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Peng Challenges all Other Threads to Fisticuffs on Boxing Day

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Put them together, I say!

As if anyone will listen to you; you say too much already.

No sooner does the fainest electrostatic spark of a thought cross that mildewed sponge between your ears before it immediately flows through your palsied fingers and into the internets to put paid to the proof that you are a maroon.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Well ... it WAS Leeo.


It was MrSpkr, you drunken feck! </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I believe that we've already established that the most correct term would be ... Elms Porker.


What's this "we" crap, Kemo Sabe?

I think a wonderful name for them would be Elmer Spork.

It brings to mind a hapless, jug-eared, gap-toothed, genetically-challenged banjo afficianado, which, you have to admit, fits the both of them to a T.

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Once, when I first tried college via the ever-practical fraternity system, I went to a dorm dance. For reasons lost to brain cell death and the dim mists of history, the drinks de jour for our prefunctioning were Annie Greensprings and Boones Farm, both well aged at least 30 days. It was like drinking Kool-aid. You know, the type that's been in the pitcher at the back of the fridge since the last geological epoch? However, after chugging the first quart, the following gallon went down my-te-fine.

I remember frantically jiggling around the crowded dance floor, before realizing that the music the DJ was playing was some hideously synchopated dreck called "disco." My rapidly dimming brain recalled that I hated disco, at which point I started obnoxiously howling "DISCO SUCKS!" Apparently, my viewpoint was in the vast minority, as the group jiggling slowed until I was the sole jiggler, and at the center point of gazes from the many football players attending that particular dorm dance. They, somehow, did not share my view on this form of "music." The so-called "music" continued to play, and I continued to jiggle, while shouting to all and sundry that indeed, "Dishco Shucks!" Thankfully I did not attend the dance alone, and my fraternal brethren quickly grabbed my toppling form and drug me outside. I remember, in fits and starts, the cold metal of a pick-up bed digging ridges into my face, sporadic inquiries of "Are you ok, man?", uncontrolled shivering, and an eventual bumpy ride back to the house. I came-to in agony on the basement TV room floor.

The moral of the story? I hate Joe Shaw Griffith and Boo Radley Fife more than I could ever have hated dancing to disco on Boone's Farm.

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear 37,

Just because I now saw a compelingreason doesn't mean I have any intention of doing it. Who the hell has the time to put together a movie like that any?



Ahh it didn't take too long in terms of man hours, it was little more than that required for any other normal AAR... and I've made at least a dozen of those already.

However, as Sir Boo Radley has just informed me, the battle featured in the video was finished almost a year ago... so it definitely took me a long time to figure out that the Adobe Premier installed on my computer was way too complicated for me & that Windows Movie Maker was far more 'up my street'.

Still to know that (at the latest count) 175 people have viewed my work, which has been dubbed the ' Dreadnought of AAR ' (because it has made all others obsolete overnight) gives me a small amount of satisfaction.

Put it this way Joe must put in way more effort making that Pengawful radio show of his & the only ones listening to that are Battlefront Steve & a deaf cat I know... and at least the cat has an excuse.

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

Still to know that (at the latest count) 175 people have viewed my work, which has been dubbed the ' Dreadnought of AAR ' (because it has made all others obsolete overnight) gives me a small amount of satisfaction.

Good God man! You act as though you've just created the latest Academy Award winner.

Stick to annoying people, you're much better at that.

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Originally posted by bauhaus:

Good God man! You act as though you've just created the latest Academy Award winner.

Stick to annoying people, you're much better at that.

You write a post, in which you sound annoyed at me, asking for me to be more annoying... you really are a complete feckwit aren't you?


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:


Give us a great big hug, Elmer, you chromosomally deficient mouth-breather!

Ba-dump-feckin'-bump. Great wit and satire, slappy the butt-squirrel. Do you have anything other than one liners that would make Joey Bishop gag and ask Dean to quit being a lightweight? My GAWD, it's sickening enough to make Sammy beg to have his other eye put out with a hot poker, you wannabe faux-vaudvillian. Piss orf and die.
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Dear Thirty-seven,

I think you have been under appreciated fo your efforts. As a token of good will I would like to play you a game and I WILL number the files (you only ...all others bugger off). It would be extra special if we created YouTube movies every 5 or 10 turns or something.

Consider it.



P.S. The Podcasts aren't so bad. It is only Joe inisisting on saying Ping instead of Peng that grates ones nerves. Do you think he has ever seen The Holy Grail? And if not perhaps we should have a copy sent to him STAT.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:


Give us a great big hug, Elmer, you chromosomally deficient mouth-breather!

Ba-dump-feckin'-bump. Great wit and satire, slappy the butt-squirrel. Do you have anything other than one liners that would make Joey Bishop gag and ask Dean to quit being a lightweight? My GAWD, it's sickening enough to make Sammy beg to have his other eye put out with a hot poker, you wannabe faux-vaudvillian. Piss orf and die. </font>
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BOO, you intolerably complacent hack. I spread my Grandmother's ashes upon Humbug mountain, a small jaunt South of Coos Bay, you geographically illiterate poltroon. She wanted to be spread upon the same mountain as her husband, who pre-deceased her by a couple of years at the age of 102. I'm not saying this to make you feel bad, I'm just saying this to point out what a piece of ****e you are. NO, you ahh. You landlubbing piece of detritus, you only wish you had a bay you could pretend to fish; an ocean to which you could return; a body of salt-water with which you could conjoin; a primordial soup with wich you could relate as an equal. YOU are a coastal wannabe.

You know, the first two 45's I ever bought were the "Edmund Fitzgerald" and "Sunshine on My Shoulders." This was before I saw the light and shunned all things without three chords and a solid bass beat.

You wouldn't understand, as the only bass you've ever beat was the warm-water carp that floated to the top of the lake the last time you went swimming.

Ahm lookin' at yoo, Jimmae!

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Thankfully, the forum had someone with the foresight of Abbott . It was on November 18, 2002 that he started the now infamous thread in question calling it "MasterGoodale's Thread of Cheery Waffle." His first post read as follows:
Your welcome!
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Originally posted by Leeo:

BOO, you intolerably complacent hack. I spread my Grandmother's ashes upon Humbug mountain, a small jaunt South of Coos Bay, you geographically illiterate poltroon. She wanted to be spread upon the same mountain as her husband, who pre-deceased her by a couple of years at the age of 102. I'm not saying this to make you feel bad,

That's OK, you didn't.

I'm just saying this to point out what a piece of ****e you are.

I'm sorry... I wasn't really paying attention right there, I was having this quite pleasant daydream about tasing you repeatedly and watching as you flop around, howling mad howls from your foam-flecked mouth. Wow... I actually felt a little shiver from that!

NO, you ahh. You landlubbing piece of detritus, you only wish you had a bay you could pretend to fish; an ocean to which you could return; a body of salt-water with which you could conjoin; a primordial soup with wich you could relate as an equal. YOU are a coastal wannabe.

Not really. Not much into fishing.

You know, the first two 45's I ever bought were the "Edmund Fitzgerald" and "Sunshine on My Shoulders."

Bah! You are but a child! I think I was ending marriage #2 about that time.

This was before I saw the light and shunned all things without three chords and a solid bass beat.

You once again show your vast, all encompassing stupidity. Both of those tunes have three chords.

You wouldn't understand, as the only bass you've ever beat was the warm-water carp that floated to the top of the lake the last time you went swimming.

Whereas you, on the other hand, like to prance and mince about your shotgun shack, wearing your hip boots, your hair festooned with Manglers and Bassarinos, spanking yourself with your fiberglass pole, all the while declaiming in your high pitched, squeal of a voice, "I'm the BassMaster! I'm the Bassmaster!!"

Ahm lookin' at yoo, Jimmae!

(Pokes Elmer in the eyes)

Not anymore, Elmer!

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Apparently, my viewpoint was in the vast minority, as the group jiggling slowed until I was the sole jiggler, and at the center point of gazes from the many football players attending that particular dorm dance. They, somehow, did not share my view on this form of "music."

That's when you should have pulled out your debate cards.
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

Apparently, my viewpoint was in the vast minority, as the group jiggling slowed until I was the sole jiggler, and at the center point of gazes from the many football players attending that particular dorm dance. They, somehow, did not share my view on this form of "music."

That's when you should have pulled out your debate cards. </font>
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What is a debate team? Is that some special love fest between Joe Shaw Griffith and Boo Radley Fife? Is that where you take turns grabbing "de bait" from each other, until you both derive mutual satisfaction and collapse in a sweaty heap upon each other?

I never was about "de bait," and actually turned down an invitation to go play football for some college or other in Montana. Busted shoulder and all.

My stint at the University didn't last too long on the first attempt either, for that matter. Did you know that imbibing massive amounts of 151 and Coke is not conducive to college studies? I didn't either! I know now. Or then. Or sumfink.

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I never was about "de bait," and actually turned down an invitation to go play football for some college or other in Montana. Busted shoulder and all.
Right, with a bum shoulder it would just not be possible to carry those heavy laundry bags for the team.

Oh ... and just because a football team posts a job opening for a Laundry Assistant is not the same as being "invited to go play football."


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I never was about "de bait," and actually turned down an invitation to go play football for some college or other in Montana. Busted shoulder and all.

Right, with a bum shoulder it would just not be possible to carry those heavy laundry bags for the team.

Oh ... and just because a football team posts a job opening for a Laundry Assistant is not the same as being "invited to go play football."

Joe </font>

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You, Boo, are challenged. I have a gift for stating the obvious, but you obviously have missed the state of your own challengednessesses.

I will pepper your challenged head with rifle fire. I will grenade your challenged backside from one side to t'other. I will blast you into tiny challenged bits. I will roast you to crisply challenged ash. I will drum into that microencephalitic tympani you call a "head" so great a drubbing, that even through the dim mists of your grasping for "de bait," you will finally gain the intimate understanding that you, <small>sir</small>, are challenged.

I challenge you, personally, to add to the weight of your being challenged by the whole rest of the world.

Piss orf and die.

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Originally posted by Abbott:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Thankfully, the forum had someone with the foresight of Abbott . It was on November 18, 2002 that he started the now infamous thread in question calling it "MasterGoodale's Thread of Cheery Waffle." His first post read as follows:

Your welcome! </font>
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