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Training camp FINISHED!

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1st training mission: no problem!

2nd training mission: no problem!

3rd training mission: no problem!

4th training mission (clear a small town): disaster!

Haha, three men standing after 4th mission. Great fun though, total chaos. And now its time for invasion of Syria. Something tells me casualties will be high!

BTW, runs fine on AMD sempron 3300+, 1 Gb memory and GeForce 7600 GT.

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Ahh nice a training campaign, I havent even clicked on the campaign button yet. Its my first CM game so ive been getting at it with QB.

But awesome game when you learn the controls and how much baby sitting the AI needs :D

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I bombed on the first mission. And the second time through Disembark was greyed out alot of the time - I really like how everything flows over time from a situational angle, I just need to understand the why and how. smile.gif

Good thing they modeled CNN and FOX News into this, because otherwise I'd have won. tongue.gif

[ July 27, 2007, 02:15 PM: Message edited by: Xipe66 ]

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LordCalvert refers to the training campaign.

Exactly. Just click "Campaign" in the menu and you will see it.

I will go to bed now and in the morning at 0600 hrs (hrrm, or maybe more like 1000 hrs...) the invasion will start with 2000 guns opening up all along the front. It´ll be a sight for sore eyes.

Good night (good morning) from Sweden fellow CM´ers around the world (including Finland).

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Originally posted by clcaldwell:

Were you able to get your Javelin teams to target the bunkers? I wasn't and I noticed someone else posted the same thing.

-- nick

You have to equip em from the stryker.

When the squad is inside the stryker select it(the squad) then press aquiere(spelling) then select the javlin launcher + the number of missiles you want to bring. Now go blow something up.

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You might be seeing a symptom of a multi-processor bug we're trying to track down. If you have something like a Dual Core running Vista 32 with an nVidia card... that could explain things. At least this is the combo that I'm currently thinking is relevant. Could be irrelevant :D


It is a tough battle even for me, a grizzled CM:SF veteran AND the guy that made the scenario. It is meant to be. The briefing mentions that I modled this the way the US Army tends to do their training. Instead of training their guys against the more typical rag tag bunch of nOoBs, who might even have trouble loading their weapons, that can be expected out there, they instead train against some of the best soldiers in the Army. They are infinitely familiar with the terrain they are fighting on because they have done it over and over again.

In short, the US Army trains against a "worst case" foe in "worst case" conditions. That makes for better soldiers coming out of the training (humbled at the very least!). So that is the sceanrio you just played... a lession in humility. You'll likely do much better in a "real" combat situation in a stand alone battle or in the Campaign.


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Humbling is right. I loved it!

My first attempt was a spectacular failure which resulted in one Stryker brew up with a full squad lost inside, along with the crew. Another Stryker was KO'd and burning, and a third was badly damaged and immobilised. 3Squad was wiped to the last man as they attempted to exit their Stryker.

I felt ill for a moment.

And then I decided I needed to restart the battle and this time flatten every suspect building I could. I'd have loved some arty to properly 'prepare' that makeshift town. :mad:

Managed to finish it with 3 KIA, and gained a more humble attitude.

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:


You might be seeing a symptom of a multi-processor bug we're trying to track down. If you have something like a Dual Core running Vista 32 with an nVidia card... that could explain things. At least this is the combo that I'm currently thinking is relevant. Could be irrelevant :D


Thats strange since I had inf when I started playing on this pc.... ???

I will try to change something and mayby open a thread in the support forum.

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It is a tough battle even for me, a grizzled CM:SF veteran AND the guy that made the scenario. It is meant to be.
Thats good to hear! I just stared in disbelief at the screen as the AI took apart my "happy few" pixeltruppen and their sodacans (=Sdkfz 251/1?) of transport vehicles, haha! But Ill give it another shot, or two.

About the Javelins in the training campaign. My squads immediately took out the tanks and one bunker, but it took them a while to take out the second bunker. Don´t know why. Had one squad run back to the Stryker to get more Javelins :D . Some of the soldiers kept shouting about more tanks on the horizon but that must have been a mirage ;)

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3 KIA at the end of your second attempt? Fast learner! I made the scenario, knew where everybody was, and have been playing this thing since the beginning of time. My second time I got 4 KIA and about a dozen WIA and one Stryker immobilized. I won't discuss my first time's results, but let's put it this way... they weren't all that different from yours (though in my defense I put PL Puppet too far forward by about 16m smile.gif ).


Yes, that is the bug we are trying to track down. The units appear then disappear. It has something to do with the dual processors and the video card combo. At least I am nearly sure that is the case. We are buying some hardware and will hopefully have this one fixed soon.


Think about it. This is about a 1:1 infantry battle where one side has the advantage of being in cover and the other side the advantage of being massed. The support vehicles help too :D But basically it comes down to surviving the initial shock long enough to regain the initiative and execute a plan on the fly.

We think we know why the second bunker was harder to take out. Small bug that should be easy to fix. Yes, our guys get heatstroke sometimes and imagine they see things. I hope we can fix that soon too smile.gif


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Thx for the Reply on it. Hard Scenarios and Training Courts just make me ambitously to some Point (and that Point is far far away). I like the Challenge, it was one thing that kept me so long on CMX1. But do you have a General Hint to get that Inf to the Buildings? In WW2 ( i know old but thats the Style i now) u gave Suppresionfire and entered the Building, supress the NExt and get with inf into it.

So how did u do it with almost none Casultiys?

OT: And how can u "First Aid" ppl with that Red Cross, i couldnt find it in the Manual.

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Hey all you Battlefront guys! I´ve never posted much on these forums even though I read them almost every day. But now while I´m at it, I just want to thank you for what looks like a really great game. All the work you´ve put into it seems to have payed off. And what small quirks remain (every game has them) I´m sure, with the level of support that you put out, you will do your best to correct.

Wherever you decide to take this game next, I´ll follow!

And now back to that small town...

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In short, the US Army trains against a "worst case" foe in "worst case" conditions. That makes for better soldiers coming out of the training (humbled at the very least!). So that is the sceanrio you just played... a lession in humility. You'll likely do much better in a "real" combat situation in a stand alone battle or in the Campaign
LOL your not kidding :D I carefully planned and prepared then moved in and BLAM!!!! all hell broke lose, not only did my men panic but i froze, I eventually got my sH1t together and got the survivors into a building then started to clear the town.....never made the objectives though redface.gif
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I started my training in basic training mode, and taking the village actually succeeded the first time, while I was thinking: let's see how fast these Strykers blow up, and just ran them upto the village.

I try to dismount a MG team into a building, but they were shot to pieces pretty fast. A squad was mostly lost while trying to enter a second building, but after a long firefight with just the Strykers a squad succeeded in crossing open ground to a building and shortly afterwards the Syrians - the only two remaining that is - surrendered.

So I won by eliminating the enemy, while hardly taking any ground. No javelins involved.

Probably all because of the basic training level.

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Mr. Byte,

That's funny! Yes, I froze up the first time too because the first indication I had of the enemy was a direct and totally lethal RPG hit to a Stryker.

I assume you were playing in RealTime? "User Panic" is something that can't be experienced in WeGo. It's one of the emotional differences between the two forms of play.


Basic level certainly helps :D However, it is all about getting in quick and fast. A US Rifle Platoon (dismounted) has more manpower and more firepower than the typical Syrian Rifle Platoon (OPFOR) that I chose for the MOUT training battle. So if you get in close you can probably overwhelm them with fire, even though the relative man for man experience is pretty much the same for both forces. Having the Strykers pounding away on stuff helps too ;)

Still, it sounds like you did the right tactical things after you got into the thick of the fight. The 2nd time through I suffered almost all my causualties in the first few minutes and part of my brain said "this is hopeless!" (I also panicked as stated above :D ). Unlike a real world commander I could have quit the game and moved on. I chose not to. I rallied my units, put down suppressive fire, waited for them to rest up, got my plan made, and started to execute it. Sure, one Squad was down to 3 men effective, but my plan worked. I don't think I lost a single man after that, yet I wiped out the OPFOR down to the last man.


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