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Distributing the Peng Challenge In Europe: No Rest for the Wicked

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Send me to Coventry if you wish, Joes Squaw, see if I care. I indicated to all you fat old fools earlier as to what was my purpose on this thread, and nothings changed. Do with me what you will, I will still trivialise your mutterings and heap piles of stinking rabbit poo upon your heads :eek:

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Originally posted by athkatla:

Send me to Coventry if you wish, Joes Squaw, see if I care. I indicated to all you fat old fools earlier as to what was my purpose on this thread, and nothings changed. Do with me what you will, I will still trivialise your mutterings and heap piles of stinking rabbit poo upon your heads :eek:

What say you lads, I'm of the opinion that he needs to be sent to Coventry and thus, if such is ordered, no member of the CessPool shall be allowed to respond to any posts of his made in the CessPool.

Before taking that drastic step, and posting the edict for final review by members of the CessPool, I am taking this unofficial poll ... Coventry ... or another chance?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Before taking that drastic step, and posting the edict for final review by members of the CessPool, I am taking this unofficial poll ... Coventry ... or another chance?

I think he should get another chance.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

What say you lads, I'm of the opinion that he needs to be sent to Coventry and thus, if such is ordered, no member of the CessPool shall be allowed to respond to any posts of his made in the CessPool.

Before taking that drastic step, and posting the edict for final review by members of the CessPool, I am taking this unofficial poll ... Coventry ... or another chance?


I think he should get another chance, but be made to perform some form of penance. Say, 1000 words on why he aspires to be the pissboy of us all.

Wait, I doubt Ass Master knows 1000 words. Plus then we'd be stuck listening to him prattle on for far too long.

How about 500 words?


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******* A decree made to Squire Simon from his top master Knight bloke thingy **********

Send Persephone your picture now!

Not tomorrow, not next week, but now.

Otherwise no drink shouting when you get to Australia.



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I too say another chance for Athkathillyquethtion.

So he needs a litle more time to knock of the rough edges, what of it? Besides, he's a Brit and we all know that they're all a bit daft.

As for the Tourney, hmmm. I'm already playing YeknodOGSFJoeNobadalemR_LeeteMr.SpkrAussieJeffPapaKahn. Who's left?

Wait. Rune? Oh, Rooooooooooooooon!

Can Runey come out and play? Red Rover, Red Rover, let Runey-Boy come over!

I will grind your bones to make my bread! You will be the Tokyo to my Godzilla! I will be the bone in your chicken salad sandwich!

But you'll have to wait. I have to make potato salad for a picnic tomorrow, but as soon as I'm back, I will remove your flesh and make it into a decorative throw! Or somfink.

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Give the little Garscon du Piss a chance. I can't stand readinghim, but I gave up reading anything Old Foul Joe writes wrote has written writed for lent or somefink. I'm not sure.

Who are we talking aboot?

I need to start drinking again. Sobriety does not become me.

MACE you are fat dear boy, its the circus mirror makes you look thin.


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Nice try Boo_Radley but only those games STARTED after the Tourney will count in the official rankings. Therefore the turn I sent back JUST NOW will NOT count ... NOT, got it?

Besides, my 3 Jeeps, 2 mortars and 1 MMG never had a chance against your armored hordes and YOU KNOW IT. Crow all you like but you and I, we'll know the truth won't we lad! We'll know that you had the game locked up from the first turn and it was only through sheer force of will that I was able to hold out for as long as I did. I tell you it should go down in the annals of military lore along with the Alamo, Thermopyle (whatever, I'm on a roll here), Roarkes Drift (oh wait, the Brits won that one didn't they) ... okay Isandhlawana then. Gallant last stands against impossible odds one and all ... excuse me ... I'm getting all tearie eyed here.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

...you know, the part of the family tree that actually, umm, how do I put this, FORKS...

Well, I could take the cheap shot, and mention PL's affection for small, rabid woodland animals, but let's not go there. Other than the unfortunate misunderstanding at the family reunion (how was I supposed to know we're related? ["Really? First cousin? No kidding!"]), you can rest assured.

Since the master has left, without so much as acknowledging the setup I sent (bloody old fart), I have time for another game. Expect the setup this evening. You, of course, have the right to counter with a setup of your own; I defer to your having previously suffered under the same leige.


MrPeng has penned another instant classic rant. One sure to raise the hackles of the forum far and wide. One to cause fits of both laughter and tears of rage. Harken one and all to our prophet.

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Nope, just mouthed off to my leige, in public. He was in a spiteful mood, and gave me this as pennance. I have since completed his assigned quest, but kept it anyway. See page two of the last MBT for Seanachai's own long-winded post on the matter. Or don't, see if I care.

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I'm ALIVE! Cable guy apparently knew what he was doing - roadrunner fired right up without a hitch! Gotta love ethernet.

Seanachai, send me a turn.

O' Superior Yeknod, your gamey game criteria are fine by me, shoot me a set-up. And remember: the gamier you skew the game into your favor, the more I will relish beating the pants off you.

The rest of you (and you know who you are) yes I SEE the damn emails. Just wait your fecking turn.

[ July 12, 2002, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Hi There:

I am the most famous Member of Battlefront.Com's message boards. I don't like other people very much. I have a short temper, and think that anyone who disagrees with me is either out to get me or an idiot or both. ;)

Be that as it may, since I am not only the most FAMOUS Battlefront Member, but also It's MOST AWESOMELY goodest and smartest player, I have decided to debase myself and challenge EVERYONE to a game. Since I am so wonderfully famous and awesomely good I do not think that I should have to abide by the cesspool's rules either. In fact, if each and every one of you does not rise to my challenge (actually since I am so bloody great you should all grovel to my challenge, I will be forced to threaten to quit the thread forever, say bad things about many of you, and pout in general. :cool:

I have just a few minor conditions that you must all agree to prior to playing, as I want the best chance of winning I can afford myself without actually having to think or try. :rolleyes:

1. ALL games are to be 300 point meeting engagements: big games are too hard to plot and they make my 386 processor burp. Also I have found that when there are a lot of units and such moving round the board that my opponenets are able to shoot at my units and that sort of thing. Most distressing. :mad:

2. All unit purchases must be made according to a set of arbitrary guidelines that I have made up and posted on an obscure website. If the rules are confusing to you, or appear to be internally inconsistant, or you can't find the site where I posted them (www.notarealsiteatall.org) then you will automatically forfiet the game. HA! chalk up another win for Fiona. ;)

3. My best friend Colin will make all the maps and let me study them for a few days before I send them off to you. If you don't send it back with your purchases within 20 minutes of getting the map then you are obviously trying to cheat and therefore will have to forfeit the game. HA! ANOTHER win for Fiona. :D

4. Many of you are liars and cheats and very very bad people who will try to be mean to me in public and lie about things that I write in private. If you are one of these people, please submit your declaration of intent to do mental harm to my attorny (also called Colin) PRIOR to accepting a challenge BUT NOT BEFORE the game parameters are set. It has often happened that one of you very bad people has accepted a challenge, AND THEN COMPLAINED when you lost the game! :eek:

5. After the map is populated with your units, you must submit to both me and Colin a list of units purchased, including quality, and accompanied by a brief essay on the Country's deployment doctrine for those unit types. Essays will be graded on accuracy of TO&E, thoroughness and, of course, spelling and grammar will be heavily weighted.

6. Any game that I "lose" will not be actually consideded a loss for me, but rather will be considered a victory, for scoring purposes, and will be construed by my Attorney Colin as a personal attack, both mental and physical, and will be subject to immediate litigation. You can also expect a visit from my cousin, Mr Callahan, who will show you the meaning of the word "respect."

7. There is no point seven.

8. I expect an immediate reply from each and everyone of you. If there are not lickspittle emails begging me for a game in my inbox in the next 15 minutes then you can all just forget it.


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Yeah, HI, it's me again. Yeah the guy with te padlock and keys and the almight Ban List.

Remember a few months ago when I rolled up my pants legs, waded in here, busted a few heads and said what IS and ISN'T acceptable?

The post above by Fiona Keller falls into the later catagory. If you post with two accounts, your breaking the rules. There is one outcome when you break the rules.

I am feeling generous today so I will issue a warning.

I don't want see something like that again.

To push home the point I am locking this thread up. Start a new one.


[ July 13, 2002, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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