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A Thousand Points of Collateral Damage: A Kinder, Gentler Peng Challenge Thread

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And then I sez to her I sez, "Well, if you can't get the stain out with Brillo..."

Ah! Hello!

Just thought I'd pop in to tell you that the twins have met an important developmental milestone: They watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail for the first time - the expurgated version (no Castle Anthrax - not quite ready to explain 'oral sex' to a couple of 11 year old girls).

Two Thumbs Up, although my dear, sensitive Nat found the Bring Out Your Dead scene a bit disconcerting with the corpses on the cart. They HOWLED with laughter at the Black Knight, cringed when the Bunny snuffed it by Holy Handgrenade - yes they were cheering on the Bunny - loved Sir Robin's Minstrels (and rejoiced when they were eaten), and generally found the film to be entertaining.

The film came out when I was 11 years old, and my dad took me to see it in the theater, so I figgered they could handle it. I got squeamish about the Castle A though, so bravely chickened out.

Madge thought the end was very very cool - She's so used to things being wrapped up nice and tidy-like with proper happy endings that a bizarre twist like that is just the sort of thing she needed. She's been on about it for days now.

We got bogged down at "Supreme executive power can only be wielded by a mandate from the masses" but that's what the pause button is for. Then again, when you have to explain that sort of thing it sort of drains all the humor out of it.

They enjoyed Camelot and God - and come to think of it, one of my main reasons for showing them the film, other than for something to do while snowed in, was in response to Dirty Forehead Wednesday, which, while this year they did not participate in that ritual, is part of their mother's "rich cultural heritage" and something I like to make sure they know is on their dad's list of silly things that make no sense and are wastes of time and energy. Equal time, fair and balanced and all that sort of thing. So a bit of Python on Dirty Forehead Wednesday is just the thing to counteract the inherent, goofy superstition of that particular day.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

So a bit of Python on Dirty Forehead Wednesday is just the thing to counteract the inherent, goofy superstition of that particular day.

Ah, but meeting Jimmy Buffet in St. Barts at La Select on Fat Tuesday is priceless.

Did I mention the nude beach yet?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

If anything Sir Sir 37mm has been too lenient with the lad.

I Sir take offence at this preposterous claim... I have in no way been “too lenient” to the cretin I've dubbed Belgian2.

I have shown him naught but repeated personal abuse, numerous random acts of brutality, an almost endless stream of humiliating tasks, a complete absence of any kind of positive encouragement whilst rewarding any 'good behaviour' with instant, savage & wholly unwarranted criticism.

In short I have shown myself to be nothing but the perfect liege and someone who clearly stands for the righteous traditions of the One Thread.

As for you Seanachai I'm shocked & dismayed that you would stick your Olde One oar (or I suppose paddle, in your case) where it's not bleedin' wanted... between that most sacred & beautiful monstrosity, the Liege/serf relationship.

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My pasty white body has reached a glorious new state of lovely brown. And God bless the man who invented dark sunglasses. The looking on the beach, she was good. Hate the French, love their boobs.

The other highlight of the trip was diving off the bowsprit of the sailing ship. About a 35 to 45 foot drop, depending on how you timed the swell.

Also brought along a ice fishing rod. Crew had never seen anything like it. Caught a 5 to 8 pound shark off the stern. Now that was fun on a two foot rod. Woot!

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If you haven't noticed, I'm slumming back in your sand-box again. I hope you have a sofa that I can sleep on because Prinzess Eunich is driving my nutty in the 'other' thread, what with his fallic obsessions and strange winter rituals.

I figure being be-littled in the Peng thread has got to be better than listening to a Finlander preach on high about his "giant black todger".

Don't worry, I've wiped my feet and will replace any food I eat.

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Originally posted by J Ruddy:

If you haven't noticed, I'm slumming back in your sand-box again. I hope you have a sofa that I can sleep on because Prinzess Eunich is driving my nutty in the 'other' thread, what with his fallic obsessions and strange winter rituals.

I figure being be-littled in the Peng thread has got to be better than listening to a Finlander preach on high about his "giant black todger".

Don't worry, I've wiped my feet and will replace any food I eat.

Hmmm ... well you've an email address and a location in your profile so I can't exactly PROHIBIT you from being addressed by the lads ... much as I might want to.

AND you've a healthy sense of the lack of ... well, ANYTHING, of value in the Gawdawfuller Thread so that's good.

AND there is your accurate review of the postings of Princess Eugenia so that's good too.

But ... you're STILL an SSN and therefore worth LESS than the gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe ... that I can still pry off, wash up and re-use ... which would be preferably to talking to you.

Therefore ... and strictly on a provisional basis, I offer you the traditional greeting offerred to one such as yourself ... SOD OFF!


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Originally posted by Lars:

My pasty white body ...

Should be taken outside, beaten to a pulp and left to hang from the nearest tree.

I tried to return a file to you and got the message returned with the notice that there was a permanent address failure because "due to extended inactivity new mail is not currently being accepted for this mailbox."


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Originally posted by SturmSebber:

Why am i not a knight yet?

Well, since you asked, you can't be a kaniggit because I say so. I'm sure I can get Berli or The Bard to second, then, laddie me buck, you are STUCK as a lowly squire for ever. Not even The Justawindbag can over-rule a 2 out of three decree of the Olde Ones.


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Originally posted by MrPeng:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SturmSebber:

Why am i not a knight yet?

Well, since you asked, you can't be a kaniggit because I say so. I'm sure I can get Berli or The Bard to second, then, laddie me buck, you are STUCK as a lowly squire for ever. Not even The Justawindbag can over-rule a 2 out of three decree of the Olde Ones.

Ha! </font>

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Originally posted by SturmSebber:

But, but, is the opposite also true? Can i be a knight if two Old Ones agree? Now, how's that for asking for a re-count! I'm so gay.

Actually you can't be a Knight until you ARE a Squire and you're still a Serf.

AND if you want to make Squire you'd best plan on showing up a bit more often and impressing your sponsoring Liege Sir 37 mm with your contributions to the thread.

AND dropping by to whinge and moan about how you're NOT a Knight yet isn't contributing to the thread.


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