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Fox Pee, Peng, and Other Personal Hygiene Challenges


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Originally posted by Stuka:

Good Evening Chaps!

Who's up for a jolly sing-song then?

My Liege!


"B double-E double-R -U -N, Beer run,

B double-E double-R -U -N, beer RUN,

All we need is a ten and a fiver,

a car and a key and sober driver,

B double-E double-R -U -N, BEER run."

~Todd Snider

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Originally posted by MrPeng:


(Bunches and bunches of inanity SNIPPED! because I think we've been able to figger out that you thought it was an Attack/Defend scenario, when actually it was a Meeting Engagement. Oh, and BTW, you can also tell it's a Meeting Engagement by looking at the two little arrow thingies on the control interface.)

... and then re-rethink again because he shilly shallied and dilly dallied and mosied along so patiently for several turns that it pretty much means that at this point the damn victory areas are occupied by Boo!movich's troops.

Then why not treat it like the Attack/Defend scenario you originally thought it was, you hooting babboon?
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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

30 Facts about Vin Diesel

I don't know why you bothered to post that. It was the most boring piece of crap I've ever seen. No, wait. It didn't even rise to that level. Ho hum.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:


(Bunches and bunches of inanity SNIPPED! because I think we've been able to figger out that you thought it was an Attack/Defend scenario, when actually it was a Meeting Engagement. Oh, and BTW, you can also tell it's a Meeting Engagement by looking at the two little arrow thingies on the control interface.)

... and then re-rethink again because he shilly shallied and dilly dallied and mosied along so patiently for several turns that it pretty much means that at this point the damn victory areas are occupied by Boo!movich's troops.

Then why not treat it like the Attack/Defend scenario you originally thought it was, you hooting babboon? </font>
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I hear Vin Diesel and Russell Crowe have taken a time-share condo together on Phuket Island in Thailand, and in the ultimate display of 'manliness' they're both going to pitch and catch at the same time!

It's nice to see that Dalem feels comfortable enough with us all to share his homo-erotic fixations with us.

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As the mornin’ light breaks open

The Greek comes down and he asks for a rope

And a pen that will write

“Pardone, Monsieur,” the desk clerk says,

Cavalierly he lifts his fez

“Am I hearing you right?”

And as the yellow fog is lifting

The Greek is clearly

Headed for the second floor

She passes him on the spiral staircase

Thinkin’ he’s the Soviet Ambassador

She stops to speak

But he walks away...

As the storm clouds rise

and the palm branches sway

on Black Diamond Bay

Black Diamond Bay

-Bob Dylan

Someone bring me a fecking Elf Girl! Gods, how I hate Chivalry!

And I hate Peng. He's like the younger brother that I never had who was always older and more responsible than me.

Hey, Peng, fella! What's with your goddamn State, eh? You see where that halfwit c***-sucker Pat Robertson is gonna absolve God from any Liability if your freaking section of the State is suddenly overrun with Aids infected Al-Qaida operatives, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, or a Media Infestation Bent on Turning a School Board Election Into a Cause Celebre?

Hell, I can't blame him, frankly. I mean, the span between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia of your State is fecking Alabama. The knowledge that there's enough mental wattage there to understand that Intelligent Design is another way of imposing near-idiocy on long-suffering Christianity must fill that bigoted, right-wing, mentally unstable manipulator of mouth-breathing Believers with rage.

Look, at some point, it's going to become necessary for America to kill Pat Robertson. We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability.

But what I want to be assured of, Peng, is that you're not part of the problem. I want you to be part of the solution.

So, I need to know, Peng fella. Would you support the concept that the Complexity, Depth and Insatiable Stupidity of the Peng Challenge Thread indicates that it could only have come about by the direct intervention of a Higher Power?

Or do you think that it evolved by a gradual process of mental deterioration on the part of an almost innumerable number of lower organisms attempting to screw even stupider organisms out of a place in CM history?

Think carefully, MrPeng.

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Well, I have returned from the Dragon's Lair, and without a scratch I might add, except for the Gout acting up in my right big toe. I have always thougt of the Gout as an affliction limited to obese 19th century newspapermen, elderly noblemen living in drafty manor estates, and Lars.

I propose an amendment levying an "existence tax" on any and all Minnesotannies desiring to post in the MBT. They come in here spouting their drivel about the glories of Lutefisk, the Vikings, and large bottomed girls of Swedish descent, and while I am a wholehearted devotee of the third, are we are just supposed to give them an audience out of the goodness of our hearts? I think not.

Seanachai, all out of Elven girls, how about a nice bowl of soup? Either way, all you are going to do is make a mess and dribble all down your chin.

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

except for the Gout acting up in my right big toe. I have always thougt of the Gout as an affliction limited to obese 19th century newspapermen, elderly noblemen living in drafty manor estates, and Lars.

Apparently you missed the Memo about the fact that Lars shall, throughout the month of November, be addressed as 'Deirdre'? You idjit.

And I suspect your intentions. Because, as everyone knows, it's Myself that suffers from Gout on this Thread. Oh, and Leeo, but he's easily overlooked.

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Originally posted by Mace:

You really should think big.

I've been teaching my friend, Small Emma, a new thing. Whenever she encounters something annoying, stupid, and worthless, I've taught her to exclaim "Bloody Australians!"

Given that she's only 2 years and 4 months old, she's already made amazing progress as to when it's appropriate to say this. And she says it with great enthusiasm.

Just the way I taught her.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:


And I suspect your intentions. Because, as everyone knows, it's Myself that suffers from Gout on this Thread. Oh, and Leeo, but he's easily overlooked.

Not as easily overlooked as you...

by the way



[ November 16, 2005, 01:03 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

You must be a Jean Claude Van Damm fan...dan... fam... wossname... fandancer!

You lost it again, didn't you? They say that's an early sign of Alzheimer's. I bet you often find yourself in a strange part of town wearing only a dressing gown and slippers, and not knowing how you got there.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Whenever she encounters something annoying, stupid, and worthless, I've taught her to exclaim "Bloody Australians!"


She must call you a "bloody Australian" a lot then?

Not that you're really any of those, it's just that this was a golden opportunity too good to miss, and by gawd, I'll always go for the jugular whenever the opportunity arrises!

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Oh, and 'arises' is spelled with a single 'r', as I have here. Just in case you might want to try impersonating an educated being of some sort.

Heaven forbid, and deprive some bloke who has nothing better to do of his one pleasuer?

I'm not that heartless.

Well actually, yes I am.

PS I put another mistake in there, especially for you!

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Well Chaps and Chapettes, your old Unca Stukey has a question to ask.....

Now it seems that many of you 'Merkin' types, (being a nasty warlike race an'all) have lotsa relations serv'in in da military.

And as it happens, poor, peace loving Unca Stukey (forget those dive bombing Polish Civilian rumours), has a shot at a 12 month contract working in the lovely Middle Eastern Autocracy of QATAR and as it happens, there is a rather large Merkin airbase just outside my soon to be hometown of Doha.

I thought it would be just the dandiest thingey if I could get a line to someone on the base to

(a) chat about this and that

(B) have a friend if in need, and most importantly..

© get an angle on cheap booze from the yankee PX.

Kindly direct all such relatives in service contact details to your old Unca Stukey care of the Battlefront forum thingey.

and hey, you never know, with the long lonesome Qatar nights, I might even get back into this Combat Mission millarky. at the very least I may just post alot...



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