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Can A German Find Happiness Without the Peng Challenge?


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Originally posted by JonS:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Can A German Find Happiness Without the Peng Challenge

Isn't that a bit redundant? I mean, can a German ever find happiness, with or without the Peng Challenge? Even supposing that they did, would it be recognised as such? </font>

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Tae refer tae Boo mah back hair as matted Radley's concern re tha feckin' carp; Ah haid menshunned tae haim aboot tha Australian WWII POW incident detailed ain "Harry Gordon, Die like the carp! The story of the greatest prison escape ever (Stanmore, NSW: Cassell Australia, 1978). [Detailed investigation of the Cowra outbreak]".

Hae saimed unable tae grrrasp tha concept an' began tae ask blitheringly shtyupid quaistions about feckin' fish. Realizin' Ah haid over-estimated haes gannet-like intellect, Ah threw tha dog a bone sae tae speak, an' told haim at wer aboot fish stormin' a barbed wire fence.

Tha feckless git grabbed this morsel between haes eyebrows an' proceeded tae bleat on aboot at lak some wee sheepy fraish from Mace's tender embrace.

Sae ye're all pillocks fer not knowin' tha' (tha bonnie wee lassies excaipted o' course).

Ah, so it really wasn't about a single carp after all. It was more like a metaphor, if you will, a cautionary tale concerning, shall we say, the dangers of overpopulation in ANY microcosmic macrocosm.

Well, of course. From this, it's easy to infer that OSGF is a bulbous, long-neck swilling, endomorphic vacuum head, who even the Amish think is backwards.

I am coming for you, Jimmy. And where I pass not one of your men will survive.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

" long-neck swilling,"

I am coming for you, Jimmy. And where I pass not one of your men will survive.

Tae tha first point, pillock. At's a triflin' curiosity (boot a curiosity nae tha laiss) tha' ain ye worrrld there are entities tha' "swill long naicks". Wha' tha feck are ye sniffin' laddie?

Tae tha second, hae ye noo looked a' tha latest turrn Ah saint ye? Ye ken tha' ye haplaiss laddies were shailled tae buggery bah mah brilliant artillery strrike? Di ye ken wha' happened tae thaim naixt? Ah didnae think they'll bae "passin'" anythun, excaipt bodily fluids.


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Originally posted by OGSF:

Tae tha first point, pillock. At's a triflin' curiosity (boot a curiosity nae tha laiss) tha' ain ye worrrld there are entities tha' "swill long naicks". Wha' tha feck are ye sniffin' laddie?

"Long neck" = beer bottle. In your case, I'm thinking a Stroh's or a Bud Lite. Maybe an Iron City or a Red, White and Blue.

Tae tha second, hae ye noo looked a' tha latest turrn Ah saint ye? Ye ken tha' ye haplaiss laddies were shailled tae buggery bah mah brilliant artillery strrike? Di ye ken wha' happened tae thaim naixt? Ah didnae think they'll bae "passin'" anythun, excaipt bodily fluids.

Oh, I knew those guys would be sacrificing themselves for a greater cause. Said cause being the utter destruction of you and all that you hold dear. Haggis, sheep, frilly little things you wear about the house... that kind of stuff.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I am coming for you, Jimmy. And where I pass gas not one of your men will survive

He did say he was eating sauerkraut. </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I am coming for you, Jimmy. And where I pass gas not one of your men will survive

He did say he was eating sauerkraut. </font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Me and Joe , are just like this!!!!...hmmmmm, maybe like this!!, no that's not it. Me and the Justicar are just like THIS!!!.

You get the picture.

So many positions, so little time, eh Nidan?

Don't know about everybody else, but that was not a picture I needed in my head.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Nidan1 you are beneath contempt ... don't EVER mess with another man's post ... mess with HIM instead

It's a place I have always aspired to be, rather than being ABOVE contempt so to speak.

So NOW, because Boo cries like a little school girl, you take it upon yourself to scold ME!!!

You're in a soft mood because its YOUR Birthday!!! and his Anniversary....it is YOU who are beneath contempt Justicar if you allow your personal feelings to cloud your sacred judgement!!!!

Happy Birthday, BTW...you toothless twit!

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Me and Joe , are just like this!!!!...hmmmmm, maybe like this!!, no that's not it. Me and the Justicar are just like THIS!!!.

You get the picture.

So many positions, so little time, eh Nidan?

Don't know about everybody else, but that was not a picture I needed in my head. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Oh the GAWDS HATE me ... surely they must for I find now that I ... {gacckk ... GGGaAssscccckkkkk ..... GGASSSSCCCCCCKKKKKKK!} have something in COMMON with Boo Radley.

It is HIS anniversary and my ... no, no I can't bring myself to say it ... let's just say that 56 years ago, on a dark and stormy night in Kerrville, Texas ...

Happy Anniversary to YOU lad, Condolences to the Lady Rose.


If there was some way I could say that it was all planned out, that some ethereal voice spoke softly to me that I should choose Sept 16th as the day to wed, as a way to honor, to even pay tribute to The Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, to let my love for my wife stand as a tribute to all the fine work Joe Shaw has done throught the years...

I wouldn't.

All I CAN say is that it was kismet and if it annoys you in even the smallest way, it makes my day just that much more glorious.

Bappy Hirthday, Josephus!

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Nidan1 you are beneath contempt ... don't EVER mess with another man's post ... mess with HIM instead

It's a place I have always aspired to be, rather than being ABOVE contempt so to speak.

So NOW, because Boo cries like a little school girl, you take it upon yourself to scold ME!!!

You're in a soft mood because its YOUR Birthday!!! and his Anniversary....it is YOU who are beneath contempt Justicar if you allow your personal feelings to cloud your sacred judgement!!!!

Happy Birthday, BTW...you toothless twit! </font>

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Anybody else notice that when decrepit old Joe gets angry and starts foaming at the mouth, he slips into Olde English?

Can't even imagine what it's like to be that ancient.

{just helping you out here by providing an example, Joe, wink, wink...}

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Well with a backlog of miracles to perform I’ve decided to do a quick round-up of battles fought but now (thanks to me) not forgotten (though Berli’s ‘Battle of the Prams’ scenario probably should be forgotten).

So here they are in no particular order (other than I’m putting off doing that ‘Battle of the Prams’ AAR for as long as possible)…

The Meatgrinder; versus Boo Radley

An infantry only QB in Italian wooded hills… I took a couple of US engineer companies & some support weapons. He took a bunch of leather sniffing Krauts. Much of the fighting occurred around a small woodland opening on my right flank. Me & Boo fed more & more infantry into a bloody short range firefight.


I Tallyho’ed with glee when my flamers & mortar barrages seemed to give me the upper hand. Boo’s Krauts soon recovered however & quickly started returning HE shells & MG bullets, causing me to groan in dismay.

On my Left & Centre Boo claimed his objective with ease inflicting considerable casualties on me… I probably shouldn’t have even bothered taking the MG’s, flamers & the AAMG half track.

The fighting on the right grew desperate for me & I hurled everything I had at his troops including my bazooka rounds. Both sides now consisted of exhausted rattled troops, devoid of ammunition. Attack followed counter attack yet still Boo’s troops remained… even the last flammable dregs of my flamers could not permanently shift him.


The Battle was over… Boo had troops on both flags, he’d inflicted hordes of casualties & had broken most of my troops.

The result however was a draw… serves the fecking hippy roight


Prelude to Epsom; versus Nidan1

Nidan1 has put a lot of effort into making this scenario which is all historical & what not… it’s chock full of splodey things, rocket barrages, burning villages & bad weather so I’d consider giving it a try (I’d advise giving the Nu-yoika himself a miss however).

Despite all kinds of really hip & happening stuff kicking off all over the battlefield the most important event’s occurred along a single sunken road.


A single Panther on that road began pounding my advancing infantry ‘prompting’ me to cease that particular route of advance.


Some of my other infantry then moved off (after first checking the ‘safe’ bit of the road for ‘shreks & stuff) to try & outflank the Panther… they come under fire but succeeded in drawing the Panthers ‘care & attention’. A Churchill then hurtled around the corner & fired off an AP round into the flank of Nidan’s distracted Panther.

I whooped with joy but my pleasure was short lived for another Panther, beside the sunken road, then whacked my Churchill stirring a cry of anguish from deep with me.

Events elsewhere had gone better & so I decided to try & destroy this second Panther with a three pronged attack. Success would depend on my ability to correctly time the converging forces to appear out of the fog & rain at the same time… I lost two Sherman’s (and another immobilized) before fire from my Churchill’s & a 75mm halftrack finally drove the Panther back into the sunken road (it shook off the two rear penetrations without ill effect). My Churchill’s were racing along that road bellowing their infamous war cry “SCHREEBIGGLEPEEP!!!”… which looking back was rather a poor decision on my part. Both Churchill’s bought it, one bursting into flames, the crew of the other surrendering within sight of their objective.


I still managed to get a draw (only just) thanks to events elsewhere… you know technically I have yet to defeat the ‘Former Challenge Thread Whipping Boy’ once in any of our four battles.

[ September 16, 2005, 02:27 PM: Message edited by: Sir 37mm ]

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