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A Thousand Points of Collateral Damage: A Kinder, Gentler Peng Challenge Thread

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Small Emma and dalem...

I think it's good that Seanachai has little friends who order him about.


The Bard can't even read his own yawn-inducing posts, what makes you think he can read turkey recipes? </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

And for all those of you out there who mark important dates on your calendars, 53 years ago today, my dear sweet, white haired old mum* blessed the world... with me!


Have you no shame. You're supposed to sit out there in the Wasteland, drinking rum in a mean stupor, constantly checking the Thread to see if anyone has wished you a Happy Birthday.

If midnight comes and no one has, you're supposed to fly into a frothing fury, call everyone c********s and m***********s and vowing terrible revenge for this slight to your status and significance.

Then you projectile vomit unto the dog, and fall asleep on the bathroom rug.

The next day (latish) you post away quite normal, as if nothing had happened. Which it might as well not, since you have absolutely no memory of it, and are wondering why the dog smells so and is looking at you with loathing.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

But can't I do that anyhow?

Of course. But here in the Peng Challenge Thread we are all about how our acts impact others. Mostly, of course, we hope that the impact ruptures a spleen or kidney.

But sometimes, oh Boo...when the light strikes your huge, ox-like frame - just so...

Well, Boo. Then I am moved to allow you all license.

'Io, Saturnalia'! Master is Man, Man, Master! Boo you may drink too much cheap beer, and then caper, a bit.

I know you don't actually have a dog. But I can't imagine your cracker neighbours don't have a dog.

Drink like a Titan, and then puke like the Cyclops on your redneck neighbour's dog.

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I have spoken with MrPeng

We agreed that you were all scum. We had the occasional 'ha-ha, yes, he's almost completely idiotic, isn't it amusing how he can actually type, eh?' moment.

We talked about Loss. We talked about Wonder. We talked about the Future. We talked about how you lot can figure in the former, but almost never figure in the latter.

We talked some about the fact that we're going to die long before most of you lot ever will. We wondered if that was right.

We talked some about kids. We like kids. We don't like most of you feckers, all that much. We like where kids can go. Where life will take them. What they might make of the world we've simply pissed on, because no one told us we shouldn't.

The beach at Newcomb Hollow

The last days of August

The other side of low tide

The sun is high, the sun is high

We’re kneeling in the wet sand

Stopping up a wall breach

Quick, before the next wave

Rushes in, rushes in

The moat around the castle

Is filling up with water

But hope springs eternal

All hands ready – here it comes

Behind us in the crowd

Some kind of commotion

A little girl is shouting

Fly away! Fly away!

But we pay no attention

The castle is in danger

The ramparts are sinking

We dig on, we dig on

Then out of the blue

There’s an orange canary

On our driftwood flagpole

Shovels down Boys! – step away

The little girl comes running

She can’t be more than seven

Her mother is behind her

With a cage, with a cage

And her mother is explaining

Baby, it’s just too far

And she’ll never survive here

On her own, on her own

But the little girl’s not listening

She’s talking to the bird

Mavis you can trust me

Now’s your big chance

Fly away!

If Mavis has been listening

She isn’t letting on

We’re all just waiting

No one moves, no one moves

And then comes the wave

Swamping the castle

No one is watching

When it falls, when it falls

We’re following the progress

Of a little bolt of orange

On the long horizon

There goes Mavis

There goes Mavis

There Goes Mavis

-Richard Shindell

You know, I'm pretty sure none of you sorry arseholes ever go check out the songs I post here. You skip right over the 'poetry' to see if I've vomited on my shoes. You never hear the voices, you never hear the tunes. You may see me, sitting late at night, tap-tapping away at my stupid gibberish, but you never hear what songs make me hum, never hear what songs catch in my throat, never see the tear that forms in my eye.

You never see my head nodding. You never see how many times some of these songs are played, over and over. You never hear the mumbled prayer of sing along. You never see how the songs rise up, and pull what I write this way, and that. You never see the full texture of what I post.

You miss a lot.

[ February 12, 2007, 09:15 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I have spoken with MrPeng

I'm sorry ...


You know, I'm pretty sure none of you sorry arseholes ever go check out the songs I post here. You skip right over the 'poetry' to see if I've vomited on my shoes. ...{snipped}...

Actually not so much ... we pretty much assume that you've done that and just skip the whole thing.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

And you're young enough to be the child I'm thankful I never had.

Still in denial that he's yours to this very day?

Happy birthday, Boo! **hugs**

[ February 13, 2007, 12:01 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I know you don't actually have a dog. But I can't imagine your cracker neighbours don't have a dog.

Funny you should mention this.

Catty-corner from our house lives a family I used to call "The Inconsiderates". This family consisted of Mr. Angry-Man, his wife, Dour Woman and their two daughters, Dour Girl and Porcine Bratling.

I only named them "The Inconsiderates" after they brought home a Border Collie, which they named "Maggie", but which I've named "Yipping Bitch".

This dog, if left outside for 20 minutes, will bark for 20 minutes straight. It must do all of it's breathing indoors, because I have yet to see it stop and take a breath when it's outdoors.

It barks at people, cars, squirrels, trees, leaves, grass, cement, buildings, the sky, errant clouds, twigs, rain, wind and random molecules engaged in Brownian motion.

Now. Notice that I say I used to call them "The Inconsiderates".

That's because, in their unbelievable moronic stupidity, they decided that one completely brainless Border Collie, who never shut up, didn't give enough joy to the universe and so they went out and bought another Border Collie that is absolutely identical to the first.

Yes. They. Did.

So, I have bestowed upon them a new name. They are now "Mr. and Mrs Fecking Oblivious"

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

And have I then done nothing, Justicar? Is there nothing that I have done? Will you turn your face away from me? Will you deny me?

I say this, Joe Shaw. You will deny me three times...

I have NEVER denied you, not ONCE have I said "There is NO Seanachai ... as much as I might have WISHED it so ...

But invariably there'll be another freaking SONG and there's the proof, or another Small Emma story or another attempt to lure in more SSNs from the Outerboards for you to play with. It's really kinda icky, it's almost got a Bates Motel feel about it.

No, proving the existence of Seanachai is not a matter of faith but a given ... have I not dumped silverware on your floor?

Small Emma: Did you hear that sound Grandma Steve?

Grandma Steve: Yes child I did hear the thunder, do you remember what that means?

Small Emma: Yes Grandma Steve, it means another angel got their silverware ... teach me more Grandma Steve.

Grandma Steve: I shall child, I shall.

... elsewhere ...

So ... I guess you're Gawd then eh? Is ... is it over then?

Yes lad, it is. But cheer up, it's not the end of the worl ... well, for YOU it is, but there's LOTS to do here and you'll not be bored ... here, take a drawer of silverware ...


[ February 13, 2007, 06:46 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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