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  1. pretty much all he have stated is in the game. His just misinformed to say the least. And compareing CMSF to CoH is just silly.
  2. ehh guys just click at your last waypoint and issue a face command? works fine for me. You should then see a blue line extend from the circle that is your last waypoint.
  3. The thing with the trenches is done in countless games. Are you aware of the power you would need to render such sceneries if it wasnt abstracted like that in the distance? Im sorry, but its simply not possible with the level of detail in the game.
  4. I agree this single forum seems kind of cramped with all sorts of post. It might be nice with a tactics forum.
  5. Ehh give it a chance. Some of the movement and target commands have hotkeys that arent bound to the selected command tab. Otherwise then that i think the controls and hotkeys are great when you get use to em. You can cycle command tabs using T and Y. I dont know how they did it in CMx1 but CMSF is great.
  6. Nahh no way im gettin that to work. Im clicking the lower wall so it show a brown blast line to the wall and then a globe(end waypoint) with half of it sticking out the wall. They turn it into a yellow quick move as they move to the wall. Ive now tried to click. -On the ground infront of wall. -On the ground inside the wall where wall meets ground. -On the wall. nothing of it works.
  7. Can you explain again how you got it to work. Ive got it once but now i cant seem to get it. Ive select blast. Then select a spot clicking on the wall. But my unit just moves there and then turn it into a quick move command.
  8. I like RT becouse you can pause when it gets hectic and let it run when nothing happens. Ive not played any of the CMx1 games so dont have great experience with the WeGo system. But have to agree with Steiner14 when he says there is more planning in WeGo. If that is a positive or a negativ is personel i think. But there can be no doubt that if you gave crappy orders then WeGo will punish you for it big time. Against the computer i still prefer RT. But i can imagin how awesome WeGo is in PBEM.
  9. I think some of you are still missing the point about the how the turns are calcualting. You cant fast forward a turn simply becouse it havent been calculated yet. In CMSF this happens in real time. where as if i have understood it correctly in CMx1 the turn was compiled and you then saw a playback of the turn. In CMSF its not a playback the first time through, its the actual turn. There is no compiling its realtime.
  10. Ive just played the MOUT training mission. In that one i have no problems with the javlins either. My men got shot down, so i pulled em back and pulled out the big toys. The javlin is a amazing equalizer when it comes to enemys in buildings.
  11. Steve have said it might be a bug. The tacAI dont feel like wasting a javlin if the enemy isnt inside the bunker. It should be fixed in a patch.
  12. Ive had the Javlin/bunker problem to. But back to "First Impression" tbh my first impression was, CRAP.... then i did a quick read of manual and figured out the hotkeys... its still a hard game since you have to figure out alot of things and i never played a CM game before. But when you learn it all i have no doubt that it will be awesome. Well it already is, but there is some subtle stuff that sometimes leaves one wondering if it is a bug or design. But i guess that just becouse im new with the game. So two thumbs up from me im a happy costumer. And that Todd guy who wrote that crappy review must have been on crack or something.
  13. You have to equip em from the stryker. When the squad is inside the stryker select it(the squad) then press aquiere(spelling) then select the javlin launcher + the number of missiles you want to bring. Now go blow something up.
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