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Peng, I Take Our Challenge Public, Now & Forever, Until the Last Breath Leaves Me

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Be it known that while I fight for the honour of a bright young girl about to enter the fullness of her womanhood

I believe that by the terms of your release back into society, you are not, actually, allowed to do this. No contact, certain areas of town off-limits, no, er, 'fighting for the honour' either.

In fact, I believe the conditions were so stringent as to even forbid you from watching entertaiment programs that involved 'young women about to enter the fullness of womanhood.'

I will be contacting the Kansas authorities immediately.

Besides, it's pretty clear to all of us that this whole battle is over which boy on the 'Gilmore Girls' is cuter. Bringing up some young woman's choices in life is only a smokescreen for what really has you two all aflutter.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Goanna:

That was my leather face mask.

You ought to see the real face, it ain't pretty I can assure you.

As Berli, he saw it and look what it did to him. He's only 17, you know.

Ooops! He's only 17!!!!! :eek:


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Originally posted by Marlow:

Who the hell is Fred? I thought he was our Meeks eating polar bear (after eating Meeks would that be bi-polar bear?).

No, no, the polar bear is Great Fred, immortalized in my deeply spiritual hymn in his honour.

The Fred these other toads are refering to is Fred 176. Member number 176. Please note it. Fred 176 always did.

He was a rather humourless and judgemental man, quite given to posturing and bearing grudges, and who, under a facade of pseudo-reasonableness, never passed up an opportunity to get his opinion out there, presented as the unvarnished truth. He continued to maintain a number of things as 'true', constantly reiterating them despite responses from others, that he consistently ignored, corrections from others, which he consistently ignored, and straight-forward 'buddy, what the hell is wrong with you?' inquiries from people who were beginning to get frustrated by his consistently ignoring everything that was being said to him as he moved from thread to thread making snide remarks about BFC, the Games, and anyone who disagreed with him.

Madmatt eventually grew tired of his most recent ploy, which was to show up in a thread, bad-mouth BFC, most especially about the whole CDV/European release flap, until the company had corrected and attempted to explain things to him. Then he would move on into a completely different thread and do exactly the same thing until someone showed up there to repeat the process. Finally, he was banned.

It is of importance to note that one of the banners that Fred 176 constantly waved before, during, and after many of his declaritive pieces of arsing about was his member number, 176.

The way in which he utilized it would lead you to believe he'd had to fight a bare-handed deathmatch with a wolverine to acquire it, rather than simply showing up here at a certain moment and registering as a Forum member. He also seemed to imply that the number was both representative of his IQ, and lent him a status that made his remarks irreproachable.

In a final note on Fred 176, he did not like the Peng Challenge Thread, and campaigned for a while that it be closed. As he wasn't interested in it, there was no purpose served by it, and it could be safely done away with.

I strongly resent the sloppy usage of the term 'Fred' which we have seen here of late. The man's correct designation was 'Fred 176', and I shall insist upon it whenever he is mentioned. It is both the least, and the most, that I can do for him.

And, while Great Fred should, properly, be referred to as Great Fred, he is not a deity that stands on excessive observations of status, unlike Fred 176. Therefore, it is quite acceptable to refer to this Polar Bear deity as simply Fred. Or Frederick, if you're feeling all spiritually formal. Usage of 'Great Frdrck', with letters omitted in order not to offend the deity, and forbidden to be spoken out-loud (lest you disturb his post-prandial nap), are now archaic usages, and are no longer considered appropriate in the contemporary Church of Great Fred.

And, in deference to the nasty little poseurs who objected to my colloquial usage of the term 'gun' (see what trying to be a 'man of the people' gets you? I'm going back to sordid, anti-Southern, looking-down-my-nose-at-the-unwashed-masses elitism, thank you very much) I have renamed my .20 gauge a 'shotrifle'.

Thank you for your attention to this. You may all now return to watching 'Bowling For Jesus', and whichever Soap Opera takes your fancy.

[ September 27, 2002, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

<font size=-1>He was a rather humourless and judgemental man, quite given to posturing and bearing grudges, and who, under a facade of pseudo-reasonableness, never passed up an opportunity to get his opinion out there, presented as the unvarnished truth. He continued to maintain a number of things as 'true', constantly reiterating them despite responses from others, that he consistently ignored, corrections from others, which he consistently ignored, and straight-forward 'buddy, what the hell is wrong with you?' inquiries from people who were beginning to get frustrated by his consistently ignoring everything that was being said to him</font>

Wait... when did we start talking about Joe?
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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

<font size=-1>He was a rather humourless and judgemental man, quite given to posturing and bearing grudges, and who, under a facade of pseudo-reasonableness, never passed up an opportunity to get his opinion out there, presented as the unvarnished truth. He continued to maintain a number of things as 'true', constantly reiterating them despite responses from others, that he consistently ignored, corrections from others, which he consistently ignored, and straight-forward 'buddy, what the hell is wrong with you?' inquiries from people who were beginning to get frustrated by his consistently ignoring everything that was being said to him</font>

Wait... when did we start talking about Joe?</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Thank you for your attention to this. You may all now return to watching 'Bowling For Jesus', and whichever Soap Opera takes your fancy.

Many thanks for the entertaining dissertation, but a simple “some jackass that got banned” would have probably sufficed.

As far as Bowling for Deities goes, I would have thought that a polytheistic religion would have made for better ratings. For every spare you get a minor member of the pantheon, while for a Strike, you get Zeus or Vishnu or somfink. Maybe “Bowling for the Great Fred” would be better. I mean, we are talking people who bowl here. Which would you rather see: the winner gets forgiveness of all sin and eternal life, or watching mister polyester pants (Jo Xia would make a good first contestant) go mano-a-mano with the 2000 pounds of teeth, claws, white fur, and bad attitude.

[ September 27, 2002, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

...it appears that, as expected, you are... [attempting]... to gain a gamey upper-hand in our battle. This will not do!

I seem to recall telling Joe that I'd like to play the Italians. That's because of the phenominally-low esteem in which I hold your tactical abilities. Being stuck with the Ostfront selections, I cannot choose the French-- which would be the appropriate level of contempt.

Blah-blah-blah, good-vs-evilcakes
Panzer Leader, you addled lackwit--can't you see that the zero-dimensional, ham-handed, spectacularly-untalented buffoon that you champion is no more than the "Poochie" of the Itchy and Itchier Show dynamic that is Gilmore Girls? No, of course you can't--that would require you to possess something approximating a clue.

While I admire that you want to pair Rory up with a shiftless dullard who treats her like crap, chips away at her ties to family, friends and community and is trying to undermine her moral center, it doesn't excuse the fact that he's a colorless simpleton on a par with, well, you.

You are all things rotten Agua Perdido! You are Brutus stabbing Julius; you are that Queen who said "Let them Eat Cake!" You rogue, scoundrel, you are the mob led by Robespierre.

Thanks for the flattery, you obsequious little toad, but I don't think Berli appreciates you attributing some of his better moments to me. Plus, I really don't have the legs to pull off the Marie Antoinette look.

You know, the saddest part is that this may be the best thing you've ever posted--even if you did manage to misspell it (as usual), you witless punter.

Prepare to meet your doom, Agua Perdido.
What are you blathering about, you bootlicking catamite? I'm not even playing Geier.


Agua Perdido

[Editing to address Seanachai's comment:

...this whole battle is over which boy on the 'Gilmore Girls' is cuter.
What's your point? Is this because I didn't compliment your Mary Poppins outfit?]

[ September 27, 2002, 02:48 PM: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Blah-blah-blah, good-vs-evilcakes

Panzer Leader, you addled lackwit--can't you see that the zero-dimensional, ham-handed, spectacularly-untalented buffoon that you champion is no more than the "Poochie" of the Itchy and Itchier Show dynamic that is Gilmore Girls? No, of course you can't--that would require you to possess something approximating a clue.

While I admire that you want to pair Rory up with a shiftless dullard who treats her like crap, chips away at her ties to family, friends and community and is trying to undermine her moral center, it doesn't excuse the fact that he's a colorless simpleton on a par with, well, you.</font>

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

[Editing to address Seanachai's comment:

"...this whole battle is over which boy on the 'Gilmore Girls' is cuter."

What's your point? Is this because I didn't compliment your Mary Poppins outfit?]

Ha! Saved by the edit, Panzer Leader!

You now actually get troops with ammunition.

But I still despise the lad you've championed, although I've never even seen the program.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

[Editing to address Seanachai's comment:

"...this whole battle is over which boy on the 'Gilmore Girls' is cuter."

What's your point? Is this because I didn't compliment your Mary Poppins outfit?]

Ha! Saved by the edit, Panzer Leader!

You now actually get troops with ammunition.

But I still despise the lad you've championed, although I've never even seen the program.</font>

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Seanachai, to offer one final proof as to why my man Jess is indeed a man, while my ememy's man Dean is little more than a tall, fat, big-footed boy, I offer you a bit of medeival philosophy, by way of some monk whose name I forget (Thelonius?):

'Tis better to naught have sinned and find heaven through purity, or 'tis better to have known sin full well, and, despising it, turned away to the beauty of heaven?
Sure Jess has made a few mistakes: kissing that whoo-ore, almost killing Rorie, creating an unbridgeable rift between Laurelie and that fry cook, but he has done it out of love!

The only thing Dean has done out of love is to whine that he hasn't spent enough time with her (and who would want to spend time with that Boo-ore.

The truth will out itself! Dalem, sharpen up the tuning forks, get out the meat-grinder, 'cause you're getting a new dollie soon!

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

... (and who would want to spend time with that Boo-ore.)

Bite me, Sparky.

I'll have no truck, nor any internal combustion vehicle with any prancing poncer who wastes time watching girly-girl TV programs. If you don't watch "Friends", we have nothing to talk about.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Wait a minute - you're WEARING the ring??

Don't any of you guys watch football anymore?

*This is so great....our plan is working...soon the Ladies will have full control of the MBT*



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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Unbridled idiocy (sit down, Yeknod)

Panzer Leader, you idiot, Dean built her a car, as opposed to tried to kill her by wrecking the car her boyfriend built for her with her in it. I'll grant you Jess gets the nod for evilness on that, but if you're trying argue "what's best for Rory," as you incomprehensibly seem to be doing, you're simply a complete and utter pillock. And Dean is cuter.

Frankly (may I call you Frank?), I'm quite impressed at the personal fortitude of parents, since they must have had to withstand having their blood supplies replaced with a mixture of PCB, carbon tetrachloride, and dioxin for the period leading up to and spanning your conception and gestation in order to produce someone as profoundly defective as you.

Agua Perdido

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Seanachoo, since you brought up the whole member (down Bauhaus ... Bauhaus?) number thing, it got me to thinking. Might be a good idea to purge the ranks a little of our more stale members, sort of Logan's run style. Of course the Moldy Oldies such as yourself will be exempted. We can start will the ones with numbers under ... say ... 259. We can feed them to Fred.

[ September 27, 2002, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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Don't any of you slackers have gainful employ? Do you spend all your waking hours in this place?

Mr Spkr How do you manage to play all those games, and still have time for these mundane (inane) exchanges? Come give me a game.

[ September 27, 2002, 04:57 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:


Nice try. this time attempt to put a bit of base in</font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Don't any of you slackers have gainful employ? Do you spend all your waking hours in this place?

Mr Spkr How do you manage to play all those games, and still have time for these mundane (inane) exchanges? Come give me a game.

What the hell one is this? MrSpkr, are you responsible for this one?
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I think I forgot to scrape my shoe one day. It emailed me, asking for a game. I told it to get lost until it could taunt.

Apparently, this is it's idea of a taunt. Pathetic, no? I'm rather surprised you didn't take this one in like you have several other hopeless causes (me excepted, of course).


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