Separation of Powers, lad. Did we, the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge want complete, utter, and ultimate power?

Of course we did. Everyone fecking does. But we knew that.

And we knew that, if there were no checks upon our power, that the Peng Challenge Thread should become a complete and utter State of Fascism, tossed by the whims of whichever Olde One was currently sober enough, and gave enough of a rat's arse about the whole thing to impose his will upon the complete and utter lot of stupid, sorry bastards that post here.

So, we said to ourselves: Should we not raise up One who might stand in for the will of The Mighty, and impose a sort of order, and, by his position, oppose the injustices that might otherwise arise?

Possibly we could have said that. What actually happened, of course, is that I got good and drunk one night and said: We need some checks and balances, what about we make Ol' Foul Joe the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, and Berli said: 'Screw every single one of the stupid bastards, and what the hell is a justicar?', and Peng said 'There will be such a reckoning that even those that survive shall regret not being cast into a pit of filth and death, and I hate those sons-o-bitches on the General Forum, whoopsy, just a sec, I'm going after another beer, Seanachai, you ass, what was that you were saying about Shaw? Justicar? Sure, why not, the place needs an iron broom and did you see what that (expletive deleted) ('Screen name' deleted because of the libel trial) said about (insert any number of things) in the General Forum?

So I made us a Justicar. But I want one thing known, and remembered, whatever else we might forget. There came a day when the Justicar came, and wanted to resign. To Us, the Powers That Are. This was not in Public. This was to Us. And we told him to feck off. We told him: You are Our Watchdog.

We will countermand you. We will mock you. We will abuse you, and lead the laughter when we kick the feet out from under you, and we will belittle you in front of posters so stupid that you can't believe they're actually posting here without taking one hand out of their pants to type.

And We will mock the Rules. When all you want is a place for people to post things amusing, and startling, and even, the gods be praised, amazing, who will not grow impatient with the man who holds the rules and measures, who knows the laws, and the traditions, and who insists on a scrupulous attention to all of them?

But who can do without him?

I cannot. Or rather, I will not. And the difference between 'can not' and 'will not' is that moment of difference between tyranny and community.

Mind you, if any of you stupid ****es makes the mistake of looking at me cross-eyed, or gives me any annoyance, I'll come down on you like a fall of ****e from on high.

Don't mistake my intrinsically democratic nature for the same as benevolence. I can't stand you stupid shower of bastards, and if anyone crosses my will, or the will of any of the Olde Ones, their last impression of airy freedom will be the moment my foot went up their arse.

Oh, and honour your Justicar!

[ January 18, 2006, 01:18 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Bugged:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

The tar is hot and the feathers are waiting.


Heh. I wish I'd come here sooner. This thread is much more happening than the threads in the other forum.

And you, vigilant bar-keep, the next time you're in the house, come into the room and say hi, why dontcha. </font>

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Now, all that's been said and done. Where is my large, thuggish henchman, Boo? How I long for...well, when you get right down to it, he's the worst goddamn henchman in all the known Multi-verse.

Mene, mene tekel Upharsin! Oh thou gods, when will I be free of this sort of thing? When will my large, thuggish henchman finally justify all the time and effort I've spent abusing his hulkishly awkward form, and make me proud?

Have I not spilled out my very soul to him? Have I not named him as my own? Have I not threatened to kick the very soul out of his overly large and Calibanish body if he doesn't get a wiggle on, and make me proud?!

Was ever a more demanding and obnoxious master more poorly served by a lazy and useless servant?!

Boo, as you love Me, my Lady, and the Respective and Varied Personifications of an Ultimate Being That May or May Not Exist, my horse!

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