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I've been permitted to help HC out with questions about the game.

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Hubert has given me permission to help out on the forum with regards to question about SC2.

Take into account that I am under NDA and I will adhere strickly to it, even if you think it's not an NDA matter, if I say I won't discuss a certain question, I won't, don't nag.

So if you have questions, ask them, I'll do my best to answer.

That does not mean Hubert does not read these forums, it's just that I can help him have more time to bringing SC2 to "gone gold" which is what we all want.

As a beta tester I have access to the editor and the game, so I can answer "some" questions for both.

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Blashy, several things concern me.

First off I see a set of units, pretty similar to SC. Armor will it have more punch power, and act more like the real thing or will it be a hit and insert weapon like it was in SC?

Similarly, seeing that many of the same base units are available, what of the change of gameplay from SC1 from Poland through France and the beginning of Barby. Will it still be an MPP game or will it be a balanced game of massive strategies?

I'm bored will SC fast as you can see you can learn every move and every counter and whoever acts first and makes the least errors wins. Do you feel in your heart as being a dedicated SCer that you know that 1 bad move will not break the game, I know of the presets for some of the units like Subs and Aircraft, and retreat options. Some of these seem a bit micromanagement, however seeing that the game will be larger does that mean it will take longer to play? I don't mind personally... I think it good it takes longer and more accuracy and playability is there. More Tactics, strategy, artform and all...

I'm going to also say the base bugs in SC, that airfleets and the flaw of overly powerful Experience killed the game. The MPP structure was grossly inaccurate and noone would tweak things, does this change?

To summize, I'm not asking when this deadly weapon will be out but do you feel this thing is anywhere near completion or do you feel that it's going to be a good 6 months of betatesting that tends to be my actual thoughts. As I've seen the base Map Skin altered twice now, a new evolution on Hubert's Mind I can see... As you can tell I know my Wargames, this is my 15th year<more than half my life> but I'm by far not an artist. Noone can say for sure what makes a hit but I tell you this, community, quality of foes, that's a HUGE portion of it... ::smiles devilishly:: Thanks for helping out with the beta testing

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First off I see a set of units, pretty similar to SC. Armor will it have more punch power, and act more like the real thing or will it be a hit and insert weapon like it was in SC?
The armor (tanks) is improved. even Tech for armor is improved. I'll put it this way, you dont fight a tank with machine guns, you better invest in anti tank weapons or your asking for trouble.

With that said, it won't become and armor only game, there is balance.

Similarly, seeing that many of the same base units are available, what of the change of gameplay from SC1 from Poland through France and the beginning of Barby. Will it still be an MPP game or will it be a balanced game of massive strategies?
Some parts are tricky, you can't go against OOB and for that, Poland, Benelux, France and UK REALLY sucked (same for Denmark & Norway), we all have read the history and there was NO chance these countries could survive the blitzkrieg, so expect this to go as it happened, they will fall and fall easily, no more gamey moves like disbanding all your french navy to boost troops on land. With that said, they are benefits to not attacking certain countries that were conquered in WW2 by Axis, but that is for the players to find out smile.gif .

As for AFTER that and in between Barbarosa, you won't be waiting around as Allies, you slowly get to prepare as you have access to USA and USSR mpps and you have to consider sub hunting and Africa.

And no cookie cutter for Axis, diplomatic consequences will result.

I'm bored will SC fast as you can see you can learn every move and every counter and whoever acts first and makes the least errors wins. Do you feel in your heart as being a dedicated SCer that you know that 1 bad move will not break the game, I know of the presets for some of the units like Subs and Aircraft, and retreat options. Some of these seem a bit micromanagement, however seeing that the game will be larger does that mean it will take longer to play? I don't mind personally... I think it good it takes longer and more accuracy and playability is there. More Tactics, strategy, artform and all...
SC2 has more variety, yet I found it so simple to play, I played it the first 2 days without having read the rules, any SCer will catch it fast. You do need to read the rules for the finer points, but I wanted to see how the transition was and it is a very smooth one.

I did not find that it took longer to play, one thing that reduces time is not having tons of units overcrowding the map, but at the same time these units have more maneuvaribility/options and a little more thinking when it comes to tech (who to give tech, which means one turn of no other action). So I find it balances it self out. Basically, my turns take about the same time as in SC but I get more variety out of every turn smile.gif .

The MPP structure was grossly inaccurate and noone would tweak things, does this change?
OH yeah! I think that one of the best design decisions Hubert has done is in regards to MPPs. Let me put it this way, if SC had for example 50% less overall MPPs in the game, how much more enjoyable would it be? More space would be a big benefit. I'm not saying that MPPs are 50% less, I'm just giving you an example that you can relate with.

I'm going to also say the base bugs in SC, that airfleets and the flaw of overly powerful Experience killed the game
Experience is still an asset to any unit, but not a game breaker. A ncie improvement.

To summize, I'm not asking when this deadly weapon will be out but do you feel this thing is anywhere near completion or do you feel that it's going to be a good 6 months of betatesting that tends to be my actual thoughts
Sorry Liam, but that is too close to NDA and I'm not the creator of this game so I can't speculate.

Not even a teaser ;) .

As I've seen the base Map Skin altered twice now, a new evolution on Hubert's Mind I can see...
That does not mean anything, with the editor it is very easy to make changes. I've made some pretty significant changes on a campaign in about 6-8 hours of playing with the editor and that was my first crack at it. I would estimate that it would take Hubert less than half that time to create something totally different from what you've seen so far. So don't take any of what you see in screenshots into account.

IMHO, the editor itself is worth the purchase price, it is that powerfull.

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Hey guys, we do want to welcome Blashy as a playtester. The game is quite functional now and we've all got like 3 PBEM games going on in round-robin fashion. There's beeen a mix of conventional and non-conventional strategies. We're giving the game a great workout, finding things, and generally discussing what needs to be adjusted here and there. I won't go into any details, but I did want to share that bit of good news -- we ARE playing SC2.

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... but methinks there are far better choices out there ...
Well, hellraiser, you thinks

Incorrectly, insofar as BETTER choices.

Many out there, no doubt, EQUALLY as good,

But... better?

Nix Nix - criss-crosser of River Styx. . ;)

Having played the X-Sub Mariner,

And having heard some fine.

Insightful suggestions,


In this, his brief time,

Hey, the Sea Cat's - Deep

Water... Cool. :cool:

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This is a wonderful turn of events, thanks Blashy for your contribution. I'm sure I'm not speaking for only myself when I say, us SC lovers appreciate your dedication of time, a most valuable commodity.

Without violating the NDA, could you elaborate on the SC2 retreat mechanism?

I'm assuming that with a moral factor in play for combat units, that this may be a triggering factor for retreats. Can you give us an example of how a combat sequence may proceed, using a variety of units, that concludes with an enemy retreat?

And hopefully, can you answer affirmative to the question of sub vs sub combat, can it be accomplished?

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Without violating the NDA, could you elaborate on the SC2 retreat mechanism?

I'm assuming that with a moral factor in play for combat units, that this may be a triggering factor for retreats. Can you give us an example of how a combat sequence may proceed, using a variety of units, that concludes with an enemy retreat?

And hopefully, can you answer affirmative to the question of sub vs sub combat, can it be accomplished?

I have not seen any auto retreats if that is what you're asking. But a good addition is that you can move units AFTER they have attacked, sometimes you attack a unit to soften it up for your powerfull units behind, so they can destroy it. Now you can attack, move away and move in with fresh troops for the final blow.

And no sub vs. sub combat at this time. I don't know what are Hubert's plans for subs, but I'll explain why I would agree if it would remain.

Sub vs. Sub did happen in WW2, but it was not as easy to hunt another sub as it was with surface ships. Subs are much cheaper than cruisers but you never saw the Allies use them en masse to patrol their convoy routes. If you enable sub vs. sub the naval part of the game will digress into subs only, since they are cheaper. With that said, the possibility might still be there within the editor.

[ October 05, 2005, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

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Thanks Blashy

When you receive an auto retreat would you please respond as to the dynamics.

Well the Royal Navy did have their subs monitor convoy routes as that is where they were most likely to catch a Uboat unawheres. Lying in wait to ambush was the sub's forte'.

Since you can run silent, and sub movement is not as great as surface vessels, I don't believe that SC2 would degrade into a sub vs sub naval slugfest. Well I have been wrong before :D , maybe our forum members could interject their thoughts.

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Originally posted by hellraiser:

i wonder how BF picks the betatesters ...

Actually I've been picking the beta testers so wonder no further ;)

i don't have anything against blashy, god forbid, but methinks there are far better choices out there ... unless we want those SC2 v 1.7g stuff coming out ...

no offence blashy but this is just an opinion

Well to be honest, after a few weeks and as far as Beta testers go, he is already almost up to Bill and Dave territory... so I think we are in good hands smile.gif
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Is this thread a joke? You've got to be kidding me. I remember FIRST time I played SC, I'd figured out how to win everytime as Germany. I jumped into Forum fame with the claim,"I will never lose with Germany". I got all kinds of takers & trashed everyone of them, it was an absolute joke. These dudes who are testing need to look at overall strategy, not just clicking a few pieces.

Don't get me wrong, these Otto, Bill Macon, the Robert dude from Seattle, Blashy, Buffy & Jody are great people...they watch the History Channel & like to talk about graphics. But when you're talking about game plan & busting holes with tanks, extreme strategies, whatever...well, you know.

Test to break, not confirm. What a minute, I get paid $32.50 plus options & benefits for my services, sales, management, & development.

Legend is highly educated,

Legend is highly experienced,

Legend might just be high smile.gif

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Is this thread a joke? You've got to be kidding me. I remember FIRST time I played SC, I'd figured out how to win everytime as Germany. I jumped into Forum fame with the claim,"I will never lose with Germany". I got all kinds of takers & trashed everyone of them, it was an absolute joke. These dudes who are testing need to look at overall strategy, not just clicking a few pieces.

Don't get me wrong, these Otto, Bill Macon, the Robert dude from Seattle, Blashy, Buffy & Jody are great people...they watch the History Channel & like to talk about graphics. But when you're talking about game plan & busting holes with tanks, extreme strategies, whatever...well, you know.

Test to break, not confirm. What a minute, I get paid $32.50 plus options & benefits for my services, sales, management, & development.

Legend is highly educated,

Legend is highly experienced,

Legend might just be high smile.gif

Hmmm... the thought "works well with others" also comes to mind when picking beta testers smile.gif
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There are so many evil people in the world. It is not my intention to offend someone but, guys, shame on you. John J. Rambo your IQ level is really on the same level as that movie character which nickname you have.

Blashy don’t pay attention to these guys and keep doing good work. I’ am looking forward to AAR.

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@weed - dude, I don't understand how JJR's IQ level is connected to this topic ...

Rambo and I did not have any intention to offend anyone. We expressed an opinion, that's all.

There are members of the community that 'tested' SC1 after they bought it smile.gif If I recall correctly, some patches were made after those guys pointed the bugs they had discovered. They dedicated a lot of time to SC and I think their experience (especially in multiplayer games) could have been used.

Do you usually insult folks for posting their opinions?

It's clear for me now, mr. HC stated his view, he seems content with his betatesters, that's reassuring ;)

I didn't mean to offend BF staff or Blashy or whoever...but as a member of the community I posted my view on it. And for those who can't post a reply without insulting someone, keep your tongue behind your teeth...and enjoy it smile.gif

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Retreats and a few other features are on the back burner for now. Frankly I haven't been concerned about it in the playtesting so far. Just suffice it to say that many other new features have been added along the way but some things will just have to wait. Please take this as a "good" sign as we proceed toward release. ;)

Sub vs sub combat might occur as a surprise encounter. Don't expect to be playing 688 attack sub in SC2 unless you mod the combat values, which you can of course. As it is, subs are still a potent threat against surface fleets and even that is debatable.

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@Weed --- Dude, I'm on double secret probation, so I wasn't on the contact list pal. It wouldn't be an IQ issue son, it's what HC said if anything. But that's to be expected, we live in a political correct world, well for now we do...at least until so major crap goes down. Just remember sport, when anybody plays a game, they aren't using the R.R.I./no AA for kicks & giggles.

Blashy is on the dark side, allied with Terif. I bet you anything Yodl already has this game mastered! There's also that Canadian thingy going on, Blashy must live North of the border. Terif is the real brains to the testing effort, Blashy is just the Forum servant deflecting questions! Dude, make sure you test the landing bonuses! All the goofy stuff with transports. That one was missed. Test how many attacks it takes to break lines under different conditions. This is a joke! I'm begging Blashy for testing requests...I sound like a meth head jonesing for a fix.

At least have Yodl test this thing in his swamp.

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Agreed Bill, sub surface combat effectiveness is indeed questionable. The surprise combat factor is really what I was looking for, and that should be when running either mode, silent(submerged) or surface, accidental encounter, or sniper mode.

By the way, if we choose to move our subs in silent mode, will the movement allowance(AP) be less than running on the surface?

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