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Peng in the New Year, with a Bacchanalian Challenge to Party Like it's 1999!

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

Snippered yammerings of a diseased, eyeless popgun.

Now please, pretty, please with a cherry on top can I have the pleasure of grinding you...?

Uh, OK?

Send a fookin setup. Whatever you like. I'm as easy as Boo! on a first date. And is that any way for a messiah to talk to his overlord? Sheesh. I don't get no respeck, not even from me own fookin messiah. Bitch.

Speaking of that worthless pile of Boo!, we are on or about turn 30 of our Blood Hamster! match and its looking fairly even at this juncture. We have both had the pleasure of aniha... anhili... destroying nearly a full company of the other side, in similar ways, with nasty armored teeth ripping unprotected infantry to bloody, shreddy bits although UNLIKE Boo! I was able to take out one of his T-34s with - are you ready for this? 2 frightened and hiding guys who lobbed two grenades at his tank. Grenade one HIT! Immobilized T-34. Grenade two HIT! "eeek! let's get out of here!" the crew abandons the tank.

I am also in the middle of an entirely futile excercise of trying to out flank him with a platoon of Pz IIIs. I telegraphed the move so egregiously and it is taking so long to do that he can spend the rest of the game - which is what it will take for the IIIs to get into position - to decide what to do about them. It was so badly executed that if I do lose, and I am thinking we will come down to a matter of a couple of points difference in a draw, that it could be the deciding factor.

Although if I win the difference in the game will forever be that tank that got taken out by two frightened and lonely troopers huddled in a little scrap of scattered trees, desperately throwing a grenade at a steel behemoth's tracks. Yeah, that was great.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You shower!! I'm sitting in a coffee shop in South Minneapolis and I'm using my new wireless pda...

Wonderful. Yet another gadget you can use to connect to the internet without having to bother to send me a turn, you suppository!

I'm only playing four games right now. Well, I'm actually playing six, but between you and OGSF and your abysmal turn sending, it seems like four. I was also playing MrSpkr and Papa Kahn, but both dropped out after a few turns, no doubt fearing my tactical brilliance.

I need a new victim.

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22 minutes after my post you are posting here when you COULD be sending a turn. Slacker.

Well, its TOO LATE NOW. I have to get to bed because I have to go to work tomorrow. Feh.

So even in a turn shows up in my inbox like right now and stuff I wont be able to process it because I am going to bed. to sleep. perchance to nightmare. I don' want to go back to work. I've been off since 12/22 and I don't LIKE work anymore. no no no no no.

Oh, here's the turn. I'll send it right back.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stoat:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I need a new victim.

I'm ripe for victimizing. Err..you know what I mean. </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I'm only playing four games right now. Well, I'm actually playing six, but between you and OGSF and your abysmal turn sending, it seems like four.

Wha didnye hae a thick British Rail mug o' shut tha feck oop? Ye'll get a poxy turrn whain Ah say ye will, an' noo before.
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Yet another gadget you can use to connect to the internet without having to bother to send me a turn, you suppository!

I wouldn't stress it Boo, not only does Sean-itchy not send turns, he doesn't reply to freindly chit-chat emails either, must be using that PDA to access Gnome porn or sumfink....
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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Yet another gadget you can use to connect to the internet without having to bother to send me a turn, you suppository!

I wouldn't stress it Boo, not only does Sean-itchy not send turns, he doesn't reply to freindly chit-chat emails either, must be using that PDA to access Gnome porn or sumfink.... </font>
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Me for bed, then, you tossers. And a jolly singsong to you, before I disappear:

Sit down by the fire

And I’ll tell you a story

To send you away to your bed

Of the things you hear creeping

When everyone’s sleeping

And you wish you were out here instead

It isn’t the mice in the wall

It isn’t the wind in the well

But each night they march

Out of that hole in the wall

Passing through on their way

Out of hell

They’re the things that you see

When you wake up and scream

The cold things that follow you

Down the boreen

They live in the small ring of trees on the hill

Up at the top of the field

And they dance on the rain

And they dance on the wind

They tap on the window

When no-one is in

And if ever you see them

Pretend that you’re dead

Or they’ll bite off your head

They’ll rip out your liver

And dance on your neck

They dance on your head

They dance on your chest

They give you the cramp

And the cholic for jest

They’re the things that you see

When you wake up and scream

The cold things that follow you

Down the boreen

They live in the small ring of trees on the hill

Up at the top of the field

They play on the wind

They sing on the rain

They dance on your eyes

They dance in your brain

Remember this place

It is damp and it’s cold

The best place on earth

But it’s dark and it’s old

So lie near the wall

And cover your head

Good night and God bless,

Now **** off to bed

Sit Down By the Fire

-the Pogues

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Seanachai, how many times must we tell you ... when you can't feel the end of your nose, either because you simply can't, no matter how hard you try, touch it, OR because it's lost all feeling, then it's time to STOP DRINKING!

And no, that doesn't mean you can go back to sniffing copier toner either.

I'm thinking this new wireless PDA is a BAD thing, affording you the time and ability to post while still in the pub.

Your post, however, was right to pay homage to those who were there at the dawn of time, and those who have come after and then left ... mind you in the case of Papa Khann that's a GOOD thing, that shambling, drunken, good for nothing layabout excuse for a Squire who became a freaking REAL ESTATE AGENT!

But that doesn't mean that it's all dead and gone. The Peng Challenge Thread hasn't, for a long time now, been about Peng but about the community ... a community without a mayor or city council, one that needed no police as it policed itself and one that, at the end of the day, evidenced more friendship and congeniality than boards dealing with flower arranging or what not.

And that is due to ... YOU. You and the other Olde Ones who set the table for us to dine upon. As Washington was the man who would not be King, so Seanachai, Berli and Peng were the ... what in the HELL are you three anyway? Well, that's the beauty of it isn't it? No one, who wasn't part of it for a good while, would ever be able to understand the unique chemistry of the Mutha Beautiful Thread.

So here's to YOU Seanachai, you and Berli and even that drunken sot Peng (though, to be fair, singling out ONE of you as a drunken sot requires scientific discrimination with carefully calibrated instruments).

And here's a Jolly Sing Song:

Should auld acquaintance be forgot

and never brought to mind?

Should auld acquaintance be forgot

and days of auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,

for auld lang syne,

we'll take a cup of kindness yet,

for auld lang syne.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot

and never brought to mind?

Should auld acquaintance be forgot

and days of auld lang syne?

And here's a hand, my trusty friend

And gie's a hand o' thine

We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet

For auld lang syne.

And Gawd Bless Us, Every One!...


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