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If I didn't love you I'd hate you (but I would still challenge Peng)


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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Have all the Oddstralyuns finally staggered off to bed?

About time.

Ahh, himself has surfaced from his nap.

Now listen, Boo. Instead of swapping nicities around these here parts and giving you an ex-scuse to pad your post count... (I'd give that one away, no-way are you going to catch the mad canadian).. you should send me along a setup, one such that it will showcase to the world your ineptitude on the pixel battlefield as exactly as you show us every day with your soporific posting.

Much like your boss, Joe, really, who is another person held in high esteem, being rank even, within the league of "posts-to-skip-over".

What say you young Clod? Shall we meet on some flat and dusty map so that the blood you spill with abandon of your pixel troops will at least lay the dust somewhat?

Noba. </font>

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Originally posted by bauhaus:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Abbott:

Hiya Steve you not so bright COLLAGE boy glad you found some interest.

Collage:a technique of composing a work of art by pasting on a single surface various materials not normally associated with one another, as newspaper clippings, parts of photographs, theater tickets, and fragments of an envelope. </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by bauhaus:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Abbott:

Hiya Steve you not so bright COLLAGE boy glad you found some interest.

Collage:a technique of composing a work of art by pasting on a single surface various materials not normally associated with one another, as newspaper clippings, parts of photographs, theater tickets, and fragments of an envelope. </font>
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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Hmmm, nice shot. The foreground could use a bit sharper focus and you need to correct the camera tilt to bring the horizon back to level (a tilted horizon is a sure sign of an incompetent photographer). And those numbers! Eeeeeeeew! Get them out of there and keep them out! Otherwise, not bad. For a Goobernational, I mean.


What the hell are you rambling about? I just wanted a purty picture of the purty castle. And the time stamp is indeed unfortunate.
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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Hmmm, nice shot. The foreground could use a bit sharper focus and you need to correct the camera tilt to bring the horizon back to level (a tilted horizon is a sure sign of an incompetent photographer). And those numbers! Eeeeeeeew! Get them out of there and keep them out! Otherwise, not bad. For a Goobernational, I mean.


What the hell are you rambling about? I just wanted a purty picture of the purty castle. And the time stamp is indeed unfortunate. </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Hmmm, nice shot. The foreground could use a bit sharper focus and you need to correct the camera tilt to bring the horizon back to level (a tilted horizon is a sure sign of an incompetent photographer). And those numbers! Eeeeeeeew! Get them out of there and keep them out! Otherwise, not bad. For a Goobernational, I mean.


What the hell are you rambling about? I just wanted a purty picture of the purty castle. And the time stamp is indeed unfortunate. </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Hmmm, nice shot. The foreground could use a bit sharper focus and you need to correct the camera tilt to bring the horizon back to level (a tilted horizon is a sure sign of an incompetent photographer). And those numbers! Eeeeeeeew! Get them out of there and keep them out! Otherwise, not bad. For a Goobernational, I mean.


What the hell are you rambling about? I just wanted a purty picture of the purty castle. And the time stamp is indeed unfortunate. </font>
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Originally posted by bauhaus:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Abbott:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

I say the point goes to Abbott.

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Point to Abbott?


This is like being interrogated by good idiot/bad idiot. </font>
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Originally posted by Abbott:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by bauhaus:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Abbott:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

I say the point goes to Abbott.

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Point to Abbott?


This is like being interrogated by good idiot/bad idiot. </font>
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Originally posted by bauhaus:

I come from the school of thought that Ansel Adams was anything but a master photographer. He was a master technician, maybe even a masturbator, but he wasn't a master photographer. He took pretty pictures and made them prettier because of his "zone 10" system, but he was an average/above average photographer at best. W. Eugene Smith, FSA photographers, Walker Evans, and James Nachtwey (probably the greatest living war photographer today) are just a few photographers that far exceed Mr. Adams.

Oh, I don't disagree with you*, I just used Adams because I knew everybody has heard of him. Joe even baby sat for him once.

*On this. On everything else I think you're a barking loon.

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Originally posted by Bugged:

The only pictures that should be taken using a cellphone are the kind that are used for blackmail after a "fun night out".

Excuse me, Bugged, while I inform the others of my reaction to your offer:


Now, could I get you a drink, or would you like to see my selection of funny hats?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bugged:

The only pictures that should be taken using a cellphone are the kind that are used for blackmail after a "fun night out".

Excuse me, Bugged, while I inform the others of my reaction to your offer:


Now, could I get you a drink, or would you like to see my selection of funny hats? </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by bauhaus:

I come from the school of thought that Ansel Adams was anything but a master photographer. He was a master technician, maybe even a masturbator, but he wasn't a master photographer. He took pretty pictures and made them prettier because of his "zone 10" system, but he was an average/above average photographer at best. W. Eugene Smith, FSA photographers, Walker Evans, and James Nachtwey (probably the greatest living war photographer today) are just a few photographers that far exceed Mr. Adams.

Oh, I don't disagree with you*, I just used Adams because I knew everybody has heard of him. Joe even baby sat for him once.

*On this. On everything else I think you're a barking loon. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You see lads, THIS is what I'm talking about. When the Natural Order of things is put aside for a whim we risk the consequences.

In this case Seanachai decided that it would be just dandy to have Others Recognized join us as if they were real people who had been tested by weeks of posting here and being accepted by the membership. No, he decided, it would be a giggle to let just ANYONE join and be treated as if they WERE someone special ... as indeed all TRUE Knights of the CessPool are.


Joe, there's too much Bean Counter in your soul. Too much of the Instructor, leading minds into the mire. Too much Junker.

"Ja! Serf, Squire, Knight, Seniour Knight! That is how we will have it being done here in the Peng Challenge Thread! And I will stand, slashing the marks into the stretched wolf's hide with my baton, keeping the count! And above me, are Die Menschen des Altertums! Like Wotan, and even drunker and less coherent gods, who judge us all! Although they are frankly scheiss, and only duty holds me in place, quivering with indignation, while I am constrained to act out their will! Duty! Honor! Rules!"

Mind, Joe, you do bring to the whole thing a certain je ne sais quoi. A wonderful whimsy, that still retains all the flavour and nuance of Brownshirts dancing in a circle and kicking a protester in the head while doing a Big Musical Number.

I rather like it.

But, Joe, you must not lose sight of the fact that, after all, I am an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread. And, as such, I am not merely a short, stout idjit who has long since replaced the silverware that you dumped all over my kitchen floor.

I am...well, mythic. I've spent several years of serious posting spadework to make it so. I have brought my compeers with me, and I have wound about us a destiny that holds us imprisoned, even as Hell holds Satan. Of course, for one of us, that's repetitive.

Let us never forget that 'Seanachai' is as much a title, as the name I use here, for those who know the Gaelic.

So, Joseph, my Joe! Membership in The Thread is not a turnstile, that the undeserving can jump, or be given a vault over. But participation in The Thread is the World that you all create, remember?

So, sometimes, We, the Olde Ones, need to see more of the World than is dreamt of in your philosophy, Josephus.

Because, Joe, it's more...Mythic, that way!

Also, it tickles the piss out of me to annoy you. But only on occasion. Yes, yes, I know, it's wrong. Mea Culpa. Forgive me, Justicar, for I have sinned.

Where did the Justicar come from, before there were The Rules, and The Hierarchy, and...

But how else would we have The Redneck of the Peng Challenge Thread posting here, with his intriguing pictures of The Bus of the Peng Challenge Thread, unless...

One day Olde One Seanachai went on walkabout, eh? And he was drinking up the wine like bees take up the nectar, and he was on the Outerboards, where all who go must walk with caution because the gods created more stupidity than they ever did the sense to recognize it, and what did he see? He saw the posts of one damn, dumb redneck, posting like a fool and belling for attention like a yeller dog that'd wrapped a chain around it's hind foot and was miserable for someone to take notice and free it. And he said to himself 'Ha! I will free this rather mentally incompetent animal, and then it will hate me forever, for one cannot expect gratitude from a creature so fecking daft as to actually post in the Peng Challenge Thread!'

And so he did, and welcomed it into the Peng Challenge Thread, and proclaimed it 'The Redneck of the Peng Challenge Thread', in honor of it's ability to disguise itself as a Complete Pain in the Arse, when it was in fact the longtime poster Abbott. And then followed any number of annoying, clueless posts by both the Olde One, and Abbott, each abusing the other. And the People, who had grown complacent, and comfortable with their illusions, rose up in wrath, and reviled one or the other, and fell to bickering amongst themselves, and reverted to form.

And, when at last the emails flew fast and furious amongst all the First People, there was heard a loud, brutal, bell-like tone from around all the horizon, as The Thread made Itself heard.

And It, the Thread of Threads, made its voice heard, and It said: "Three Fathers, Three Fools, I will take as my own. One Fool, One Son, I will not disown. Many Sons, and All Daughters, will be my own. Mock the privates of others, but do not boast about your own."

And then, while Olde One Seanachai was trying to get a leg into his pants, so that he could get to a goddamn keyboard to write it all down, Olde One Berli manifested and said:

"They will each and every one of them go to Hell in an extremely stupid way. Feck 'em."

And Olde One Peng rather weirdly manifested himself, dressed like he'd come to bugger Victoria Beckham. And I'm not talking about some gentle rogering, but rather like a Mythic Figure that was going to curl the hair of whoever he got on top of, while shouting insults at her mortal husband...

But that's neither here nor there.

What do you want, Joe? A schematic of the ways we can embiggen the Peng Challenge Thread? By the numbers, rat-tat-tat on the drums, and hope she's got an embroidered dove on her panties, to lend the sense of the mythic to the coupling?

Or do you want the Olde Ones...

To do what we do?

When I go on Forum Walkabout, Joe, I see what I see. Justicars. Apocalyptic Horsemen. Eldest Australian.

Transcendental Rednecks. Idiots. Madmen. Minions. A whole lot of arseholes, one way or another.

I am the Storyteller. I see the Ladies of the 'Pool, their arms clad in the finest, shimmering samite, upraised, giving us all the finger.

I see...I see so much, Joe! Is that the face of my dead father, swimming through the mist?

Oh fecking hell no, it's just Peng, again, doing his weird arsed musical number from the Pennsylvania Local School District version of 'Bend It Like Beckham'.

Is that a goddamn musical? Why is Peng always crawling all over Posh Spice?

It must be...


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Originally posted by Abbott:

It's nice to see you flirting with women (for a change).

I don't 'flirt'. I simply 'am'.

Repeatedly, unrelievedly, and, for the most part, horribly.

If you get right down to it, you're probably too big a little girl to actually make fun of me.

Go and tell you wife again how you've told off the little boys. Gotta be worth at least a quick hug, even if your ED won't let you ...

Who's for a jolly singsong then, eh?

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