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What will be fixed in 1.05?

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I will admit that I have not purchased the game and most likely wont after the experience of the demo. But its amazing the way both bands of thugs are going after each other here.

If you think the game has problems and will never meet your standards one side of the room stands up and clubs you over the head like a bunch of religious fanatics.

If you happen to think the game is the pinnacle of war gameing your told to head back to RTS land, your genre had destroyed CM. Then the fanactics from the other side of the room stand up with their clubs.

I know I wont be buying a game using this engine I'll just stick with the old CM's, but there may be people out there that are interested in the game bugs and all the are worried about the fanatics. If you don't like it move along to the older CM's or another game developer all together. That's exactly what I did after pre-ordering TOW. I realized it was more rts than war game for me so I moved on. Just waited this time for the demo of CMSF instead of impulse buying.

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Originally posted by helm123:

But its amazing the way both bands of thugs are going after each other here.

It's just sport. Some customers like the game, some do not and others are waiting to see where the patches and modules take it. Me, I found claiming something like if you haven't purchased CM:SF yet you don't have the right to post your thoughts pretty funny and chuckled my way thru a cup of joe and a post or two. I look forward to Huntarr's retort. It's nothing personal, many of us PBEM the same guys we argue with.
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This thread reminds me exactly of all the Shogan Total War vets grumbling about Rome Total War when it was released, or Civ2 vets grumbling about Civ3, or game X fans grumbling about the new game Y.

The Total War series is similiar to CM in many regards and it was revolutionary and groundbreaking when it first came out. By the time the third title, Rome, was released the developers went for a complete overhauled modern approach, 3d graphics, what have you. The oldschools HATED it and ripped it to shreads for various reasons. Bugs that were massively infuriating. Oh so your striker turns around in combat does it? Try dealing with a suicide general who charges the entire Carthage army alone, dies, and results in your entire army routing. Or the 5 second clickfest battles vs the hour long slogs of strategy and cunning that left you drained in Medieval Total War.

So anyway, what happened? After trying something new, they evolved it and shaped it into Medieval Total War 2, which was much more like the original, with newer graphics and some of the new design concepts, and presto, it turned out to be spectacular.

Same deal with Civ4 vs Civ3, etc.

BF is trying to advance into new territory, with ONE man instead of a team of programmers. Give them some credit. The bugs are annoying and I'd love them to get fixed, but they're a product of modern gaming, I guess the wargaming community being rather niche is one of the last to be hit by beta releases and all the jazz us gamers from other genres are now used to.

Good developers no matter how stifled by publishers don't forget their roots. BF won't either. Hang in their, I've seen this happen with so many games in so many other forums, and there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

For me, I'd like to see fixed:

1. LOS problems. If someone can shoot at me, I should be able to shoot back. Important for WEGO.

2. Crew and Squad survivability increased.

3. Abstract cover of more clever placement of infantry so units don't get mowed down while stationary in the 'open'. If real life was like that Somalia would have been a lot different.

4. Bit of pathfinding improvement.

5. Vehicles behave oddly in general.

6. Weapon selection controls. E.G. a target heavy option?

Probably more that I can't think of right now.

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Originally posted by Abbott:

Huntarr put himself in the sights with posts attacking other board members. He even went as far as posting a list of them all with derogatory names. See the fun here? Oh you don't? Get lost whiner!

Anyone have a link to the list? a) For posterity and because it'll likely be funny, B) because I want to see if I'm on it (doubt it: Phil == small fry relatively) and c) because I've searched for it for about ten minutes, have come up empty, and want something to show for my time.

Back to the code.

Cheers all.

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which was much more like the original, with newer graphics and some of the new design concepts, and presto, it turned out to be spectacular.

Same deal with Civ4 vs Civ3, etc.

Well to go off the subject of CM:SF I don't think your analysis of Civ is correct.

Civ 3 tried to get away/improve upon Civ 2 and was a fairly poor game (also, bug ridden much like CM:SF without the limited resource excuse).

It improved over patches and two expansion packs.

Civ 4 was a game that was very different than Civ 2 but turned out rather well. Maybe due to the experiences of the intervening game they learned which of their new ideas where good and which needed to go.

Maybe CMx2 will go in a similar direction. That we will get something very different, but people will be quite happy with.

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If I may distract you from the vituperative argument about a list which probably does not exist, I _AM_ a customer.

I bought CMBO, CMBB, CMAK. I bought extra copies of all for various friends and relatives.

I pre-ordered CMSF - deluxe collector's edition. Not just one, but two. Yes, I've got the $130 receipt to prove it. One of them is still in the shrink-wrap.

I am very disappointed with CMSF. BF.C violated their mission statement. CMSF was released in an execrable state. There ARE fundemental flaws with v1.00.

CMSF veers from the igougo model which was a key characteristic of CMx1. It seems tacked on.

Real time? I'm not interested. Beyond the maximum scope of platoon leader it seems a stretch. If I want "real time", I'll play fun games like Company of Heroes, Supreme Commander, or Warhammer 40K. Oh, and I'll play EACH of them on my LAN at home. Something CMSF's real time (with an absolutely deplorable GUI!) is not able to do.

QB's are important to CMx1. It seems the user base must make up the lack of QB's in CMx2. Shrug. Maybe it will. I hope so.

The longevity of the CMx1 series, to me, is its ability to game the many "what if" scenarios. I can create an unrealistic, but fun, QB in a few SECONDS. CMSF lacks this.

So, I am not a fanboy, nor am I whining. I am a customer who is very disappointed with a shoddy product from a developer who reneged on the promise implicit in their mission statement. Do I "get it"? In my opinion, yeah, I got it and I won't get fooled again. Never again will I throw money at BF.C in a pre-order to support development issues.

Am I allowed to have these opinions, or do I need to spend more money?



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Wow, I'm REALLY confused. Who are you Abbott? Are you another incarnation of Dale? If you're not, my 'dumb' questions were addressed to him and not to you so if I've somehow offended you by doing so, I apologize.

If you are Dale, please note that 'dumb question' no 1, the most important one was ignored. Also, you have also been attacking another beta tester, Sixxkiller I think, in the Fed Up thread. You seem to find Beta tester's imagined arrogance/swagger offensive. I have no desire to protect Huntarr, he's a tough guy and can look after himself.

I would like to point out to you that I am relatively new to these forums and I do not understand the complex nature of the relationships that already exist between the old timers on these boards. So I'm not going to know why you're pissed with somebody else here.

I am also probably somewhat older than most of you guys and probably have a different value system from you, not necessarily better, but definitely different. I feel a certain responsibility to Battlefront when posting on their boards not to post anything that might drive away potential customers. And, for that matter, make their forums an unfriendly environment for others. Posting here is a privilige, not an entitlement just because I bought the game.

This is not from the intellect but from intuition but it's my FEELING that there are a very small group of people who are so PISSED with Battlefront that they are trying to drive people away from buying or supporting this new product. Perhaps they want to want to hurt Battlefront for not giving them the game they wanted. Or they are disgusted that Battlefront has stated that they are prepared to lose a few of the old timers to go in this new direction and they're not going to let them get away with it.

Well, it's up to Battlefront to regulate their own forums. I promised to myself when I came here not to get involved in negative slanging matches with others. Yesterday, I made a mistake and let my feelings show and I slipped. Time to back off and just post hopefully helpful posts again.

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Originally posted by Paper Tiger:

if I've somehow offended you by doing so, I apologize.

So I'm not going to know why you're pissed with somebody else here.

You have not offended me at all. I am not pissed with anyone, you assume too much.

Wow, I'm REALLY confused.

It’s the Alzheimer’s, look on the bright side, you get to meet new people everyday.
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Paper Tiger said:

"Well, it's up to Battlefront to regulate their own forums. I promised to myself when I came here not to get involved in negative slanging matches with others. Yesterday, I made a mistake and let my feelings show and I slipped. Time to back off and just post hopefully helpful posts again."

"Acceptance is the KEY" People who are pissed off...ARE (good or bad reason not withstanding)

Continue to post, please!

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