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Just bought the german CDV-version...

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Guest Sgt. Emren
I wont buy CDV one...no no.
Me neither. I'm going to have my friend in Canada ship me a version any day soon. But, I've heard evil tales around here aboot the Canadian customs... apparently they sniff around peoples packages (and private parts?), causing delays and even charging for this!?

So, I'll be waiting patiently. But I think there's a fair chance that even the Canadian customs, their posties and a transatlantic journey will be faster than CDV! And, most importantly, I'll be getting the US version and not the souped down manual!! :D


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Hi Schoerner,

I would like to warn you not to start another Algemeine SS is not the same as Waffen SS topic again.

By now there is enough evidence which shows that the waffen ss was a part of the algemeine ss and they had their own part in the crimes committed by the ss.

I suggest you read Soldiers of Destruction and some of the books mentioned in that one.

Discussions like this have raged in the past and always ended up in flamewars,and locks,in some cases even bans.


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Originally posted by Fetchez la Vache:

[QB]Which brings me to another point I'd like to get off my chest. Can people not affected by the CDV distribution deal please just go away and stop your anti-whining whining? Just don't read any threads with 'CDV' in the title. It’s really that easy. Please get out of other people’s faces and take your pseudo-intellectual-superiority-attitude somewhere else.[QB]

My feelings exactly.
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I understand how you all feel, in that you feel you are getting an inferior product. However, it is important to remember that the European version and the BFC version are the “exact same program”. All that is different are a very small number of .bmp files and a couple of words of text. I know, because as a beta tester I was sent the European version of CMBB1.0 a few weeks ago. It really is the same game in every way.

To miss out on what is, in my view, and given my familiarity with simulations used by the world’s military, the most realistic simulation of ground warfare available anywhere in the world, just because of a very small number of .bmp files and lines of text would be a shame.

Buy the game from who so ever has the rights in your region, and relax and enjoy it. The European version is in everyway the real thing.

All the best,


PS. I live in the UK. I do have the US version on the way to me from BFC, but will still be buying the European version as well for various reasons. There really is no difference. True, CDV have no idea about what we would all call "real wargames", but the program you get is still pure BFC.

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It's not a matter of those of us who know better reading the thread or not - but anti-CDV posts every second subject line are just going to turn off potential buyers of this game, which is bad for the community as a whole. CDV has an English language forum - granted, given by the posts which were reported here with so much evident (misplaced pride), there isn't much quality discussion - and probably no feedback from CDV itself. Of course, who can be bothered to respond to a snarling pack of rabid dogs for whom there can be no satisfactory answer.

BFC: "You're right, we're complete dolts, tell you what, name the British game distributor of your choice (what? You can't name any? Well, find one). And we'll wave our magic wand, and will said distributor create a market for itself in all the states of Europe, and hey, include as much Waffen SS imagery as you can stand. We should have done this from the start, but you guessed it, we're utter imbeciles! We apologize, and hey, you can have your copy free, just for posting on our message board! And we will ship it Fed Ex overnight! Thanks again for bringing this all to our attention. We had no idea.
CDV - We apologize, for we are also complete dolts. We delayed the English version just to piss people off. We like to do that, because we hate money. We have no reason to believe wargaming is "just" a niche market, and should have given CMBB our fullest attention. We are now giving CMBB away free at all post offices throughout Europe. Please accept our humblest apologies along with your free copies. CMBB is the only product we sell, and yet we didn't devote enough time to it. What were we thinking!

Ain't gonna happen, folks.

[ October 03, 2002, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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"CDV - We apologize, for we are also complete dolts. We delayed the English version just to piss people off. "

Looks like they made us growl, and show our teeth too.

That was the same snarling rabid pack of gamers that Eric Young had, but they were blue.

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Did you really think my post to the CDV forum was that badly written and 'rabid' Michael? Fair enough, you write one and I'll delete mine, no problem mate.

I hardly think 3-4 'active' CDV threads are going to make much difference amid the plethora of threads (rightly) praising CM. Anyway, this is a forum, we discuss CM to the depths and the heights.

There is a reply CDV can give: A release date - on their own website.

[ October 03, 2002, 09:54 AM: Message edited by: Fetchez la Vache ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

It's not a matter of those of us who know better reading the thread or not - but anti-CDV posts every second subject line are just going to turn off potential buyers of this game, which is bad for the community as a whole. CDV has an English language forum - granted, given by the posts which were reported here with so much evident (misplaced pride), there isn't much quality discussion - and probably no feedback from CDV itself. Of course, who can be bothered to respond to a snarling pack of rabid dogs for whom there can be no satisfactory answer.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />BFC: "You're right, we're complete dolts, tell you what, name the British game distributor of your choice (what? You can't name any? Well, find one). And we'll wave our magic wand, and will said distributor create a market for itself in all the states of Europe, and hey, include as much Waffen SS imagery as you can stand. We should have done this from the start, but you guessed it, we're utter imbeciles! We apologize, and hey, you can have your copy free, just for posting on our message board! And we will ship it Fed Ex overnight! Thanks again for bringing this all to our attention. We had no idea.

CDV - We apologize, for we are also complete dolts. We delayed the English version just to piss people off. We like to do that, because we hate money. We have no reason to believe wargaming is "just" a niche market, and should have given CMBB our fullest attention. We are now giving CMBB away free at all post offices throughout Europe. Please accept our humblest apologies along with your free copies. CMBB is the only product we sell, and yet we didn't devote enough time to it. What were we thinking!

Ain't gonna happen, folks.</font>
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Originally posted by Priest:

Only Europeans, I mean it is Hell! ;)

Whining, whining, whining... ;)

I know that situation: i'm french...and like many other, i still wait formy copy. But do we, european people, have any choice ? No ! :rolleyes:

Of course i'm frustrated of that bloody "Waffengrenadiere" story,this term doesn't mean anything. But i haven't got any friends or relatives in USA or Canada to order the original BFC version. Of course i have to wait for my copy, reading posts of lucky american gamers, dreaming with screenshots and bones... I will receive the game (D-15) and will playing with, still with a little dream : a patch. It's the only thing we can really wait for. I hope Battlefront staff have this idea in mind, if they do not work on it already ! :D

CMBO and CMBB represent, for most of wargamers, the realisation of a dream : THE wargame about WWII. Yes, irrealistic or non-historically accurate datas make me angry, like many other guys. But i keep in mind that playing CM is a great chance. I would never imagine such a game some years ago... Thanks BFC !

In my opinion, whining in a CDV forum is useless. :confused: Maybe here ! ;)

More seriously, i'm convinced that programmers will make a patch, resolving some bugs and errors (CDV version is maybe at 99% the same as US version). The excellent work they've done with CMBO and CMBB confirm how serious they are, and also how they are interested about our opinions and ideas. It's a bit rare... Finally, we cannot blame BFC for choosing CDV to make business. More profits BFC make, more longer it will live and create games too ! (CM2 for example) :D

Good bye...

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Originally posted by Keke:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

It's not a matter of those of us who know better reading the thread or not - but anti-CDV posts every second subject line are just going to turn off potential buyers of this game, which is bad for the community as a whole. CDV has an English language forum - granted, given by the posts which were reported here with so much evident (misplaced pride), there isn't much quality discussion - and probably no feedback from CDV itself. Of course, who can be bothered to respond to a snarling pack of rabid dogs for whom there can be no satisfactory answer.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />BFC: "You're right, we're complete dolts, tell you what, name the British game distributor of your choice (what? You can't name any? Well, find one). And we'll wave our magic wand, and will said distributor create a market for itself in all the states of Europe, and hey, include as much Waffen SS imagery as you can stand. We should have done this from the start, but you guessed it, we're utter imbeciles! We apologize, and hey, you can have your copy free, just for posting on our message board! And we will ship it Fed Ex overnight! Thanks again for bringing this all to our attention. We had no idea.

CDV - We apologize, for we are also complete dolts. We delayed the English version just to piss people off. We like to do that, because we hate money. We have no reason to believe wargaming is "just" a niche market, and should have given CMBB our fullest attention. We are now giving CMBB away free at all post offices throughout Europe. Please accept our humblest apologies along with your free copies. CMBB is the only product we sell, and yet we didn't devote enough time to it. What were we thinking!

Ain't gonna happen, folks.</font>
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Whining, whining, whining...
But that's what wargamers do. Whining, counter-whining, bitching, moaning, throwing written temper tantrums on forums. That's nothing new in the "grog" community (at least on the Net) and is arguably one of its defining features (look at the deriviation of the word "grognard," for that matter). Obviously, lots of people have as much fun complaining and then complaing about the complaints as they do playing the actual games. Lots of people here also reflexively leap at the chance to defend poor little BTS/BFC, as if they weren't big boys who could defend their own actions--assuming they even needed defending. That's nothing new on these forums.

For those who don't like the way the game industry or BTS/BFC works, I'd recommend politely letting them know and, equally importantly, letting your wallet do the talking. The publishers will keep ripping you off or taking advantage of you (or just selling you crappy games) and laughing all the way to the bank as long as you let them.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Sorry if you feel intimidated by the published author posting with his real name on the board...hey, present your business plan for BFC, and we will go over it. Until then, you're more "pseudo" than me. If you have a problem with something, the intellectual approach is to offer an alternate plan. You haven't done that, just a bunch of useless crying as far as I can tell.

Follow up with the name of an actual English game distributor, and tell us why they would be better than CDV - and back it up with some facts.

As the French say, **** or get off the pot.

More BS... How come bitching about CDV has become your personal problem? My name is Jyri Kettunen, if that helps.

[ October 03, 2002, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: Keke ]

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Ah Dorosh in the middle of it again. Tsk Tsk.

Great now we have a CDV "Don't impede on our feeling sorry for ourselves area". Super.

Here are 4 points of reality that no one can argue:

1.) You are getting the same game with the same underlying code. The minor (and they are minor so so minor) changes were due to conditions outside of BFC's control and outside of even CDV's control. If you are one of the people who is irked by this please send your whining complaints to the German government.

2.) If you are one of the ones whining about the game coming out at a different time in England or where ever please send your complaints to a place where you can incessantly complain about how reality is something you cannot handle. Notice how CDV and Battlefront are not listed as one of these places.

3.) For those of you upset about the manuel, please seek either professional help or a printer. Either should fix this issue for you. If you do not know how to work your printer then call your printer's manufacturer, again notice how I did not list BFC or even CDV as one of your proposed email outlets here.

4.) I would not consider Doroshes and mines comments whining but concern. Concern that a small group is making a lot of noise over trivial and stupid things that could have an adverse affect on potential consumers of BFC that come to this forum. This means you also endanger the people from countries not affected by your supposed blight that is CVD (Still not sure what the big deal is, they sound like you run of the mill game publisher to me). Hence all you are doing is hurting BFC, a company you supposedly support. Good stellar job.

So instead if you have a gripe and for some reason you must have BFC hear your pain then by all means use this wonderful tool we call email. That way you can still complete your cycle of idiocy and BFC will not be damaged in any way by your insignificant and overall inane complaints.

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This is all getting a bit heated. What it boils down to are "the haves" and "have nots". The "haves" don't care because they've got the game and cannot or will not acknowledge the anger and fury this situation creates and the "have nots" just want the game, ideally unbutchered but any which way if not. I'm going to suggest a solution Gentlemen. Michael et al. send your games to Europe in a sort of Marshall Plan/ Lend Lease arrangement. The ever so grateful Europeans will send you replacements as and when they are released. Problem sorted. The Europeans will be content and Michael won't whine or complain because it's a futile and pointless activity. Or will he?

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I probably shouldn't mention that many of the people complaining about the thin CDV manual could probably write their own manual! How many people here really need a basic primer on battle tactics for CM?

Still, this is the first I've heard about the 88 page demi-manual. Ouch. At least the game's (almost) the same, and may well be 100% the same after the first game patch is offered for downloading.

See? A silver lining to the cloud.

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When it comes to the way you all feel about not being able to get your hands on the game, I understand 100% how you feel. I would be pulling my hair out. smile.gif

However, I have the European version on my machine, and will be continuing to use it. I look forward to seeing the long version of the manual, all printed up for me. But there is nothing second best about the actual program you will receive from CDV.

I, and I am sure the rest of the CM community, knew it would be a problem if the gap between BFC releasing the game, and CDV shipping it, was too long. More than just a few days. Those of us that are keen on CM games, tend to be “very” keen on them and so understandably want the game as soon as any one else has it.

Of course, others are right to point out that it is very important that BFC make as much money as possible with each game. That way they are more likely to stay in this niche, which is what we all want. Imagine if Steve, Charles and the others went off to make Star Wars games because there was not enough money in CM niche games. CDV help in keeping our favourite game company financially healthy. A very good thing for all CM fans. smile.gif

All the best,


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There are no haves and have nots. There are only the realists and the other people. Simple fact of life, games get localized and delayed all the time. Games from Japan, hell game systems from Japan, are sometimes delayed up to a year before they get to the US. Europeans have games that we in the US do not have and vice versa. Certain games have 4 or 5 different version for each locale they are sent. People that complain about this are ignorant or just want to complain. Ignorant complaints and complaints for the sake of complaining are not constructive. And for what it is worth I would have this same attitude if I lived in London or anywhere else. If you read one of my earlier posts you would see for another game I am going through similiar things, happily without acting like a deprived child.

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