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The Peng Challenge Thread - Landing Heads Up 49.87% of the Time

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Two things to remember … (14) We AIN’T a freaking Clan, (a) this AIN’T a freaking invitation to join and (ibid) A coin that is tossed once and lands heads shows a 100% record of landing heads up.

(ii) This is the PENG CHALLENGE THREAD, the Mutha Beautiful Thread and the CessPool. This means something to us, if it doesn’t mean anything to you then you should SOD OFF!

(XIV) Oh sorry, was that rude? SOD OFF!

(1.43) You are an SSN, that would be a Scum Sucking Newbie and you aren’t really worth my time or the time of anyone here. SOD OFF!

(ref. e) I’m sure the lads at the Fish Gutting Plant are still chuckling over the time you stuck said guts up your nose and pretended to be a Star Wars character, but your humor will need to rise to a slightly higher level here. If you think you have what it takes … YOU ARE WRONG SO SOD OFF.

(B) This is the Peng CHALLENGE Thread, so perhaps you might consider actually CHALLENGING someone to a game of CMBB. I’d like to point out that it is NOT on the CMBO thread and therefore MrSpkr has no right to keep bringing up our game. Where was I …

{34} Oh yeah, NO ... you can't challenge me ... you can challenge another SSN or Serf and maybe some Knight will sic a Squire on you for laughs. In any case the whole purpose of the challenge and game is to prove to us that you have a couple of brain cells to rub together, so … Post your AARs, we NEED a good laugh. Remember that you are constantly being judged, so don’t post unless you have something worthwhile (and preferably funny) to say.

{Uiv} SOUND OFF LIKE YA GOT A PAIR. This is the place for taunting, for bellicose posturing and winning in the parking lot if you can’t win on the field.

{87/87) Do NOT sound off ABOUT your pair. We couldn’t care less what your personal prejudices and preferences are and we DON’T want to hear about your politics, religion, racial or ethnic beliefs. Bashing Australians, on the other hand, is always spot on-topic here.

{ Work for your stripes} 1. If you want to be part of this community (and who doesn’t) you have to contribute to the community. BE HERE but not excessively so, post some AARs, liebel someone, show some bile and vent some spleen … or is it the other way around?

{vii} Have Half A Brain. One way to show that is to post your general location and a valid email address in your profile. If you don’t have that … we’ll ignore you.

{Don't} Come in here like some Grog genius expecting that we care a rat’s ass about the side armor on a T-34 75 (whatever) … unless it can be used as a good excuse for a loss. We LIKE GAMEY ... we LIKE GAMEY because the Outerboards DON'T.

{([])} The Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread, of which I am proud to be the noble and wise and feared leader, is ever vigilant in it’s search for Un-CessPudlian behavior. As an SSN … WE HAVE OUR EYE ON YOU!



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Joe, what's the url for our website detailing the medals and ladder standings?

All you worthless gits that I'm playing, I've been distracted by real life issues. I know none of you have a real life, and therefore wouldn't understand, but there it is. Right behind you.

Anyway, I should be back to a more consistent gaming schedule once again. Turns should be out to all.

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I was so entralled by Joe's vapid, witless opening to the MBT that I managed to incinerate two White Castle burgers in the microwave. They were reduced to unrecognizable blackened globs of meat, bread and paper wrapping. The house smells, there is smoke everywhere. Well see ya.

[ November 02, 2002, 03:00 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Gamey Report:

It is with heartfelt sadness that I report the surrender of my Red Army units to Malakovski who soundly whipped my (fanny,butt,ass) like a worn-out mule. However I would like to say that the map he created had my hapless units defending a sink hole, while his 88mm toting Panzers blasted me from ranges out to 1000 meters, from a giant ridge line which he obviously built into the map for just such an occasion. We plan a rematch, where his set up zone will be on a lake surrounded by mountains loaded with hidden anti-tank guns and katyusha rockets.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

We now have another Lady in the MBT!

She'll no doubt go through some confusion as her mind adjusts - should the toilet seat be left up or down?

Very traumatic times for Nidanette1 indeed.


[ November 02, 2002, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Why can't we all speak the same English?

Yes, Persephone I would love a glass of wine, how about four glasses? I brought along some shrimp cocktail, that goes well with humiliation.

Here's some wine...and there is only one language in the Cesspool. We all speak it.


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Great intro, Joe! Well...it would be if it wasn't such a crushing bore.

Penelope, I mean Persephone, would you accept a real photo sent by snail mail, or does it have to be one of these newfangled digitized cyberized thingamajigs produced on expensive cameras that don't even have film? Drop me a line if a REAL photo will suffice.

Game Updates

The Justicar is being cut down in a grain field by an MG34 while my 20mm rips his Russian wannabe tanks to shreds. IOW, I'm probably losing as usual, but it's too early to tell for sure.

Herr Oberst has run into the brick wall we all know as Real Life, thus putting our game on hold for the time being. This is fine with me because my troops were all tired. Hopefully they will be ready for their sprints to the VLs by the time the game resumes. They're vets, so they should recover by then.

Mr Spkr is having some trouble holding off my crack French infantry in our CMBO QB because he went heavy on the AT assets. Luckily, I chose to do without armor.

Moriarty continues to to apply pressure on my defense with his ever-so-gamey horde of tank hunters. At least the 300mm rocket barrages have stopped, for now anyway.

Grog Dorosh has us playing some kind of abomination where my assaulting CONSCRIPTS must march 37 KILOMETERS to get to the flags. He saw fit to give me twenty turns to do it in too. Transport? Not on your life!! The gamey bastiche.

Ya'll go away now, ya heah....AND DON'T COME BACK!!! To you lackwit pillocks unfortunate enough to live anywhere but The South, that means Sod Off!!

Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


Get your grubby mits off my BEER!!!!!

I do see someone who is "financially inclined" quaffing the ruby nectre, carefully poured at the right temperature and giving the distinct aroma of finely brewed hops in a silky liquid that calms the fertive soul... pouring it down the throat as if it was... well lemonade... *sigh* did he notice that the pint glass, brim full of delicious bitter is clearly marked "Berli"?... I don't think so.

Oh... there seems to be a smile, a smirk... as if this wanton act of gulping was planned... oh, dear.


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Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:


All Knights, Squires and Serfs....Send me your piccies if I haven't received one from you yet.

After seeing those pics of dalem?</font>
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

This calls for drinks! Wine Coolers for everyone! I have Very Berry for the ladies, and Carribean Dream for the kaniggets. Squires and serfs get Zima.

Wine Coolers!!!! We want red wine....not Wine Coolers!!!!! Now get back down in the cellar and get us some wine!


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