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Who's For a Jolly Sing Song, and Another Go At the Peng Challenge?

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Originally posted by Harv:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

[qb]... having scored 22 runs off 3 legitimate deliveries and 5 no-balls from "Heaver""Harv before rain stopped play.".

w0oT!! There is a game I don't suck at!! WhooHoo!!

Obligatory <big>Squire to Sir Joe Shaw</big></font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

An unbelievable amount of pompous pontificating SNIPPED because continued exposure to the mindless pap that continues to pour like some loathful effluvium from your fingertips is enough to make me believe that there is no goodness or beauty left in the world today.

And when I mentioned that I was "going to be all over you like a cheap suit", I was thinking in more direct terms. I meant that like a "cheap suit" I would bind you in all of your naughty bits. That I would drape you like a shroud. That I would be a cause to have you mocked in public. That's all.

Listen carefully, Boo-Brain, because I want to be absolutely clear on this. I want you no where near my "naughty bits".

My dear Poppy-cock. You have a strange and annoying habit (more than one, actually. I think it's safe to assume that you are annoying habits made flesh...or lard. Whatever.) of naming inanimate objects around you. Do you live in a Peewee Herman sort of universe? Just curious.

Mr. Reubens had a decent shtick going there for awhile. However, not unlike you I suspect, Boo-Boo, he needed to learn to refrain from engaging in "private" activities in public places. Or so I hear.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go rummage around in Ralph the Refrigerator for something to eat.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Who IS this fellow and why does he keep showing up like the proverbial bad penny?

Why thank you, Joe. Likening me to a bad penny implies that I have some worth in your eyes. Five of me put together and you could get yourself tasteless gumball. Not much, but, apparently, I still rank higher than the average SSN who is, by definition, worthless.
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Originally posted by some old drunk named "Shakey-knees"

Your sig line is once again your own, lad. I have it on good authority that during these few days when you sported it, you were quite envied by Boo Radley. In private emails I believe he was found to be muttering that if the ground beneath my feet was clean enough for you, it was certainly clean enough for him, and that his freakish height was neither as noticeable, nor as objectionable, when he was groveling full length before a master.

So know that even your humiliation has brought jealousy to Boo Radley, who longs for the notice of his betters.

Lies, prevarications, half truths, mistaken observations, fever dreams and alcoholically induced phantasms.

The only e-mail we've traded in many moons was one he sent me earlier this week concerning one of his pet peeves, entitled, "Australians: The Truth." or some such nonsense. I merely replied "suggesting" that he seek professional help.

That's all.

Oh, I may have said something about R_Leete being a huge git, but hell, I say that in all my correspondence. Even work related matters.

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The time has come to announce my first defeat in my very first PBEM game! My poor Brits were heavily bullied by mtcross and his sausage munching krauts. Having lost my tin cans early in the game, my sourly squaddies were given a severe beating up by his tanky warriors and ran off with their tails between their legs several times. In true Brit tradition though, they kept coming back for more, suckers!! In the end, I had to surrender them, it was time for the fish and chips, and a round of ale or two.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Listen carefully, Boo-Brain, because I want to be absolutely clear on this. I want you no where near my "naughty bits".


"Boo-Brain...?" That's the best you can come up with? Jeez, that is just sad. What's the problem, bubbeleh? We catch you on a bad day? The synapses in your abnormally tiny brain which usually fire at the extaordinary rate of three or four a minute suffer a meltdown?

I was going to go into this huge diatribe about your "alleged" naughty bits, but now, it's like, "Why bother?"

And to think that for awhile there you actually showed a modicum of promise.

I guess it's time to get the big "Clown Hook" and drag your sorry hinder off center stage.

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Originally posted by rune:

After some of the posts I have seen, I am in the mood to squire a SSN to abuse him. Buzzsaw, challenge someone, let's see if you are worthy.


No Squires for you until you wave the NDA around for a while, and explain why you look like Charles Laughton.
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Lies, prevarications, half truths, mistaken observations, fever dreams and alcoholically induced phantasms.

The only e-mail we've traded in many moons was one he sent me earlier this week concerning one of his pet peeves, entitled, "Australians: The Truth." or some such nonsense. I merely replied "suggesting" that he seek professional help.

That's all.

Oh, I may have said something about R_Leete being a huge git, but hell, I say that in all my correspondence. Even work related matters.

Boo, it is only normal that you should regard me with near idolatry, and equally understandable that you should feel a certain embarrassment when that fact is revealed.

I'm sure no one here thinks less of you for desiring to scour my boots clean with your tongue, while attempting to sing my praises at the same time (while this imparts a certain rhythmicality to your vocals, it is playing hell with the melody, I might add).

Sorry, all, to break in like this, but Lord General MB seems to be intent on my 'megalomania' again, and I'd hate to let the little tyke down by a display of hubris that was less than optimal.

Also, this is a good way to help Boo confront and learn to accept his role of 'Caliban' to my 'Prospero'.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

Also, this is a good way to help Boo confront and learn to accept his role of 'Caliban' to my 'Prospero'.

This is about the time that the screaming normally starts...
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Originally posted by Seanachai (in the last incarnation):

Hmm, not sure if your subtle attacks brought him in here or not, R Leete, but we'll take it that your prodding had something to do with his appearance.

"Subtle"? That better be a weak attempt at irony, m'lord. It was the outerboards, fer gawd's sake. What more, short of crossing our host's own line, could have been said? Or, was banning part of your not-so-shrewd plan? What better way to remove one's self from the burden of a recalcitrant squire, than to have BFC expel them? If all your plans are this tranparent, it is no wonder that the "eliminate the Aussies" campaign has been such a resounding sucess.

Further posted by Seanachai:

Your sig line is once again your own, lad. I have it on good authority that during these few days when you sported it, you were quite envied by Boo Radley.

So know that even your humiliation has brought jealousy to Boo Radley, who longs for the notice of his betters.

Well, if that's the case, I'll just keep the sig, thank you. Anything that brings further jealousy to that oversized, rock groping sasquach is icing on the cake. Since Crodaburg is an endless, ongoing torture, his discomfort is music to my ears.

Just one small request. Please stop slinging all those anti-idiot arrows at Dorosh on the outerboards. Those are custom, handmade missles, My lord. They don't just grow wild, you know. Not one to complain (yeah, right), but their poisonous effect seems to be lost on such louts. They are specifically crafted to puncture the thickest of heads, but that is supposing that there is something inside. And it's getting harder to find the proper materials in the wasteland.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Boo, it is only normal that you should regard me with near idolatry, and equally understandable that you should feel a certain embarrassment when that fact is revealed.

Seanachai, may you be thrice blessed and kept away from anything as dangerous as wit. Your first paragraph almost had me spluttering out a mouthful of pretzels, ala G."Dubya", I was laughing so hard.

And no, I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing near you.

I'm sure no one here thinks less of you for desiring to scour my boots clean with your tongue, while attempting to sing my praises at the same time (while this imparts a certain rhythmicality to your vocals, it is playing hell with the melody, I might add).

It might not if you would desist in tapping your foot. By the way, you have no rhythm.

Sorry, all, to break in like this, but Lord General MB seems to be intent on my 'megalomania' again, and I'd hate to let the little tyke down by a display of hubris that was less than optimal.

Also, this is a good way to help Boo confront and learn to accept his role of 'Caliban' to my 'Prospero'.

Caliban, eh? I don't know if you are referring to the slave or the satellite of Uranus. Both of which sound very nasty to me.

I think I shall choose to ignore you this time.


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Originally posted by OGSF:

Sumteems Ah looks an' wonders, an' sumteems Ah jus' looks. Ye didnae suck at cricket? Tha moost any bastaard can score offa single ball as 6 runs. Yoo, ye festerin' pillock, managed ain ye rat toothed glory tae chuck 3, coont thaim laddie, 3 valid deliveries an' a handful o' no balls (hoo apt). Tae bae smacked aboot fer 22 runs as a disgrace. Hoo can Ah put thas sae ye understan'....YOO SUCK A' THAS GAM.

Ah hope tha clarifies ye thinkin' on thas matter.


Eh? What would you know you wannabe Scot? You might have the accent, the attitude and the lineage of a Scot, but how do we know you really are one? Come on...fess up...what are you really?

Don't bother answering. Why? Because <big>I Don't Care.</big>

But that really doesn't matter in the end. Or the beginning. Or does it? Do Scots play cricket? Do crickets drink scotch? Do you wear a merkin?

{sigh} Nevermind. I suck at everything anyways. Thanks for reminding me.


No squire sig due to the fact that Joe is out of town. w0oT!

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Originally posted by Harv:

No squire sig due to the fact that Joe is out of town. w0oT!

Just thought I'd get this in a separate post, in case you decided to edit later. Nothing like having something hanging over your head for when your boss returns, eh?

No, no. Don't thank me now. You can remember me when Joe assigns that extra essay paper (double spaced, as he doesn't see to well anymore) and you're burning the midnight oil.

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Harv:

No squire sig due to the fact that Joe is out of town. w0oT!

Just thought I'd get this in a separate post, in case you decided to edit later. Nothing like having something hanging over your head for when your boss returns, eh?

No, no. Don't thank me now. You can remember me when Joe assigns that extra essay paper (double spaced, as he doesn't see to well anymore) and you're burning the midnight oil.</font>

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Originally posted by Harv:

<big>No squire sig due to the fact that Joe is out of town. w0oT!</big>

Harv, I like R_Leete's idea...I want to make sure the Justiciar sees this when he gets back! *snicker* *snicker*


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Originally posted by Persephone:

Harv, I like R_Leete's idea...I want to make sure the Justiciar sees this when he gets back! *snicker* *snicker*


I always thought it was better to ask for money first, and then if they don't cough up then incriminate them?


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Oh sure, one little slip of the keyboard and not only do I have to deal with Our_Feet, but Purse&Phone has decided to join in the party as well.

Woe is me, for I fear that I may have weaseled (hampstered?) my way out by claiming it was a doctored (nursed?) post to begin with, I'm afraid the word of a lady of the pool will be taken by my fearless and glorious, always and ever correct, great and powerful, perfect in every way leige Sir Joe Shaw as the word of Berli himself.

Oh btw Mace...Where's My Turn!?

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Originally posted by OGSF:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Harv:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

[qb]... having scored 22 runs off 3 legitimate deliveries and 5 no-balls from "Heaver""Harv before rain stopped play.".

w0oT!! There is a game I don't suck at!! WhooHoo!!

Obligatory <big>Squire to Sir Joe Shaw</big></font>

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Dear Seanachoo..

I love ya baby..ajhaks;jlk;fjl....you got a butt that won't quit..ioqwueqwrqwrwr..five dollars!! Get outta here..sakdlja

OK so where has the ol Capt been these many days. Well to give you all a hint, I lie for a living. No I am not a lawyer but worse, I sell things that don't exist, just like strippers, complete withg plastic smile.

Now to the jist of my post. I want ALL here to post their first homo-erotic experience. Let's get down to ear nibbling complete with bear fuzz (or nipple fuzz as the case may be).

Why? Because I am looking for material as to the caged "truth within" and it lies in the loins of us all.

So please post your penis and rubber band stories, so that I may immotr...imort...make em last real long as I put them to print.

Oh by the way I still hate you all and the Anti-Christ lives amongst us..

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Oh, I also look forward to being totally inebriated. Sad, huh?
Not at all, my good man. Oh sweet oblivion.

I would stop here and berate several recalcitrant surrender-monkeys for their rate of turn turnover, but fat lot of good that would do, so I won't bother. Glad to see none of you yanks caught a pill over the holidays. Actually, that's not true either, provided it just maimed you a bit.

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