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A Tale Told By An Idiot: The Peng Challenge Thread Drags on Its Way To Dusty Death

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Oh for the luv of GAWD how awful is this ... not only have we violated BFC policy by having not one, not two but THREE MBTs on the first page, but in addition it looks as if the proverbial bad penny Abbott has returned to show us MORE of his stupid photos AND I'm informed by my less than competent but more than dead colleague Boo Radley that one of my serfs ... my SERFS mind you ... is upset because I've spent no time with him.

Presumably I'm to take the lad out on the town and show him the ways of the world or something.

flammenwerfer (spelt but not bolded)* you indolent, layabout, bone idle piss poor excuse for a Serf you must BE PRESENT IN ORDER TO WIN! Gaining a Squiredom in the Shavian House is not to be lightly esteemed nor easily gained. The Shavian House is not like other houses in that we do require a certain MINIMUM level of competence and ability and STICKTOITIVENESS that other houses seem to find unnecessary.

When you CONTRIBUTE, when you show PROMISE, when you EXHIBIT your worthiness to be elevated to the rank of Squire I shall let you know. YOUR task is to show that you ARE worthy. I suggest that you begin to make fun of Abbott for his stupid photos, that's bound to put me in a good mood.


<small>* Suggestions that I forgot that he was my Serf are beneath contempt and I shan't dignify them with a comment.</small>

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Originally posted by Boo Radleey:

I just finished painting the dining room in MARPAT...as a surprise for my wife's birthday..How's that for mid-western ingenuity.

Now I'm off to the rock club to have a permanent crown of stones drilled into my scalp..Bitchin.

*goes outside and kicks dog*

I think Poo Badleey would be more appropriate ... as if one weren't enough for us.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Gaining a Squiredom in the Shavian House is not to be lightly esteemed nor easily gained.

Unless you've got two dollars.

The Shavian House is not like other houses in that we do require a certain MINIMUM level of competence.
Much like the founder,

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Gaining a Squiredom in the Shavian House is not to be lightly esteemed nor easily gained.

Unless you've got two dollars.

The Shavian House is not like other houses in that we do require a certain MINIMUM level of competence.
Much like the founder,

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Originally posted by Boo Radleey:

I just finished painting the dining room in MARPAT...as a surprise for my wife's birthday..How's that for mid-western ingenuity.

Now I'm off to the rock club to have a permanent crown of stones drilled into my scalp..Bitchin.

*goes outside and kicks dog*


Just for that, the Tiger-O-Doom is gonna whup you up side your pointy little head.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Just you watch, we'll be inundated with SSNs...


And Seanachai will meet them, spreading rose petals before their feet. Leaping and cavorting... possibly even doing a buck and wing, inviting them in for a jolly sing-song, while wearing pied pantaloons and a cape made of ostrich feathers and monkey skulls.

See him now, as he leaps a full... 4 inches off the ground... (he really needs to work on his calf muscles)... spinning like a dervish until his pointy little head is dizzy, and then leaning against the wall, while his lunch spews from his mouth.

I really think we should reconsider this whole "Seanachai as PR frontman" idea. </font>

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Did I miss something?

Why the hell is HeyAbbott! back? Did I do something wrong?

I think we all must have ... I blame the three MBTs on one page.

I suspect that they opened a rift in the fabric of time/space (probably corduroy ) and allowed a temporal and possibly lobotomized anomaly to escape ... in other words ... Abbott.


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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Did I miss something?

Why the hell is HeyAbbott! back? Did I do something wrong?

Yes, you did something very, very wrong and if you seek to rectify it, you should immediately;

!. Turn your Shermies and Stuarts right around and have them exit the battlefireld.

?. Give me $100.

If you do these two things, everything will turn out just fine.

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Originally posted by Noba:

And we would like you come on over in summer so we can watch you defecate yourself into a greasy pile of gnome poo. Cold is nothing, you can always chuck on more clothes. Surviving the Aussie Summer, that's real man's work.

Aussies, they're so funny when they are absolutely clueless...

Let me put it to you this way Noba.

Six months out of the year, your beer will freeze up, right in your hand, while you are still trying to drink it.

Screaming in horror yet?

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Oh look everyone, Boo's losing again.....


Oh, look everyone. Stuka's being all Stukafied again.

He's being Stukalicious in his Stukashness.

But sometimes, doesn't his Stukacity seem a bit... Stukacous?

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