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Patton Drives East

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Was very glad to see this announced today. Looks and sounds great and love the massive map scale.

I think it's a perfect continuation for the SC2 engine.

The West vs. East situation creates an interesting new dynamic to the war we've been used to. We're used to "Axis in the Middle" and the Allies fighting from the outside in. Now the front will be divided right down the middle, in a sense, and will open up all new possibilities for the Allies in creating new fronts against Russia in the South and SE.

It's nice to see America opened up on the map, but will it be a battleground in a typical game? Without the Pacific area represented a Russian player can't try and move in on Alaska or the West Coast.

In any case, can't wait for the summer!

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Originally posted by dgold07:

I would like to see a 1939 standard scenario provided as well, one which uses the new map, rules and AI.

How about a 1941 scenario as well?

These would not be hard to code and would attract new SC2 gamers who prefer traditional WWII scenarios.

I'm with you as well. Much as I like to see an expansion, I would also like to see those improvements implemented in the current game.

.... can't wait for the first screenshots though :))

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To me it's not a very great update cause there will be not many new units and rules(maybe nukes).

It will be very interesting a 1970-80-90-2000 world with all the very interesting conflicts like Vietnam, Iraq, Arab-Israeli and many other.

But it's too much, I suppose.

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I’m very happy that the game is alive, so to speak, and have a dedicated designer in Hubert.

Unfortunately I feel that this expansion, as it’s presented, lacks that I’m really looking for. New units and technologies like a-bomb are a must just as a bigger map is. The last was the only good news as I see it.

Also, I fully agree with those who want an updated 1939 campaign. Personally I think a 1936 and/or 1938 campaign on a bigger map would be most welcomed.

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Initially there was some thought to including work on the older campaigns, i.e. 1939 Fall Weiss etc. but since this expansion differed in focus on the post WWII period (or the various alternate history what ifs?) it was decided to leave the older campaigns out for now so as to limit/eliminate the confusion. That being said it does not mean that an official patch or future mod that includes an updated 1939 campaign will never see the light of day (using the updated included to the PDE engine) but if so this is likely to be post release.

Either way I am very glad to hear there is some excitement regarding this new expansion smile.gif

For some more background on the project I should mention that the concept for this one has actually been in the works for quite some time and essentially the brainchild of Edwin P. so I think you guys will be very happy with the end result as he finally got his way with the inclusion of Global Variables and linked Decision events... so expect an even more devious and capable AI ;)

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Atomic weapons would definitely be a nice addition. Considering the timeline, it's still early enough that the US wouldn't have stockpiles of them and Russia would be playing catchup (which may work, balance-wise, as the Commies probably outnumber the Allies 2:1 in most scenarios).

New units and new abilities will be key as well…otherwise it may just feel like a generic Red vs. Blue war using the same units from SC2 but with different graphics.

It would be AWESOME to see minor conflicts arise in neutral countries, or maybe even countries that have already joined a side, to depict the ideological struggle between both sides. Say Greece joins the Allies, but Russia could continue using diplo (or sending MPP "aid") to communist forces there. When they get enough support, a couple units and an HQ appear in the country to try and take over the pro-Allied Greek government. As the Allied player, it would be possible to see the level of Communist support in that country (ala the diplo screen) so you know how close it is to revolution.

In any case…it would add a great dynamic to the game, and something that would capture the "feel" of the ideological struggle between the west and the east.

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I'm very happy that this gem can go further, so I like it very much and I surely buy this expansion.

But this remind me too much Hearts of Iron and his newest expansion, yes 1946, 1948 and so on. Very interesting...but.

Why to have some (or many) total fictional scenarios when we can have many real conflicts not really abused on the pc. Like the Vietnam war (maybe the Indochina war with French)or the Arab-Israeli wars or the fictional 3rd World War in the seventies?

Or battle scenarios like the Falkland war, Dien Bien Phu, the Tet offensive, a fictional Fulda Gap, the Afghanistan Soviet invasion and so on.

China-Korea too (to Lars)

Yes I know the meal is alredy cooked, only to change some unit sprites and the people is ready to buy it.

But a little more courage can take this really fine game to a farthest frontier.

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I fully agree with you. I would much more prefer historical conflicts like the ones you mention.

And again, I think a lot can be done to the 1939 “Fall Weiss” campaign. It needs a bigger map to be at its full potential and that map size of the new expansion may just be the right one. Also, as already mentioned, a 1936 and or 1938 campaign would have very high replay ability. One reason will be the freedom you’ll have to form your forces before 1939. I really believe that a campaign like that could be “THE CAMPAIGN” in SC2 or dare I say SC3.

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And I'm very interested to find as this supply system can be used in a conventional/guerrilla enviroment like the Vietnam war.

Think to the supply depot in the Cambodian and Laotian "sanctuaries" and the mobile depots (read HQs. More than this, full of scripts opportunities.

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It was not mentioned but, the game also has decision events - events where the player's decision can change the course of the game.

Example - In the Invasion America scenario the Soviet player is asked if he will accept an offer of British Neutrality.

If yes, the Soviets can attempt an early cross Atlantic invasion of North America without fear of attack from the Royal Navy, but the UK remains active in his rear and may become an active US ally later in the war.

If no, the Soviet player is forced to invade Britain and delay its invasion of North America. This gives America time to mobilize its industry for war one more time, and this time American war efforts will not be divided between the two fronts - Europe and the Pacific - as it was during WWII.

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Great to hear Edwin. This is one thing I loved in the EU games. I know this won't be as detailed, but these added decision trees are great. There were a lot of tough decisions that had to be made by leaders and generals that, upon hindsight, either led to victory or disaster. Allowing us to make these kinds of choices is fun and can give us that hindsight at the end of the game, "If only I had done this…"

Are these decision trees going to branch quite a bit? For example, will there be decisions that appear only if you chose to accept the UK neutrality, but won't appear if you didn't? Or will these be limited to single large decisions only, like the one you cited?

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Yes, there are decisions that appear only if you accept UK neutrality. In fact, you can't always be sure of the effect of your decision.

One is whether you order Soviet agents to assassinate MP Winston Churchill.

If yes, and its successful 9 (% chance) then Churchill's death is reported and he can no longer agitate for neutral UK to ally with America.

If yes and your attempt fails (% chance), then UK war readiness goes up for British populace is greatly angered and Churchill is named Prime Minister once more.

If no, then Churchill rallies the British to support America in its hour of need.

So the choice boils down to;

1. Take a chance to reduce British War Readiness, knowing that if you fail the British will enter the war sooner than later.

2. Play it safe, and accept the fact that the UK will eventually enter the war on the side of the Americans.

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Another decision event in this scenario concerns the fate of North Africa;

1. Upon the Fall of France, does the USSR grant independence to the peoples of North Africa?

--- If yes, then several neutral countries are created; Morroco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. The French lose a base for contining the war, and the USSR loses a source of MPPs.

--- If no, then the French Government moves to North Africa, but the USSR is free to invade and conquer the lands of North Africa (Free France) without diplomatic effects on other neutral nations.

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