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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by cool breeze:

Thanks, I was about to insult you again. I need to find my CD for those and I dont know how long it will take. Im much more hoping t find a real time CM: Shock Force opponent. I havent thought about ww2 much in a long time and I have been thinking about modern war a lot lately. But I hope to find CMAK soon and will send a turn asap.


I'll play Shock Force, but it would have to be an email game. </font>
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Now, now, now....let us not be quick with the sharp words Olde Joe . I have seen fit to take this young lad under my wing by giving him a game or two.

Perhaps with some teaching, and a little corporal punishment now and then, I can mold him into a respectable memeber of this Forum.

He may also have aspirations to become a fledged (maybe not full) member of the MBT . Look at the fine work I have done with my other squires, namely stikkypixie and the former Sgt Goody esq , who learned well, but struck out on his own.

You shall all see what wisdom lies within my madness.

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You will all be happy to know that my flight was canceled, and that I have to spend the night in the outre skirts of Chicago, and that in the morning I have to schlep back to the damn airport and try again to board a flight to my home region. I only got to spend 8 and a half hours in airports today, with an hour and a half in the air. And I never reached my destination.

Such convenience. Such speed. What a wonder our air system is.

It could be worse. I'm at the airport Wyndham on United's dime, I'm in one piece, and I got a chit for 7 dollars worth of food from anywhere in the area, good until 5 pee em tomorrow night. And Boo!, you can get a file from me very soon.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

And Boo!, you can get a file from me very soon.

I will cancel all my calls and be awaiting it with baited breath!

Unless I decide to do something else or fall asleep. </font>

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Tis now lunch, had a grilled cheese.

I miss my Mojito, ceviche, a nooner and then siesta...sigh…

You Danihoovian reprobate, my liquor cabinet is groaning under the weight of all my recently-acquired spoils.

I require aid in despoiling them. How about you, Papa Khann, and Seanachai at my place for some Saturday night gaming next weekend, the 23rd? </font>

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

You will all be happy to know that my flight was canceled, and that I have to spend the night in the outre skirts of Chicago, and that in the morning I have to schlep back to the damn airport and try again to board a flight to my home region. I only got to spend 8 and a half hours in airports today, with an hour and a half in the air. And I never reached my destination.

Well, you know what they say: God rewards the righteous.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

You will all be happy to know that my flight was canceled, and that I have to spend the night in the outre skirts of Chicago, and that in the morning I have to schlep back to the damn airport and try again to board a flight to my home region. I only got to spend 8 and a half hours in airports today, with an hour and a half in the air. And I never reached my destination.

Well, you know what they say: God rewards the righteous.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Now, now, now....let us not be quick with the sharp words Olde Joe . I have seen fit to take this young lad under my wing by giving him a game or two.

Perhaps with some teaching, and a little corporal punishment now and then, I can mold him into a respectable memeber of this Forum.

He may also have aspirations to become a fledged (maybe not full) member of the MBT . Look at the fine work I have done with my other squires, namely stikkypixie and the former Sgt Goody esq , who learned well, but struck out on his own.

You shall all see what wisdom lies within my madness.

You are truly an idiot ... the lad shows NO promise ... NONE ... ZILCH ... NADA.

For him even to become a likely PROSPECT would require such a transformation that George Bernard Shaw himself would dismiss as being beyond HIS ability to suspend disbelief.

We have only to look to your past "successes" to see the folly inherent in allowing you to mold young minds ... or in this case whatever passes for a mind.


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Originally posted by MrPeng:

You will all be happy to know that my flight was canceled, and that I have to spend the night in the outre skirts of Chicago, and that in the morning I have to schlep back to the damn airport and try again to board a flight to my home region. I only got to spend 8 and a half hours in airports today, with an hour and a half in the air. And I never reached my destination.

Such convenience. Such speed. What a wonder our air system is.

It could be worse. I'm at the airport Wyndham on United's dime, I'm in one piece, and I got a chit for 7 dollars worth of food from anywhere in the area, good until 5 pee em tomorrow night. And Boo!, you can get a file from me very soon.

You see Peng you have brightened our lives already ... keep up the good work.

Here's a suggestion, get to the airport early so you can get on the very next flight ... but DON'T. Choose a flight that is ALSO cancelled so that you can spend the WHOLE DAY in O'Hare. Of course you daren't leave to see, for example, the U-505 at the Museum of Science and Industry because your flight information will be updated in the next 15 minutes ... and so forth ... and so on ... with luck United will spring for ANOTHER night in a fleabag motel and ANOTHER $7 meal chit.

This would make us happier still ...


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As of 9:17 central time this loverly ay em my flight is still scheduled for 1:58 pee em. If I have to stay here a nother night, it's all cromulent. I will take a cab into the city, buy some clothes, have a nice meal and not worry about it. I'll just expense it. No worries.

I miss my little dears. I've never been away from them for this long before. A whole week! gah! I wanna go HOME!!!!1!!one!

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

What the hell does that douchebag god have to do with anything? Utterly useless concept. It is more likely the rank incompetence of the average airport worker, the dearth of passengers flying to Scranton from O'Hairball and the greed of the airline owners conflate to make hauling my useless arse in an almost empty airplane as promised by my "reservation and confirmation" less profitable than making me wait another 20 hours in a reduced rate hotel room and hoping that the plane is full enough to warrant putting it into the air tomorrow.

Why throw some invisible sky fairy into the mix? Might as well say that the fates had a tickle fight and in the commotion yanked hard on the pilot's string causing him to be too flatulent to fly. Makes just as much sense as "God rewards the righteous."

But you see, it is all part of the Cosmic Plan. That's the wonderful thing about it. The truly ultimate reason for your present bliviated state is...well, why not? The great thing about being god is that one can destroy lives or worlds, wreak havoc, tear up the page and start over again. And there is no one to answer to, no big brother looking over your shoulder and snickering at the stupid mistakes you just made.

So you, as a mere mortal, a grain of dust in the cosmic wind, have your little time upon the stage to laugh or cry as suits your character. It really doesn't matter much. The Great Void will swallow you without a trace in its roaring silence either way.

Have a nice day.


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After reading the above, I shall add to your sig line: Monsewer Emrys, that was spot on!

I will also warn you against calling the large feller at the entrance to the humiliation barrier a "demented, feckwit tool of the christo-fascist establishment." Even though I don't think he knows what that means, he took it as an insult. I think that's what made the cavity search just a shade more uncomfortable than it really had to be.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

As of 9:17 central time this loverly ay em my flight is still scheduled for 1:58 pee em. If I have to stay here a nother night, it's all cromulent. I will take a cab into the city, buy some clothes, have a nice meal and not worry about it. I'll just expense it. No worries.

I miss my little dears. I've never been away from them for this long before. A whole week! gah! I wanna go HOME!!!!1!!one!

This is why God created buses. Had you gotten on one 16 hours ago you would probably be home by now.

If man was meant to fly, God would have given us wings.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

As of 9:17 central time this loverly ay em my flight is still scheduled for 1:58 pee em. If I have to stay here a nother night, it's all cromulent. I will take a cab into the city, buy some clothes, have a nice meal and not worry about it. I'll just expense it. No worries.

I miss my little dears. I've never been away from them for this long before. A whole week! gah! I wanna go HOME!!!!1!!one!

This is why God created buses. Had you gotten on one 16 hours ago you would probably be home by now.

If man was meant to fly, God would have given us wings. </font>

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Originally posted by cool breeze:

Sent the game! Hammertime, your blue. I havent tried it yet. Thanks

Now see Nidan1 ...
your blue
... first he shouldn't be making political statements here on the MBT, for all he knows you're as red as red can be.

But second, "YOUR"?

Oh, I know, you'll defend him by saying that he was in a hurry and, as we all do from time to time, simply made a mistake. I think not. Review his prior postings on the subject of the Super Duper Whiz Bang ATGM Defender (or whatever he called it) and you'll see that his grammar is routinely riddled with holes.

It's a poor choice ... you'll see. My judgment on these matters is infallible.


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Is using "your" the possessive, instead of "you're" the contraction of "you are" a spelling mistake, a grammar mistake, a typo or what? I mean, I know that it is at root most likely the failure of our edumactaional system, but how is such a thing categorized?

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