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Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg v1.01 Patch Released!!!

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Originally posted by pzgndr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> And why move the date forward for the siberian transfer?

That's just a failsafe date, which is AFTER the historical Pearl Harbor attack. Once Japan and USA were at war, there was no reason for USSR to hold back the reserves. Various triggers can still activate the reserves earlier. </font>
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It's really sad that there is no official statement concerning the international versions of the patch! Who is responsible for the German version of the Patch? Mostwantedgames.com or someone else (Frogster Interactive).

I wish I had bought the U.S. download-version, since it is cheaper, needs no CD and finally is better supported.

Maybe I'll sell my German version on ebay.de and buy the original version from battlefront.com. But I don't like spy software like elicense, that's the problem!

Ciao Frank

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I can't speak officially for the other versions, but a patch translation is in progress. I'm sure it will be released "soon." Fundamentally there is zero difference between the different language versions except the text. The game code itself is the same.

Regarding some other things like date of Siberian Transfer, research limits, and other questions, I'll re-emphasize Hubert's intention with this first patch was to address a few bugs and game play issues. Hopefully things are better overall. Some things may require further adjustment as we get player feedback. Hubert DOES listen to youse guys too. ;)

A few enhancements were made to the AI scripts, but that was not the main effort for the first patch. There are still some weaknesses. More improvements will follow with subsequent patchs.

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The patch won't work with the German version, because in order to run the patch you have to have an eLicense, which you won't have if you didn't buy the game from us. But a German patch is in preparation/translation and should be ready VERY soon.


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Thank the lord someone know this game is not right and are trying to do something about it. My question is 90% of these fixes never seemed to crop up on my computer, crashes ectra. Not one word, unless I missed it about the allies invasion of Europe as the AI. I cant get them to invade even if I leave two units in all of France thru 1944, I have tested this and they don't move, is there something I am doing wrong? I don't touch the scripts or is there something there that would help the AI to invade France? Does FOW or no FOW have anything to do with the invasion?


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William I'm not sure I understand what you are saying here... you applied the patch and it does not seem to be working for you?

Can you confirm that the patch has been applied properly and that once in game it shows v1.01 in the bottom right hand corner in the MAIN WINDOW?


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- browsing while your opponent plays his turn don't work;

- I encountered a strange situation - my syrian french corps could not pass thru the loop (legit move and destination) and when i tried to save the turn , it crashed 'visual C++ runtime whatever'

- if you cut off a unit supported by a HQ, the HQ will still support that unit

[ June 04, 2006, 11:34 PM: Message edited by: hellraiser ]

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I played 2 games with the patch, in one the allies never invaded France in the second the invasion occurred in late 1944, after Russia had lost Moscow and Stalingrad. Why?

Part of the fault appears to lie with the production and transport scripts. In both cases the USA had lots of Air Units in the UK but few land units. The USA needs 8+ land units in one script. If those units are not in the UK then no invasion. Once it reaches those limits then no problem.

That said, the Patch gives you a much improved game, especially on the Eastern front. And D-Day does occur, though some more fine tuning is needed.

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Keep those 'Stool Pigeon' report's comming in Edwin P. ... we are so glad that your eagle eye is ever so vigilant!.

I downloaded the patch last night...but have not installed it since i was playing a really engrossing game MOD created by 'jaimain'[Fall Weis-(Atlantic Wider)]!.

My wig flipped when several British Corp's were storming the Normandy beaches in early April 1942!,...that event was totally unexpected!.

Immediately following that,...the American's assisted the British in that invasion endeavor!,...i had only a skeleton force in France...and couldn't afford to pull any other unit's away from their locations.

I was forced to put most of my MMP points into purchasing more Ground Units,...instead of using them for Unit damage repair!. I-Nearly lost France there!.

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Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

William I'm not sure I understand what you are saying here... you applied the patch and it does not seem to be working for you?

Can you confirm that the patch has been applied properly and that once in game it shows v1.01 in the bottom right hand corner in the MAIN WINDOW?


Hubert I apoligize for the above reply without really testing the patch. My comment was based on everything before the patch and I read the fixes carefully and saw no mention of the d-day fix. I have applied the patch and was checking other fixes and have not got that far yet[d-day] So if I spoke out of turn forgive me, I am referring to the campaign game not the stand alone D-day scenario.


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No problem Willy, the D-day fix was simply accounted for under the various script enhancement and AI transport bug fixes but I could have been more specific in the release notes as you've pointed out.

Either way it should be fixed but as Edwin has noticed it might need a bit of fine tuning still depending on how the AI makes its purchases.

Hope this helps,


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Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

No problem Willy, the D-day fix was simply accounted for under the various script enhancement and AI transport bug fixes but I could have been more specific in the release notes as you've pointed out.

Either way it should be fixed but as Edwin has noticed it might need a bit of fine tuning still depending on how the AI makes its purchases.

Hope this helps,


Sure does Hubert, appreciate you getting right back to me, they say you are a man who stands behind his programing and you sure proved that to me today, thanks again Hubert.


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Guest Mike

Is it just me, or does there appear to be little in this patch for the Axis?

Silent subs can survive better, but they lose 10% chance of diving when they are not silent. Germany loses a leader, have to fight entrenched Soviets, the UK gets a BB, and the other changes seem fairly even handed or minor or I can't figure out if they favour anyone at all.

Battleship defence agaisnt air is down too, which I think is probably worse for the axis on balance.

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Of course the Axis are not going to get more. The problem was not with the Axis, it was with the Allies (Western) not being able to do anything until D-Day which was not historically accurate.

That has been fixed.

Removing the HQ might be a little too much, but we'll have to see.

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Originally posted by Blashy:

Of course the Axis are not going to get more. The problem was not with the Axis, it was with the Allies (Western) not being able to do anything until D-Day which was not historically accurate.

That has been fixed.

Removing the HQ might be a little too much, but we'll have to see.

Ok what we learn from SC2 is that the US could have started a D-Day in 1942 but somehow they were called back until the German have been already beaten by the rusians. Little green cowards tongue.gif

What did the Allies do differently in 1942 and 1943 what they could not already in 1.00 ?

They can outproduce Germany even alone. How about a random event then that the war against Japan goes bad? Midway a big american defeat as it could have been, especially if US transfers "Pacific assets to the Atlantik"?

[ June 05, 2006, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]

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In v1, you could not do a significant operation torch by Nov 42 (historicaly) and noway you could EVER try and invade sicily in 43 or push further in Africa (if Egypt is lost).

In v1 the allies had ONE shot and that was dday alone and that was in 44, by then Russia was obliterated and Germany has munched up tons of minors and can easily counter any invasion.

Just keep playing it smile.gif

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Blashy do you think the US had started an operation torch if Egypt would have been lost and the Italian fleet survived intact?

And if Rusia and US are now transfering their Pacific assets to the Europe theater. Shouldn´t there be not at least the possibility that the war in the Pacific goes bad or Japanese troops conquering Siberia?

Right now only with the ability to entrench before Barbarossa and the better defenses of an army Rusia is much stronger.

Before the patch DD and even you said that the US setup is / was quite historical . Is it now that the myth of american superheroes coming to rescue the world strikes back?

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Hey Sombra,

don´t worry, just play some games and you will notice that Axis in V1.01 has still a slight advantage between 2 experienced players - but no sure victory any more. Only Sealion needs in deed still some adjustments smile.gif .

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Sombra, I always said that US production was under valued and so did DD, you've been of that opinion since beta.

And yes, I still think that USA/UK might have done torch even if the Italian fleet was out of the med, USA can have better ships and the UK fleet is HUGE if you keep it alive, which is easy to do. Put those two together and they can easily escort amphibs to Casablanca.

And as Terif stated, it still favors the Axis a little if the Axis make no mistakes, which I think is OK.

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@Terif - dude I got too lazy last night, too lazy to move the red troops around smile.gif I guess I'll just quit and start another, really sloppy play from my part. And definitely against you I won't play that late in the night, I need focus smile.gif

I cannot tell you how I feel today after sleeping 3 hours :( I drank tons of coffee, no help smile.gif

@Sombra - got a game vs Yoda last night, played like sh*t but I am able to draw some concusions:

- definitely the Allies are powerful - USA is a beeyotch now. As far as Russia is concerned, yes, entrenchment helps but the dillema is techs vs numbers. Terif correctly pointed out that Russia is still not able to put a forward defence all over the place. Exactly what i tried to do, was curious if it can happen. So Axis will tread on your neck but not at the same speed as in v 1.0

Battle in Russia is the same as ever: wait, tech up and strike when Axis operate to west. Unless Axis played like crap, but against Yoda, you can't bet on that tongue.gif

BTW, I still wonder why Terif let me to kill 2 armies near Brest after France fell, is that town so important? :D:D:D

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Hellraiser, surprise surprise that Terif wins with the Axis. Does the sun shine in Egypt?

Besides played yesterday and started a sealion, it is a bit harder now but still England can be taken care off before Barbarossa. Which is not bad England should protect is island and huddle in fear...

Many good ideas in the patch hoped for some more incentives to bring on a forward defence in Rusia and an improvement in the french campaign.

OK but for now I will shut up… By the way you are up for a game?

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