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The Lord of the Peng: The Two Challenges

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Nothing! Really. Gaylord posted nothing. </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Once a time, upon a stair,

I met a man who wasn't there,

He wasn't there again today,

I wish, I wish, he'd go away!</font>

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Who's for a bit of a sing-song then?

(to the tune of "Joy to the World")

Don't chew the world!

The world's not gum

It's dirt

Its dis-gust-ing

It won't blow bubbles

It's mostly rubble

Try Wriggly's for chewing

Try Wriggly's for chewing

Try Wriggly's for chewing!

thank ewe vury munch


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[serious]All the best to your mom, lad. My father has had four bypass operations (about fourteen or fifteen actual bypasses -- his heart now resembles the Los Angeles freeway), so I know what you are going through now and what will be happening. Be there for her, pray for her, and be there when she gets up -- just don't give her a big bear hug when its over.

Let me know if I can do anything, and send me a setup if you need a distraction.[/serious]

And oh yeah -- I know you don't make Christmas ornaments out of your earwax -- by the time you finish eating it, there wouldn't be enough left for a hook, let alone an ornament.


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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

We need turnips to hang on the tree.

Americans hang TURNIPS on their christmas trees!!

Is that for real?

I have lights, bows, baubles and beads, candy canes and choc snowmen on mine.

*Looks over at the tree*

Ok who pinched the choc snowmen and left the wrappers hanging?

Persephone do you have "Devils on Horseback" with your christmas dinner?

Berli would love those.</font>

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Who's for a bit of a sing-song then?

(to the tune of "Joy to the World")

Don't chew the world!

The world's not gum

It's dirt

Its dis-gust-ing

It won't blow bubbles

It's mostly rubble

Try Wriggly's for chewing

Try Wriggly's for chewing

Try Wriggly's for chewing!

thank ewe vury munch


I think this one is much more traditional and in the spirit of Christmas:

{to the tune "Jingle Bells")

Jingle Bells,

Batman smells,

Robin layed an egg.

The batmobile,

popped a wheel,

and Joker got away.



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Waill, Leeo, ye pillock - all tha baist fer ye Mum, laddie. Here's sumthin tae cheer yoo an' tha raist o' tha slack-jawed stick collectors oop wi'....

Joe Shaw hae surrendered tae tha forces o' Clan OGSF wi' tha RECORRRD BRRREAKIN' SCORE O'........

100 tae 0 Win fer OGSF!!

Tha's right Ladies an' festerin' gits....

100 tae zero, nil, nadder, zip....bugger all.


Ah'm sae feckin' GRRREAT Ah am!!

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We regret to inform you, nay it fills us with shame, remorse and agida to inform you... scratch that. Erm. It is with the utmost disgust with ourselves that we inform you...no no no that's not right either. lessee...

The AofP remorsefully announces...dammit dammit dammit!

Ah screw it

IN a QB with me as the Germans and the below mentioned personage as the Commies the following results obtained:

Gaylord unbolded Focker: 5

Army of Peng: 95

In all fairness it seems that the lad succumbed to my psyops campaign and actually surrendered at the mere mention that he might be in a bit of trouble. Although I do think I mentioned the ceasefire option, which would have helped him out a bit point-wise. LOTS of captured unit points for me. I guess it was that rpg or whatever that took out his last T-34 that tore it for him.

It just shows to go you that mine is the superior intellect.


edit to bark at OGSF for his damnable 100-0 score making my 95-5 look so much less accomplished. Ratbag.

[ December 19, 2002, 11:08 PM: Message edited by: MrPeng ]

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OGSF I'd have expected better of you ... but that was before I met you ... now I expect nothing of you but ... well, nothing actually.

Did you BOTHER to mention that the map was so unfair that YOU recommended we quit before we even got started? No? Imagine my surprise.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Did you BOTHER to mention that the map was so unfair that YOU recommended we quit before we even got started? No? Imagine my surprise.


Tha wud soond a wee bit patronizing, widnae at? Noo Joe, credit where credit as due...yoo fit tha guid fit mon, an' at's noo disgrace tae ye tha ye wuz WHUPPED 100 tae 0 - noo disgrace at all (at all).

Ye tried laddie, an' ye cannae ask more o' a mon than tha'. Excaipt perhaps tha hae score at least wun point afore tossin' at ain like a worm eaten caber!!

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Originally posted by Persephone:

What are "Devils on Horseback"? I don't think we have those over here in the US.


Nasty things that the British are trying to pass off as food.

How about prunes stuffed with chutney, then wrapped in bacon and baked, served on toast? Sounds yummy eh, wot?

"Angels on Horsback" is a further abomination somehow involving oysters in the above mess. I just closed the search engine at that lovely nugget.

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Well, well. Some time ago, I asked the folk to post an 'Anthem' for the Peng Challenge Thread. There were, surprisingly, several rather good efforts.

I started my own offering, but time, duty, drunkenness, illness, and the general hash that time makes out of intentions prevented me from completing it. I have finally done so (hats off to all of you lot who've foregone turns for another night to make this possible! You're a wonderful group of opponents, really you are...), and I present it to you now.

The tune it's to be sung to should be readily apparent, but in case any of the truly magically half-witted of our membership are at a bit of a loss, let me just say 'Mr. Tambourine Man'.

Hey! MrPeng, my old friend, make a taunt for me,

I'm not sleepy and there's just one thread I'm going to.

Hey! MrPeng, you bastard, make a taunt for me,

Through the HE and the MGs I'll come followin' you.

Though I know that reichs and empires shall vanish from my hand,

ignore all my commands,

Leave me blindly here to stand but still not sleeping.

My weariness amazes me, I'm stranded in my seat,

My troops are all dead meat

And the ancient empty steppe's too dead for dreaming.

Hey! MrPeng the Olde One, make a taunt for me,

I'm not sleepy and there's just one thread I'm going to.

Hey! MrPeng, curmudgeon, make a taunt for me,

Past the Grogs and forum rules I'll come followin' you.

Take me for a trip upon your lashing verbal whip,

My good sense has been stripped, the Knights have lost their grip,

The Squires make awful quips, and the Newbie's posts too soon will have us vomiting.

I'm ready to post something real, not simply post and fade

Into the dull parade, cast your taunting spell my way,

I promise to go under it.

Hey! MrPeng, my old friend, make a taunt for me,

I'm not sleepy and there's just one thread I'm going to.

Hey! MrPeng, you bastard, make a taunt for me,

Through the SSNs and fools I'll come followin' you.

Though you might hear laughin', tauntin' spinnin' madly across the Board,

It's not aimed at true discord, it's just a laugh with dueling swords,

And but for Madmatt there are no padlocks facin'.

And if you hear vague traces of wit that's gone astray

Of games all badly played, of turns too long delayed,

Hear my words Peng, when I say, it's just a shadow of

Yourself that we're all chasing.

Hey! MrPeng the Olde One, make a taunt for me,

I'm not sleepy and there's just one thread I'm going to.

Hey! MrPeng, curmudgeon, make a taunt for me,

Through the SSNs and fools I'll come followin' you.

Then take me disappearin' among the empty, pointless boasts

through the endless drunken toasts, far past the General Forum,

Where the best thing's to ignore 'em, out to the MBT,

Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow.

Yes, to taunt before the Outer Boards with one finger waving free,

By the grace of BFC, circled by the dim and staid,

With all wit and hate displayed, where the true games are all played,

Let me forget about defeat until tomorrow.

Hey! MrPeng, my old friend, make a taunt for me,

I'm not sleepy and there's just one thread I'm going to.

Hey! MrPeng, you bastard, make a taunt for me,

Through the HE and the MGs I'll come followin' you.

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Originally posted by Snarker:

I'm willing to bet you win the "pin yourself to the sheep" game this year.

Bugger the sheep, the Christmas party I have just returned from was excellent, nothing says 2003 will be a great year than a lovely 30 yo female undoing your shirt buttons and rubbing your chest.

So excuse me while I pass out! *urk*

btw, my inebriation rating is about 9/10


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Originally posted by Mace:

btw I would like to point out that Emma and Karen add a certain charm to an otherwise distressing thread.!

Merry Cristmas ladies ;)


Except we have had two days in a row of 40 celsius over here and the wood for the fire that was asked for won't be forthcoming. Total Fire Ban i'm afraid.

Don't forget the Fair Delaney. Happy Birthday.


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Leeo Heartfelt well wishes for your Mom, especially difficult during the Christmas Season.

End of seriousness,,,,,,,

Here's a little Christmas ditty, that the boys in 1/26 used to sing back in another time and in another world called Khe Sanh.

Jingle Bells..

Mortar shells...

VC in the grass....

Take your Merry Christmas

and shove it up your *ss

We had a barbed wire stake with green socks and C-rat cans hanging on it as our Christmas Tree.

It was cold as hell up there in December, the monsoon winds kept the temps down in the 40sF at night. Of course we were supplied with tropical clothing, I guess the "best and the brightest" never thought to check the weather reports for South East Asia before they shipped our butts over there. Oh well...as I said another time another world.

G'day everyone.

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