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Look how the Nation of America pulled together (as one) to defeat the Axis.

Chances are that will never Happen again! No way no how.

I am sure America will take it where Hitler left off.

We will just do it on the sly! :eek:

Stand back we will show you how it is done! ;)

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Originally posted by waltero:

Look how the Nation of America pulled together (as one) to defeat the Axis.

Chances are that will never Happen again! No way no how.

No arguement, that's a fact. Having lived through Vietnam and having been in the military during that war I saw firsthand how divided and demoralized the United States was at home and how low morale was on the inside. I've never heard anything like that about America in WWII.

I am sure America will take it where Hitler left off.

We will just do it on the sly! :eek:

Stand back we will show you how it is done! ;)

Yes. I agree. If not sooner than later the United States will have it's fling with outright facism. It will no doubt be wrapped in a civilian looking package with Madison Avenue trimmings, but it will still be facism. I think we're well on our way there already. A lot of the extreme right wing broadcasters, like Rush Limbaugh, sound extremely similar to the guys who spouted the idiocy for Goebels and his Ministry of Propaganda. We should really have something much better to look forward to. Very sad.
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"...Right or Left ..."

Yes, that's what I'm most discouraged about. I don't see a direction to turn to that I believe in. Ideally a solution could come from either direction. But we can say the same for The Dragon. A little bit of common sense could most certainly solve the problem. If we could find it somewhere.


I've wanted to believe in the guy. I really did. Maybe it's the company he keeps. Anyway, as SeaMonkey says, we've got to start doing better. Maybe radically better.

On a brighter note, this is a truly incredible Thread. It's originator was banned shortly after starting it, it's meandered all over the map and through heaven and hell without being locked. My guess is it will be locked pretty soon if it goes further into present day politics. Then again, perhaps not?! :D

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Zappsweden - Why not also have different mountain heights too..
For a simpler solution, why not add impassible mountain tiles to the tile mix?

Like the Depression Tiles of the Sahara, but only these are glacier capped mountains.

[ June 19, 2005, 08:21 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Damn, it's refreshing to see that so many people are calling a spade a spade. I hate the extremist mantle the GOP and their 'base' are using for their policies.

It's frightening how the Republican party continues to redistrict to maintain Congressional majorities and play hard and fast with the established rules, ethics and traditions of our government. They'll say and do whatever is necesary to maintain their grip on power, including election irregularities. According to their thinking, it's no longer Amrican and patriotic to have a divergent opinion. Jefferson, Madison and the rest would not be happy with the new mad king George.

The consternation I feel when they claim to be the party of the moral high ground ...

Hipocrites, all of them!

It's their way or the highway, their god and nothing else, they know what's right for everyone because they are so rightous. But, they're the ones with the blood on their hands.

How crappy is the selection we are given from which to choose a new leader if we want something different? Where are the wise, inteligent leaders we need to take our country to another level, to be respected by the world and hold the moral high ground? To truly serve the people and the greater good. Drowned out by the loud mouths is where they are.

Sorry for the rant, but I get a hopeful feeling when I hear some others feeling dissatisfaction with where the U.S. is being taken, and that doesn't mean I don't support the troops. THEY ARE THE ABSOLUTE GREATEST. Let's take back our country or the extremists will win.

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Originally posted by waltero:

At least that is what sodball and his fellow scholars tell me.

Everyone in Sweden know (learnt from school) that Nazi Germany killed millions of jews. However, when u ask an average Swede about Stalin and his mass murder terror ppl go -> :confused: :confused: :confused:

Reliable and unbiased sources are not default today, so do not trust one by default.

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@ Rambo - It's that kind of close minded thinking that tells me you'd have been a great robotic Nazi cheerleader if you were a citizen in Germany in those years. Nice take, rack em.

Fubarno doesen't do jingoism, Fubarno is a free thinker and calls a spade a spade when he sees one.

Rafter Man says, "Well, at least he died for

a good cause,"

"Which cause was that?" Animal Mother says.


Animal Mother says, "Flush out your head

gear, New Guy. You think we waste gooks for

democracy? Don't kid yourself; this is a

slaughter, and if I'm gonna get my balls shot off

for a word I get to pick my own word and my word

is poontang."

Full Metal Jacket

[ June 20, 2005, 08:29 AM: Message edited by: Fubarno ]

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Ahhh... for the good old days of mayhem, then relaxing with some alcohol and women.

Todays young soldiers and Marines, are denyed that pleasure. No booze or women (its against regulations) in todays combat zones.

They do get the "comforts" of e-mail and computer games.

Guess its a good thing the chance of dying today is less than 5%, versus the past of 40% plus.

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Originally posted by yogol:

I don't know...

The US didn't do anything at all about the Axis until they got attacked themselves. Then they went to war.

No discussions.

The same happened after IX-XI : they got attacked first by terrorists. Then they went went to war in Afghanistan.

No discussions.

But in Vietnam, the US didn't get attacked first, it started the war itself "to fight communism".

There were discussions.

In Korea, the US didn't get attacked first either, it started the war itself "to fight communism".

There were discussions.

In Irak, the US didn't get attacked first, it was first because "Saddam helped IX-XI", then it was because "Saddam has WMD", then is was because "Saddam had a undemocratic regime".

There were discussions.

You see a pattern here ? Because I sure do : there is support IF the US got attacked first.

Just look at the last two wars the US got in.

Noone in the entire world opposed the US invasion of Afghanistan. The US got attacked, they had to strike back. Even the French tabloids agreed ("we are all americans" was a huge title on a French tabloid). Support in the US for this war was high.

No Democrat voted against it.

No questions about "did we go in to soft" or "do we destroy too mush" or "will it work".

But in Iraq it's different : the US didn't get attacked by Saddam.

So Americans asked Vietnam-like questions. What we doing here ? Is it our job to invade countries and bring democraty ? Is that more important then our soldiers lifes ? Will it work ?

Saying "people today aren't as brave as in WWII" is simply not true : they support war IF the US gets attacked first.

Or the other way around (tricky question) : would the US have supported a war against the Nazis if they didn't get attacked first ?

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Stand back we will show you how it is done! ;)
All the way

From Alaska you will show how?

That's a pret' fur piece, ayuh! LOL!

Perhaps, waltero, you could drop

Little leaflets by way of Air Alaska?

On... Tacoma, and Boise, and Santa Fe?

These ether-tattered scraps could essay:

"Man alive, it's gettin' TOO HOT down there

In them lower 48 - come!

Someone! To our vast icy tundra

And cool off, you - half Mad Cats!"

LOLOLOLOL. smile.gif


Been lookin' over the landscape since the 50's,

And I can say this:

Like Van Morrison sings it out

While standing 'midst the rubble

Of a torn-down Wall,

"Oh, the tide... the tide is turning."

Now, that Wall - has these Gargoyles atop

Moaning out ersatz Rock & Roll, and so,

It ain't so easy to know.

Just how.

It's... stealing, sealing-away

All of the brother love starved Soul.

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It's frightening how the Republican party continues to redistrict to maintain Congressional majorities
Democrats invented gerrymandering (which is the term for abusive redistricting). Now that we've got over the "who started it" part, it has to stop.

The person most strongly trying to stop it is a Republican, Arnold Schwarzenegger. He wants to take redistricting out of the hands of the state government (of California) and put it in the hands of a panel of retired judges. If he succeeds (big if), momentum will build for the same thing in other states and I suppose federally (for all I know the state districts are also the federal ones - I'm sure an American citizen will speak up on this). This won't eliminate the problem of very-long-term Congressional seats, but it will materially help, It will also, and more importantly, mean that the candidates must now appeal to constituents again rather than just the party machine in an otherwise-guaranteed district. The last problem is the one that is radicalizing US politics.

Regarding SC, some mountain hexes, or more likely hexlines, should be impassible. Certainly not a game-breaker one way or another. Sea hexes could reflect deep/shallow (or tough/easy sub detection, take your pick, the end result is the same), but that's about it.

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Discussing politics is a sure way to get this thread closed. I'd suggest you go to the Free Republic or the Democratic Underground web sites to vent and get the political ranting out of your systems.

I'm still curious about this intervention by God in World War 2. If anyone else is interested, I'm going to create a thread in the General Forum. Your input is welcome unless/until the thread gets locked. :D:D

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"Will oceans have different depths so subs cant dive so deep everywhere? That would make them more vunerable to asw. If not sc2 will be unrealistic. Patroling salty water should make subs more rusty and more prone to damage."

Lest we forget, this was the first post which started all of this....simply amazing!

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