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Seanachai, you knob, why'd you challenge Peng?

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Boo, you're no longer simply my Large, Thuggish Henchman. In keeping with this weird feudal thing that the freaking Justicar has saddled us with, you are now...My Seneschal. You shall now, and forever, oversee the affairs of the Bardic House.

Does this mean that he is now your Chief Pimp and Nightsoil Remover?

Michael </font>

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I had some nice chineses sausages with chineses mustard greenses. No bourbon. When I do have bourbon I like it frozen, or on ze rocks or with a dash of cold water. As me fatheaded bastard brother always said sometimes, "Never mix, never worry."

Anyone know what to do with chinseses sausages other than cook em up with some greens like a southerner might cooks up some greens and smoked hocks or somefink? It was good, I just think maybe there are other things to do with the spicy, inscruitable little wands of porkfat and meat... mmmmm porkfat. Grill em? Stir fry with other stuffeses? Poke Boo! in the eye with one?

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

I had some nice chineses sausages with chineses mustard greenses. No bourbon. When I do have bourbon I like it frozen, or on ze rocks or with a dash of cold water. As me fatheaded bastard brother always said sometimes, "Never mix, never worry."

Anyone know what to do with chinseses sausages other than cook em up with some greens like a southerner might cooks up some greens and smoked hocks or somefink? It was good, I just think maybe there are other things to do with the spicy, inscruitable little wands of porkfat and meat... mmmmm porkfat. Grill em? Stir fry with other stuffeses? Poke Boo! in the eye with one?

Peng you have a date with destiny ... no, no, not HER ...


You have to account for yourself Peng, you must answer Sir. No longer will the CessPool be willing to let you by on FAITH, faith that you have and will do the right thing, it is time for an accounting ... no, no, not THAT kind of accounting ...


oooohhh ... kinky ... No the accounting that only the Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread can, uh ... account for.

The Peng Challenge Thread Podcast awaits the final Olde One ... cue the scary music guys.

I await your response ...


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PShaw! you bastard. I suppose I will have to finally undergo this examination. Will it hurt? Do you have enough latex gloves? Crisco? Let's get it over with this week sometime. Thursday work for you? No? Howaboot Never? Never is good for me. Thanks. Swine.

Email me and we'll set somfink up. Heartless scum.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Boo, you're no longer simply my Large, Thuggish Henchman. In keeping with this weird feudal thing that the freaking Justicar has saddled us with, you are now...My Seneschal. You shall now, and forever, oversee the affairs of the Bardic House.

Hang on a second there, Gepetto! Seneschal to the Bardic House, along with my duties as Associate Back up...whatever... Justicar, AND being the Knight with the most seniority in House Lex, who is still active? </font>
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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

For the record before the PC police jump all over me, I am not saying that Arab women are ugly. They just keep the pretty ones locked up and draped head to toe in black cloth so you can't tell.

So how can you tell they're not ugly?
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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

For the record before the PC police jump all over me, I am not saying that Arab women are ugly. They just keep the pretty ones locked up and draped head to toe in black cloth so you can't tell.

Yeah yeah, but they let the true cuties run wild and free...


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Originally posted by Speedy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

For the record before the PC police jump all over me, I am not saying that Arab women are ugly. They just keep the pretty ones locked up and draped head to toe in black cloth so you can't tell.

So how can you tell they're not ugly? </font>
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Tell you what Sturmy, you take your pretty boys, I will take my girls, and we can all live happily ever after.

For the record. Seanachai is currently using his Panthers and Tigers in a very gamey fashion to abuse my peace loving Wolverines and Churchills in Operation Goodwood. (Down Sturmy, not that kind of Goodwood).

In a QB Mr. Peng is skulking around in bushes and trees trying to avoid the long range fire of my heroic MG crews, recruited from the finest examples of Workers and Peasants. He is also trying to gamily bring in his big cats. What is it about Olde Ones and Uber tanks?

Sir Sir 37mm has so far managed to take out some Grants, but has also lost several halftracks and a scout car in Tiger Valley. My 40mm Bofors AA gun also managed to immobilize one of his Tigers, but I am thinking that crew may soon regret it. Anyway, my brave Brits are holding so far, stiff upper lip and all that old boy, what?

Grog Dorosh and I are having a great time playing Abbot's Master Goodale scenario. At least I am, as I have wiped out his armor, except for one T-28 or some such tin can.

Oh and GCoyote is currently waxing the floor with me in Tacops.

and best news of all, I am one day closer to going home and drinking Rune's booze and meeting Bugged at the CMSF preview. Woo Hoo

Here is the latest picture of my new daughter, born when I was home on leave. As you can see, she has, so far, survived the trauma of realizing that was her father's face hovering above her crib, not a minor planetoid.


[ June 28, 2006, 01:33 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Thanks Sturmy, I think so too.

I bet you are. I should introduce you to my sister, at least I wouldn't have to worry about, well, you know, stuff big brothers and dads worry about. Now my brother, you don't get to meet him!

Tssss, i'm not after your brother.. i have a little secret.. i like men in uniform.
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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I thought you would prefer your men out of uniform?

Anyway, I hear that Boo Radley has a mailmans uniform, you two can play post office or somefink.

Hehe. I'm sorry, Boo is i'm afraid mail that has to be "returned to sender".

Anyway, way off topic and probably too nice to post in the Pool , i would like to express my personal sympathy for you. First for being a cop, and now serving in Iraq inspite of having a young child... respect! I hope you get to return home safely soon.


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Seanachai I commented on it at the time I first saw it as well. I believe that it was one of jd morse creations ... a drive by naming so to speak since he clearly hadn't the nerve to stick around after he did it.

As I mentioned, I questioned the validity of just up and renaming an existing House. One can READILY understand why he would choose to do so of course ... who'd want to belong to a House named after jd morse?

As to LEX ... I think Berli's explanation is as likely as any other ... and probably closer to the truth than most.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Boo, you're no longer simply my Large, Thuggish Henchman. In keeping with this weird feudal thing that the freaking Justicar has saddled us with, you are now...My Seneschal. You shall now, and forever, oversee the affairs of the Bardic House.

Hang on a second there, Gepetto! Seneschal to the Bardic House, along with my duties as Associate Back up...whatever... Justicar, AND being the Knight with the most seniority in House Lex, who is still active? </font>
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Dear bleedin’ Peng on my stereo, am I disgusted or what!?

Now despite my expectations from the lot of you being so, so very low occasionally the truly twisted, degenerate & outrageously tricksy actions of some of you catches me unawares.

I suppose that it is just my honest, happy-go-lucky, I’d like to buy that bloke a drink & set him up with my daughter (I’m sure Knee-dan Won actually did make that offer as well) nature which helps explain my occasional naivety.

As to the vile acts themselves, I can only wonder as to how Boo Radley & NG Cavscout can sleep with themselves… or, now that I think about it, how they are allowed to sleep with others… but I digress.

The despicable act’s in question?

One of the charlatans about half way through our current scenario, that he had requested to play, started to arouse my suspicion after all of my brilliant moves had been strangely anticipated… after intense inquiry I finally discovered that the wretch had infact played the scenario NUMEROUS TIMES before!

Does it not beggar belief?

Oh & let us not forget the other atrocious crime… it began when our sneaky bastard was outwitted YET AGAIN by me & my unorthodox & daring stratagems. Upon finally realising that he faced certain destruction he started to whine, plead, complain, threaten & even write awful poetry about the scenario I’d chosen.

Me, forever gracious in victory, granted the fool a ceasefire so that he could find a new, more agreeable scenario... and what do I next receive in my email from this yellow cockroach?

A gloat!

Incredibly he chose to claim a victory, seemingly forgetting that not two emails before he had been begging me to end the battle!

You cannot make this stuff up!

[ June 28, 2006, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: Sir 37mm ]

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