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Tank riders

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The only instance I know of infantry riding on tank was during WW2, those crazy Russians with lack of APCs and common sense.

Tank riders died very quickly.

You should never,ever ride on the outside of a tank. When that turret moves, it will crush anything in it's way. If the main gun goes off, you will be deaf for sure.

You are not even suppose to stand on the turret. We use "3 point contact" at all times.

Its pretty high up there, and you can get hurt by falling off

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I agree on BFC and Syrians...that was the answer I was looking for. If BFC says they don't do it based on research, fine. I am just pointing out that some armies do it, whether they have SOP or not.

The main reason I am asking is I just don't know if the Syrians have enough transport to get infantry where they are needed. It would give some tactical flexibility to be able use it.

Once again the question is whether its doctrine or computing resources.

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Also, the consequences of people riding on a tank could be hard to model. Certainly, if the tank gets blown up, then it's very easy! But it's hard to model the effects of soldiers being deafened, for example.

Also, something else to consider: Perhaps the Syrians would ride on tanks, but once they arrived at the battlefield (i.e. in the game) they'd dismount, which is what I would do if I were they.

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Originally posted by thewood:

I agree on BFC and Syrians...that was the answer I was looking for. If BFC says they don't do it based on research, fine. I am just pointing out that some armies do it, whether they have SOP or not.

The main reason I am asking is I just don't know if the Syrians have enough transport to get infantry where they are needed. It would give some tactical flexibility to be able use it.

Once again the question is whether its doctrine or computing resources.

Your first post was "Is it a technical or doctrinal reason for no tank riders?"

You didnt specify Syrian or US. I am a US tanker, so the anwser I gave you is per US Army doctrine. If you want specific anwsers, you should ask specific questions like : Do Syrian infantry soldier ride on tanks?

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No I didn't specify. My answer covered everything I wanted to know. I never said what is US SOP. My question stands. You also spoke by applying specific experience as a general question. You said never ever ride on a tank. I asked specifically if it was doctrine or programming. I was looking for an answer from someone with knowledge of why BFC made the decision they did.

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Is this really where you want BFC to spend their development time?

CMSF is a tactical wargame, not an operational one. How far do you think Tankodesantniki would be able to ride on the exposed back of a tank in a CMSF scenario before they got shredded by long-range MG fire?

Might Syrian soldiers hop aboard a tank to get to the battlefield if other transport were short? Sure. Would they stay on the tank very long once the sound of shooting got closer? No way.

Actually, all the video footage of Taliban and other irregulars riding on AFVs is clearly far away from any actual shooting.

To me, this is one of those things that would be great to have if CMSF were in such perfect shape that BFC was having trouble finding more things to add/fix. But as it is now, I think there are plenty of other things to occupy Charles' time.

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Am I not allowed to ask the question? I was curious. I am sure glad Steve has all these gatekeepers to keep from the likes of curious fans like me.

just so you guys feel better, I got a QB with some T55s and some piss poor infantry that had to slog across almost a km of map to an objective with no transport. They had 30 minutes to do it. Just thought it would be useful to get them part way there.

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Originally posted by thewood:

Am I not allowed to ask the question? I was curious. I am sure glad Steve has all these gatekeepers to keep from the likes of curious fans like me.

just so you guys feel better, I got a QB with some T55s and some piss poor infantry that had to slog across almost a km of map to an objective with no transport. They had 30 minutes to do it. Just thought it would be useful to get them part way there.

I never disuputed your *right* to ask this question. I simply stated my opinion that there are better querys on which to spend your time.



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The answer seems simple enough...if you lack other means of transport, or you have some compelling reason, i.e. getting your ass out of some really bad situation, you're going to hop on a tank. It does not mean that it is or is not a training doctrine used by one side or the other.

The Syrians seem to have loads of BMPs and the like, would they really ride on their tanks as part of their regular training? Maybe...like I said I think that the particular situation would dictate it, and it probably does not happen as much today as it did in past conflicts, so BFC left it out.


BTW US Marines will ride on anything in order to avoid walking any distance ;)

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Tank riding makes more sense in WWII game, where on big maps there are places where you are almost comletely safe from enemy fire. At longer ranges you would probably get enough time to get your infantry down from a tank before it would got hit. In CMSF range, accuracy and lethality of weapons makes maps to small to use tank riding in a sensible way. Sometimes it could get useful, but it is not very important to realism of game.

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There is a bloody awful huge difference between riding a tank into battle, tankniki-style, and hitching a ride in a rear area. 9 out of 10 contemporary pics of tank riders will be of the latter type.

I do seem to recall US infantry figting from the engine decks of Abrams tanks during OIF1, but it could be my deranged mind playing tricks again.

Should BFC waste any time on it? Not now, but worth remembering come CMxWW2 time.

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I don't think it needs to be modeled on the small scale of CMSF. Unless one side surprises the other odds are you won't see troops ride a tank near a combat zone. It takes about 20 minutes to walk a mile so you would dismount maybe 1 or 2 miles out.

Same reason we don't see company march formations. Just not something that happens when you expect combat.

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