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I've had it with Modders!

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Ok like stated above I've had it with modders. You might ask what in the world did modders do to make him (me ) so mad. Well, I'll tell you. As stated before hundreds of times by just about everybody that ever posted or currently posts on this board that we wanted a new up-to-date Pershing tank because while maybe not used all that much they are greatly outdated compared to all the other mods in our games and it just doesn't look or feel right. So I say that we should all stop using mods until they ( the modders ) come up with one. Why are we forced into playing with what they want us to play with. Who are they to tell us which mods they are going to do and which ones they aren't. I say the heck - Yes, the HECK! with that. We ( the many hundreds of us ) should just draw a line in the sand and demand that somebody come up with a King Pershing. Ok, so is everybody behind me? Do we declare right now that we aren't going to use any of our truely outstanding existing mods until our demands are met or are we just going to give up and allow this tyranny to continue? Pretty soon CMBB will be out and what do you suppose the chances of all of us ever seeing an up-to-date Pershing then will be? NONE! Ok, so let's show them a thing or two. What do you say - you all? :mad:

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Not being a modder I can only hope for you that they see some irony in your post. Those guys spend hours, weeks and months with modding and all they get is a "thank you!" if they are lucky. I can only advise you immediately rephrase that post of yours before somebody else reads it...

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Boy, I was worried there for a minute after the first post came in. I was wondering ( just for a second ) if the mad face was inapproprite. I see it wasn't misunderstood. Thank you Makjager and Pvt. Ryan for clearing that up for me. I put a smile on your face did I Makjaker? That makes my day for me. Thanks for saying that. smile.gif And Pvt. Ryan that put a smile and a little laugh out loud from me. Excellent witt and timing on your part. That was funny, not that you didn't hit the nail right on the head. ;)

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Icm1947...that no problem at all smile.gif

I have a good memory and i do remember all the nice things you have said about mod makers in the past and that you do care...and that care just bubbled over a wee bit as you REALLY care to have a nice Pershing tank to complement all the other great stuff the other hard working lads make for endusers to enjoy.

Who knows...a Pershing fitting for CM might appear....its just that with so few makers and so many mods to do it does get a wee bit "scary" when u see time slipping by and nothing being done ( seemingly)

Hopefully one of the Allied Mod specialists can find that time some time in the future to realise your wish.

All the best.....must go now find a iron to get rid of that wrinkle ye put on me mush from the angry smille :D



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I'm often unsure of what mod to do next--a Pershing, a Chaffee, a Comet? I have, however come up with a wonderful, egalitarian and practical solution. If you have an idea for a mod you want me to do, simply write the name of the mod on a crisp $20, $50, or $100 bill (US currency please, none of that Canadian or Australian funny money) and send it to me. I will wait for a suitable amount of "suggestions" to roll in, and then I will start work on whatever seems most popular.

So, Pershing lovers, get out your wallets! :D

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i'm with you lcm! i mean, except for mods of tanks, halftracks, jeeps, trucks, uniforms, weapons, grass, trees, wheatfields, brush, bocage, marsh, buildings, roads, bridges, snow, sky, smoke, fire, mod sounds of explosions, tank fire, artillery, mortars, machineguns, voices, and various small arms too numerous to mention, what have the modders done for us?? nuthin' that's what! i say it's time to make a stand. you draw the line lcm and i'll make sure no one crosses it till the pershing mod is finished!!! :mad:

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Well guys I think we showed them a thing or two. No body pushes us around. Looks like we may have a little trouble with that Andrew guy but he'll cave when we refuse to use his - what does he mod now anyway? Oh yeah I think he does building or something like that. :D Anyway he'll come around. If none of us use their mods what are they going to do then - that's right - they'll have to pick another hobby. So, I think with the overwhelming support that I'm getting from the hundreds of letters, phone calls and emails everybody is behind me. So if we can just hold out a bit longer I think we'll win. Ours is the just cause! Oh yeah and Doug not only do they get all bent out of shape when you ask "what grass is that" but have you noticed they never not once answered the question. Damn, that borders on being rude and stuck up.

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Well now wait a minute I didn't mean that all you fine gentleman should stop actually modding stuff. I mean darn - you know - I was just kind of joking and stuff , you know just until somebody did a Pershing. Didn't mean that you shouldn't continue doing your fantastic mods that we all love and which in my opinion has contributed so very much to this outstanding game. But yeah don't take this to mean that you guys should actually stop modding. I mean we might all decide to start using them again some day after the Pershing is done - ofcourse. It never meant that we would never use them again - like never. I mean if you guys actually stopped somebody would really be in deep trouble - me. God I can see the posts now. "lcm1947 is the cause that no one never mods again". So please - continue modding! I'm sure all this uglyness will clear up once the Pershing is done - properly done of course. Well, I hope this kind of clears this misunderstanding up.

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Originally posted by lcm1947:

If none of us use their mods what are they going to do then - that's right - they'll have to pick another hobby. So, I think with the overwhelming support that I'm getting from the hundreds of letters, phone calls and emails everybody is behind me. So if we can just hold out a bit longer I think we'll win. Ours is the just cause! Oh yeah and Doug not only do they get all bent out of shape when you ask "what grass is that" but have you noticed they never not once answered the question. Damn, that borders on being rude and stuck up.

Yup, good idea. Time for another hobby. I'll just throw out the big CMMOS update I had planned for this weekend and go pursue my lifelong dream of joining the PGA tour (senior circuit, unfortunately) and preparing to sail around the world. Yup, why consider modding anymore when I can't do what's really wanted, a Pershing mod.

lcm1947, thanks for opening my eyes.


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ON STRIKE!!! The pickets are posted, the signs are up and all we CMer's are marching around in circles..."No Mods, No Mods..Give us Pershings NOW", the chant goes up and carries across the land!

Qusetion for the strike leader: When do we get our first "strike check"?

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Is that a backfire I hear. :( OH, oh. I knew I should have put a smiley face on my orginal post. redface.gif And so Gordon - I want to go too. I can be packed in 5 minutes. :D Hey! Andrew had a great idea. A Pershing contest. Yeah, that's the ticket. Now we're all thinking alike. Good thinking Andrew. :D

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damn lcm, you sure caved in a hurry! like my dad always said, don't point your weapon unless you intend to use it. looks like we need a new strike leader comrads. this one's going on a cruise, no doubt with our union dues! :confused:

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