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Who's For a Jolly Sing Song, and Another Go At the Peng Challenge?

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What ho? Who could ould call some one a 'punk' while at the same time uttering such phrases as "oh deary me?" I smell, a fish, which obviously is NOT a donkey, though there me be some freaky species of 'donkey-fish' that I am unaware of (happily so).

I claim, Donkey Kong that you are a fakir, a charlaton, a snake-doctor, two-faced, a liar, a thief, a rogue.

And, you dress poorly.

For sooth, sirrah, while at times you may show that wit so coveted by the lackluster, it is clumsy and relies heavily on farting sounds and drooling. Farting may appease the masses, but it will never satisfy me! Out with it, knave, somethng of worth and MERIT. Who ever squired you anyway, must've been a Dalem or something.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Who ever squired you anyway, must've been a Dalem or something.

Careful there, Panzer Panzer Leader Leader. <redneck&gtThem's fightin' words.<\redneck>
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

What ho? Who could ould call some one a 'punk' while at the same time uttering such phrases as "oh deary me?" I smell, a fish, which obviously is NOT a donkey, though there me be some freaky species of 'donkey-fish' that I am unaware of (happily so).

I claim, Donkey Kong that you are a fakir, a charlaton, a snake-doctor, two-faced, a liar, a thief, a rogue.

And, you dress poorly.

For sooth, sirrah, while at times you may show that wit so coveted by the lackluster, it is clumsy and relies heavily on farting sounds and drooling. Farting may appease the masses, but it will never satisfy me! Out with it, knave, somethng of worth and MERIT. Who ever squired you anyway, must've been a Dalem or something.


Well, let me educate yer, punk. Meet grandma.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle

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Massive amounts snipped cos that nice Mr Berti demanded it smile.gif

Oh dear Pans & Pots, I think you rather asked for this........hehehehehe........... :D

Games update:

Bo Diddley continues to flounder around in the fog, picking off the odd drunken Frenchie. Come on man, I can't make it much easier for you!

Joseph has sent forward a whole Panzershrek unit to attack my right flank, and is presently recieving free lead!

Waiting to see if the 'orrible Jock, GOFS, SFOG, OSFG or whatever his name is will accept my setup.

[ July 08, 2002, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: athkatla ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Sigh. I had really hoped to avoid this but, duty calls.

Boo_Radley, you are a Buckeye, and a resident of Akron to boot.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we've heard it all before. Sum up.

These accusations in and of themselves would be insult enough to cause rage in any sentient being; however, given the fact your crowning achievement in life seems to be mastering the ability to make flatulent-type noises using nothing more than your armpit and hand, I see I shall have to be more specific.


Very well.

Prepare to bleed-a-lot on the field of honor. A setup shall be winging its way towards you shortly.


Thank you.

Play you in a game of CM? Hmmm. If given the choice, I think I would rather watch David Crosby eat a McRib sandwich, but as my intellegence has been slandered by a {shudder} Texan, which is comparable to being called a sissy-boy by a Frenchman, you're on Toots. Or Mr.Snkr as the case may be.

I'd taunt you more but so far in this post alone,I've been disconnected three times. Dont ya just love MSN?

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Pondscum might bae a complete an' utter bastaarrd, boot Ah'm GRRREAT, Ah am!! Lars hae bin slapped aboot lak a leaky haggis ain a communal hot tub tae sae a Tactical Victory fer tha rrrighteous forces o' Clan OGSF. Hae were dwin grrreat ain our meetin' QB, rrright oop 'till tha part where haes four Shermans were blown tae smithereens an' haes artillery missed. After tha' Ah squershed haim lak a wee bug orn a toilet seat! Ah even sent a wee squad o' brave laddies oop tae bayonet haes gamey assault boat whuch were relatively spottin' fraim a distant hill top!

Hoo grreat am Ah?? Bloody brrrilliant!!

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I claim, Donkey Kong that you are a fakir, a charlaton, a snake-doctor, two-faced, a liar, a thief, a rogue.

And, you dress poorly.

For sooth, sirrah, while at times you may show that wit so coveted by the lackluster, it is clumsy and relies heavily on farting sounds and drooling. Farting may appease the masses, but it will never satisfy me!

He often begins like Cyrano, but he inevitably concludes like Beavis. If we could just break him of this habit of descending back to his roots, he'd be...well, not an 'ornament to the Thread', but at least he'd be less annoying.

Oh, and my dear former Squire: I suddenly discovered that I'd neglected to return your last file (probably because it was a setup, and I was drunk). It shall wing its way to you shortly.

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CMPlayer, you complete and utter pillock.

We've already had problems from 'excessive nested quotes'. Stop it. Now. Also discontinue this practice in the future.

We all had fun with them in that one thread, but we've moved on.

We make enough demands on the Forum and UBB as it is, without halfwits making things worse.

Now, carry on. I know you didn't mean to be a complete tosser.

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Originally posted by Harv:

Oh my, how can I respond to this? Now THIS has got to be the funniest thing I have ever read. You are a master. But I digress, and I feel I must assist you in learning how to deal with Canukians because you are from one of those 47 (or something) states below us eh.

You are aplogizing for making a joke about Canaduh?


Belittle us! Disparage us. Make jokes about us.


There are those amongst us who take great and perverse pleasure in thinking they are superior because Americans don't know anything about Canaduh. Ptooey I say. And in case anyone missed it...ptooey. H#ll, I don't know anything about Canaduh, and I don't want to either. And neither should you.

I trust I have been of assistance in this matter. Any further questions should be directed to someone else who cares.

Time to sing the Anthem!

Oh, Canada

Oh land filled with Canadians

If the French had won

you might be called Acadians

And then a hockey game breaks out and drowns out the rest

Harv...may I call you Harv? Of course I can. That's like Mace asking a sheep if he can call it 'Sheila'. Harv, I uphold the right of all Canadians to be Canadian. I rather like Canada, actually. The Canadian side of Lake of the Woods might be where we scattered my father's ashes. I hope it was there, actually. Everyone had been drinking quite a bit, and it might have been any lake down here (Christ, we've got thousands of them, and most of them you could heave the urn completely across), and it might have been Mille Lacs.

But that's neither here nor there.

You see, I'm departing for Canada in a couple of days. I'm heading up to the Winnipeg Folk Festival, which I massively enjoy.

Oh, so to all my 'Esteemed Opponents': You won't see any turns from Thursday, July 11th until Monday, July 15th. Like this will be the longest you've waited.

Now, Harv, the reason I know, respect, and even like Canada is simple: I'm a Minnesotan.

And it has long been the dream of our State to secede from the American Union and, after Conquering Canada, form a new nation that will finally achieve perfection.

We, as Minnesotans, will finally be free form having to deal with the useless, whining, aggressive swine of the East Coast, the daft and drooling hicks of America's South, the bumbling lackwits of States like Ohio and Illinois, the 'aura fed' idiocy of Californians, the gibbering idiocy and back-slapping stupidity of Texans, the...Well, I think you get the picture.

Our dream has always been to take control and provide the leadership necessary to turn Canada's smiling, friendly, lackadaisical populace with the drive to achieve World Domination that only Americans have (however poorly executed).

Our timetable, of course, has been seriously hindered by Jesse 'the Ego' Ventura. He's discredited us before both nations, not to mention that I was never once invited to the Governor's Mansion for an evening of drunken hijinks resulting in vomiting all over bits of Minnesota's history, while the State Patrol was confiscating driver's licenses and trying to decide whether to document the fact that they were ignoring the inordinate number of 16 year old girls that had passed out in various rooms of the manion.

But that is neither here nor there. Well, actually, it's very much here, but the useless swine won't be running again, so there.

Now, once we are back on track with our plan for a New World Order, championed by Canada under the leadership of Minnesotan Warlords, can I count on your support?

Remember, lad, the Whole World Is Watching.

[ July 09, 2002, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Everyone had been drinking quite a bit, and it might have been any lake down here
Hmmm, you, excessive drinking and lakes. Sounds like a winning combo to me, provided you get a couple of "modified" firearms to throw in to te mix from Lars. Or hell, just invite him along, as one more drooling psycho ought to add just the right amount of ballast to the canoe.

I will look for a turn from you when I drive out to MN and beat it out of you then, shall I?

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Hmm. I was pretty sure that Yeknod was a Knight. But a Seniour Knight?

True, he amuses me. Anyone who amuses me rates high, in my book. Also true, he annoys others, and many 'simply don't get him'. This also gets points in the ÜberGnome scoring system.

But, it's also true that suddenly elevating him to Seniour Knight will annoy our Justicar. This has both positive and negative effects.

But, we have a 'This would make me happy' from our own Persephone, a Lady of the 'Pool. And I know that Joe has a certain affection for our own Patch.

I think we need to poll the Olde Ones.

Berli, Peng, What Sayest Thou?

Should Young Yeknod be named 'Knight of the Thistle', and raised to Seniour Knight status?

Seriously, he's damn near as incomprehensible as Mensch, but far more coherent.

[ July 09, 2002, 02:06 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Hmm. I was pretty sure that Yeknod was a Knight. But a Seniour Knight?

Should Young Yeknod be named 'Knight of the Thistle', and raised to Seniour Knight status?

No need to wait on Peng... we have a majority

So it is said, so it is done.


Sir Yeknodathon, Knight of the Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

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