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Parachutes look like assclouds

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Is it just me or do the parachutes look really terrible?


It's like these guys go into battle dragging these large billowing white assclouds behind them. Paratroopers have a billowing chute behind them for like .01% of their entire fighting career, and here it follows them around all the time.

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This is a tough one. Paratroops are really light infantry when they're fighting--but without the parachute how can the counters look like the unit type?

Would there be a way to incoporate the standard military symbol (that little wavy line that's on the infantry box-with-an-X) instead?

In any case, I'm sure someone will post a mod soon.


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Well to me it looks like a pile of mashed potatos more than assclouds.

But my understanding is all these graphics are editable.

My suggestion would be to use the standard Infantry and add an airborne symbol to the base. You know, the two wings with the parachute in between them. Put that down there somewhere near their legs on the base.

Thats not a big problem.

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Been meaning to get back to this.


"Pile of Mashed Potatos?"

How clever, how charming.

What say? Let's do this.

Let's PRETEND that the Artist

Who created

ALL these VERY accomplished, IMHO,

Sprites & Icons and Interface

And what-not besides,

Yep, let's pretend he has no feelings.

(... Me Bad Mans! Me hawk & spit! On 'at sissy PC s**t! :mad: )


Here's one template for future dislikes:


You know, I don't really care for

(... XXXXXX ...)

And here's an idea how it might be improved.


Can do? smile.gif


Is mush-mouth smash at WHOMEVER!

Happens be standing near-by,

All the (... at long distance) rage

These days? :rolleyes:

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Here's one template for future dislikes:


You know, I don't really care for

(... XXXXXX ...)

And here's an idea how it might be improved.


Oh lord. Here we go again. Mr Defensive grabs sword and shield and beats the garrison to quarters at the first sign of trouble.

uummmm....ahem. Isn't that what I did?

But my understanding is all these graphics are editable. My suggestion would be to use the standard Infantry and add an airborne symbol to the base. You know, the two wings with the parachute in between them. Put that down there somewhere near their legs on the base.

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Well, I like the ashclouds : they make it very clear that the unit is a parachute.

And ofcourse, parachutes don't have their parachutes open in the field, but it's in the same spirit as the other units.

The "cloud" is much better then a badge, IMHO.

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As originally posted by Ike99:

Mr Defensive grabs sword and shield and beats the garrison to quarters at the first sign of trouble.


I admit


Quixotic to a fault,

And yet,

Should we falter at

The claimed foolish quest,

Should we squander

The last of our zest,

What of the soul-life,

What we have left,

Whatever becomes, then?

Of what might be... better,

Or, O impossible errand!

What is... recognized, best?

What! fragile figment secreted

Since our very first breath, in

Each's heart quite quitless beating,

What is the Mystery

Many would consider oh, only! another part

Of a truly stupendous delusion.

I insist, it's an ordinary day, then

Indifferent ol' Sun filters so bleakly through

Some shrilly creaking wind-mill blades,

Soughing out

To all the world - heark! and reckon this, Yee,

This! is, and remains the very worst

Of each of us - and since when?

Contested? Wrested

To earth, unto undying death,

And sure, Si, Si Senor,

There are secret dues for me

And you, and Sanza too,

One and all,

Good and bad,

Large or small - all, finally,


If not that,

If the common Honor is gone, then, I'll admit,

The one grand Don - Quixote,

Never ever stabled

A faithful steed, no

Never departed... the imagined land,

La Mancha.

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Sancho Dave,

Your passage seems to support those who take on the established powers, not those who "defend" them...

...and is saying "that artist's work looks like crap" a personal attack on the artist? Or is it a comment on her work? Art IS a personal thing, it can offend some folks, and people tend to respond emotionally--sometimes positively, sometimes negatively. Most artists value that and would not really feel the need to be protected from it--it's why they make art in the first place.

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Panza Bear,

I am no intellect, never claimed it so.

I merely hear musics

And write down symbols (words)

That sometimes match

The melody.

I only took one "Art & Aesthetics" class

At University,

And it bored me stupid.


Since you have asked some interesting questions,

I'll try to answer honestly.

Your passage seems to support those who take on the established powers, not those who "defend" them...

And so it has been thus

Since summer of 1968

When I watched the thugs of Chicago

Run Amok.

Perhaps I do err, egregiously even, when I, occasionally, "stick up for" those whom I respect, if not admire.

As the Artist for SC-2, who

Lives in Spain, I understand, who

Might, or maybe doesn't, who knows, appreciate

A brief personal comment of mine

Concerning his Parachutists.

I have done this once too often, true,

Since it is EITHER the case (... actually, of infinite responses possible) that

1) The "non-participant" does NOT require

any defense, IE, "who asked you?" or

2) Does not acknowledge said "defense" and has other things to do... create, and not talk about it.

...and is saying "that artist's work looks like crap" a personal attack on the artist? Or is it a comment on her work?
In my readings over these many years I have very often heard the Artist describe his or her work as... a child of their own, very difficult to set walking & whistling into the cold cruel world.

Hubert himself has referred to SC-1 and 2 as "his baby."

What can I say?

IF someone attacked your child - with less than elegant decorum, what would YOU do?

Well, yep,

It is NOT up to me to "defend" that Other's child, or Yours, is it?

Art IS a personal thing, it can offend some folks, and people tend to respond emotionally--sometimes positively, sometimes negatively.
Have already agreed, yea, it is indeed a very personal thing.

Visceral responses, such as:

"That is one putrid piece of s**t!"

Are not so helpful.

Least, they wouldn't be, to me.

I would simply ignore.

A "critique" that might include some semblance of rationale, however emotive, would be, maybe, taken to heart, internalized.

Though, even then, there is no substitute for hard edged and tough honest... personal private appraisals.

Most artists value that and would not really feel the need to be protected from it--it's why they make art in the first place.

Don't believe either of us could KNOW what "most artists" value, though, yep, we can make "educated guesses" based on all of our readings of biographies, auto-biographies, critiques made by those who are steeped in the particular medium.

If I elect to climb on the steed, and "defend" a notion, or art-work, or philosphy, or creed, or God only might help me, some ever-devolving dogma, well, that's my choice.

In the past, I have, for instance, "defended" the "civil rights" of my brethren down South. I don't regret it. Not even when a bunch of hulking white shrouds beat the hell out of me and some other interlopers... for "associatin' wit them coloreds."

Etc. :cool:

Beauty is indeed in "the eye" of the beholder.

Perhaps, one day?

The lens will be as cleansed, for each & all, as it could utterly and ultimately be. smile.gif


I am guessing that, oh, 96.7% of forum members don't give a rat's ass about any of this, so... hey!

How about them new! SC-2 features


Like Cowboy Clowns set loose

In the bull arena, careening and

Yipping & yelping, and - ready!

For the amazing display - on the way! :D

[ March 04, 2006, 09:09 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Don't believe either of us could KNOW what "most artists" value, though, yep, we can make "educated guesses" based on all of our readings of biographies, auto-biographies, critiques made by those who are steeped in the particular medium.

Or maybe we spend our lives making art and working with artists...
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Or maybe we spend our lives making art and working with artists...

Yes SB,

It's a worthy way to live, though,

Like the song says, ah, the living,

The livin' she ain't always so easy. ;)

Have done it,

Will do it again - thanks for the boot

In the Levis,

And soon.

In fact,

My son is in "pre-production" stages

For his 3rd "Indie Movie,"

(... first two won awards at NY and LA

film festivals but weren't picked up

for general release)

And this time I'm INTENDING to be

On hand and contribute what I might

Right from get-go,

Meeting with investors,


Scouting locations,

Story-boarding (... like Hitchcock, he is

an accomplished artist and draws up

elaborate scenes... we have finished

first draft of the Screenplay)

And so,

Like last time, we'll have a Web Site

Where I plan to keep

A running, day-to-day Journal

On what it's like to make a movie,

All around the Town,

Down and dirty.

If interested,

Let me know and I'll send you EM

With address,

When we get started.

Got to finish a couple projects

For Hubert first,


Probably in the summer time,

When 'at livin' is EASY, LOL!

Time for... dropping the clap-board and!

Action! LOL! :cool:

BTW: Do you play TCP at all?

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